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From republic to empire. Turn to page 175 and examine the map of the Roman Empire Problems in the government and in Roman society led to the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of a new system of government
From republic to empire • Turn to page 175 and examine the map of the Roman Empire • Problems in the government and in Roman society led to the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning of a new system of government • Essential Question: What led to the end of the Roman Republic and the creation of a new form of government?
From republic to empire • By the mid-100’s BCE, Rome had no rivals in the Mediterranean • As the Roman Republic grew, so did tensions between the social classes in Rome, which would cause a revolution to change the social and political institutions • The Gracchi brothers, Tiberius and Gaius, were among the first officials to address the growing tensions • They advocated for redistribution of land to farmer-soldiers to reduce their poverty • This resulted in the Senate urging people to kill the Gracchi brothers, and introduced violence as a political tool
From republic to empire • The Military and Politics • As the social and political tensions increased, military leaders soon realized that they could lead an army of soldiers loyal to them to seize power from the Republic • Gauis Marius- changes the army from private to public • Civil War • 90 BC • Sulla, a Roman general and consul, marches his army into Rome to seize power, which causes a Civil War to begin – Sulla wins the war and becomes a dictator • Was a consul and had the right to command the army. Marius and supports tried to prevent Sulla from commanding the army, thus the civil war broke out • Sulla’s rise to power will serve as a model for future leaders and a new system of government
Knowledge Check Point • How did Gaius Maris improve recruitment for the army? • What problems might result from armies that were largely private forces devoted to their general?
From republic to empire • Rome Becomes an Empire • The end of the Republic was the result of a few influential individuals • The First Triumvirate – Julius Caesar, Pompey, and Crassus take over the Roman Empire in 60 BCE • Each ruled huge portions of the Roman Empire • When Crassus dies, Pompey and Caesar fight a civil war for total control, which Caesar wins • Caesar is declared dictator for life by the Senate and begins reforms in Rome such as giving citizenship to people and land to veterans, both made him popular with the public, but not with the Senate • Senators were afraid that Caesar wanted to declare himself king and destroy the Roman Republic
From republic to empire • Because of this fear, The Senate assassinated Caesar, which did not save the Republic and led to the Second Triumvirate- Octavian, Marc Antony, and Lepidus • Lepidus pushed out and Antony and Octavian decide to spilt the Empire • and another civil war between Caesar’s son Octavian and Antony. Octavian defeated Antony and his ally, Queen Cleopatra in the Naval Battle of Actium in 31 BC. Octavian was victorious and the Republic would end.
From republic to empire • From Octavian to Augustus • Octavian would rule Rome for 40 years during which he would expand the empire’s borders, see over the beautification of Rome, and encouraged the creation of Roman literature and art, and ensures a smooth transition from a republican government to a dictatorship • Careful not to use the word emperor and said he had the same power as any other magistrate. • Octavian is given the title of Augustus by the Senate, (27 BCE) which means “revered one”
From republic to empire • The Augustan Age • He divided the power to rule Rome between himself and the Senate. • Expanded the empire • Created police forces • Fire brigades • Stock piled food • Patronage of the arts • He died in 14 AD
Knowledge Check Point • Who were the members of the first Triumvirate? • Why was Caesar popular with the people? • What are some possible reason Octavian did not return to the old republic government? • What was the special name given to Octavian, and what did it mean? • Do you think Augustus help improve and advance knowledge of ancient Rome?
Assignment • Begin working on 6.2 vocab and questions • Work on Essay • Short (10 question) quiz on the material we have covered on Monday • Cover 6.1 and 6.2 (up until the Julio-Claudian Section)
From republic to empire • Julio-Claudians and Flavians • After the death of Augustus in 14 CE relatives of Caesar, called the Julio-Claudians, would rule the empire until 68 CE (AD) • After the death of the last Julio-Claudian dictator a civil war erupts and after the Flavian dictators will rule until 96 CE and restore order, peace, and stability to the empire.
From republic to empire • The Good Emperors • Following the Flavian rule until 180 CE Rome will be ruled by the “Good Emperors”, a title used to characterize the accomplishments of the emperors. • - 5 good emperors ruled in Rome for over a century. • Empire grew tremendously • It reached it limit of it’s expansion under Trajan • Expanded to present day- Romania, Armenia, Mesopotamia and the Sinai Peninsula • Trajans successor felt the empire to large and withdrew from these eastern territories and built defensive from invasion. • Built a wall in Great Britain 73 miles long.
Knowledge Check Point • How did the Julio-Claudians differ from the Flavians • How did the Good emperors help improve Rome?
From republic to empire • The PaxRomana • The period from 27 BCE to 180 CE is known as the PaxRomana – Roman Peace – due to the stable government, strong legal system, increased trade, and peace during this time
From republic to empire • PaxRomana Government • The Roman government maintained order and stability, and was a unifying force in the empire. The empire was divided into provinces that were run by governors. The provincial government was efficient and uniform. The legal system was also uniform, in that the laws and punishments were the same throughout the empire • By 100 CE the supreme position of the emperor was est. • The life and culture of Rome spread throughout the provinces in Rome
From republic to empire • The PaxRomana -Legal System • Farming, manufacturing, and commerce were the primary occupations held by most people in the empire. • Stable laws throughout the empire, applied to all citizens • The PaxRomana -Trade and Transportation • Trade increased as a system of roads connected the empire – some 50,000 miles of road • Agriculture still the main occupation • Tenant farmers replaced the slave system • Manufacturing through the empire • Able to trade