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Neuroimaging and Neuroethics Imaging the Ethics in Neuroscience

Explore the ethical implications of neuroimaging in neuroscience research and clinical practice, analyzing trends, challenges, and future directions. Discover key issues like privacy, confidentiality, and decision-making, prompting discussions on morality and virtues. Dive into the complexities of neuroimaging in prenatal diagnosis, pediatrics, neurosurgery, dementia, and consciousness disorders, discussing predictive capabilities and ethical dilemmas. This study sheds light on the intersection of ethics, neuroscience, and neuroimaging technology, emphasizing the need for interdisciplinary training programs and public communication for upholding ethical standards.

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Neuroimaging and Neuroethics Imaging the Ethics in Neuroscience

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  1. Neuroimaging and Neuroethics Imaging the Ethics in Neuroscience BiljanaGjoneska, MD Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Skopje, Macedonia Second International Seminar for Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Republic of Macedonia, 15-18 June, 2011, Ohrid, republic of Macedonia

  2. Neuroethics Neurologism Ethics of Neuroscience + Neuroscience of Ethics

  3. Neuroimaging and Neuroethics Illes J et al. (2003) ‘From Neuroimaging to Neuroethics’ 3400 peer-reviewed papers, for period of 1991-2001 examining the application of fMRI with/without other neuroimaging modalities. CONCLUSION: Steady growth in studies with evident ethical and social implications

  4. Bibliometric Methods Step 1: PubMed internet search engine through Medline bibliographic database for indexed articles. Keywords: ‘ethics, neuroimaging’ + ‘neuroethics, neuroimaging’ Step 2: Searching target-words in the titles of the selected articles. Keywords: ‘ethical’, ‘legal’, ‘moral’, ’social’, ‘neuroscience’. Step 3: Analyzing contents of abstracts from the selected articles. Step 3: Analyzing contents from selected review articles and meta-analysis papers.

  5. Results: Figures Period covered 1997-2009 Indexed articles 119 Relevant articles 102 Avg. No. per 1st half 2.7 Avg. No. per 2nd half 13.8

  6. Results: Figures Период на пребарување1997-2009 Индексирани публикации119 Релевантни публикации 102 Просеченбр. во прва ½ 2.7 Просеченбр. во втора ½ 13.8

  7. Results: Facts GROUP 1: Ethical Challenges in Basic Research-55 papers Legal and Policy Issues in Neuroimaging Neurophysiologic Applications & Safety of Novel Technologies Neural Basis of Emotion, Reasoning and Personality GROUP 2: Ethical Challenges in Applied Research-39 papers Ethics of Neuroimaging in Prenatal Diagnosis of CNS Anomalies Ethics of Neuroimaging in Pediatrics Ethics of Neuroimaging in Dementias, Neurologic, Psychiatric disorders Ethics of Neuroimaging in Neurosurgery Ethics of Neuroimaging in Disorders of Consciousness

  8. Ethical Challenges in Research Neurophysiologic Applications & Safety of Novel Technologies (2) Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Implantable Brain Chips Legal & Policy Issues in Neuroimaging (23) Privacy Issues (reconfiguration of personal identity) Confidentiality Issues (management of incidental findings)

  9. Ethical Challenges in Research • Neural Basis of Emotion, Reasoning & Personality (30) • Primary: • Human cooperation and competition • Decision-making process • Moral judgment • Secondary: • Religious beliefs • Social attitudes • Deceptions • Virtues

  10. Ethics of Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice Prenatal Diagnosis of CNS Anomalies (3) Prognostication of long-term neurodevelopmental fetal outcome, including cognitive or physical performance Parental decision-making Ethics of Neuroimaging in Pediatrics (4) All ethical dilemmas associated with neuroimaging in adults, just magnifiedsignificantly

  11. Ethics of Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice Neurosurgery (1) Proper interpretation of neuroimaging data for effective execution of the surgical procedures Dementias, Neurologic and Psychiatric Disorders (15) Prediction of subclinical disease in asymptomatic or presymptomatic patients

  12. Ethics of Neuroimaging in Clinical Practice • Disorders of Consciousness (15) • Diagnostic sub-classification • Special emphasis on: • - Vegetative/Locked-in state • Minimally conscious state • Prognosis of the outcome • Special emphasis on: • End-of-life decisions • Euthanasia

  13. Discussion: Similar Findings Garnett A, Whiteley L, Piwowar H, Rasmussen E, Illes J. Neuroethics and fMRI: Mapping a Fledgling Relationship. PLoS One. 6(4):e18537.Published online 2011 April 22 Period covered: 1999-2009 Indexed articles: 134 Relevant articles: 84 Our study superimposed

  14. Discussion: Similar Findings Garnett A, Whiteley L, Piwowar H, Rasmussen E, Illes J. Neuroethics and fMRI: Mapping a Fledgling Relationship. PLoS One. 6(4):e18537.Published online 2011 April 22 Период на пребарување 1999-2009 Индексирани публикации 134 Релевантни публикации 84 Поврзани со fMRIи етика Бр на Публикации Поврзани со невроетика Тековна студија

  15. Discussion: Similar Findings Citation network of neuroethics publications with topic clustering

  16. The Future Establishing interdisciplinary training programs in neuroethics, that are scientifically-relevant and culturally-sensitive in all corners of the world, as well as better communication of information to the public, thus sustaining scientific credibility and upholding the highest standards of professional ethics.

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