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Unit 9. Future with will forms First conditional forms

Unit 9. Future with will forms First conditional forms. 2º ESO. Form of the will-future. We form the will -future with the auxiliary will and the infinitive of the verb. We use the same form of the verb every time with any subject. will + infinitive I will visit you

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Unit 9. Future with will forms First conditional forms

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  1. Unit 9. FuturewithwillformsFirstconditionalforms 2º ESO

  2. Form of the will-future We form the will-future with the auxiliary will and the infinitive of the verb. We use the same form of the verb every time with any subject. will + infinitive I will visit you She will visit you

  3. Form Affirmative sentences Example:He will play football. NOTE: short/contracted form in the will-future: He'll play football. • Negative sentences • Example:He will not play football. • NOTE: short/contracted forms in the will-future: He won't play football. orHe'll not play football.

  4. 1) Questions without question words in the will-future

  5. 2) Questions with question words in the will-future.

  6. WILL-FUTURE - USE We use the will-future: 1) Future actions happen without the speaker's intention (birthday, weather, etc.) The sun will shine tomorrow.Peter will be 15 next Tuesday. 2) Predictions, assumptions (I think, I hope, I'm sure, I'm afraid) • I think Sue will arrive in Paris at 6 pm. • 3) Spontaneous actions (not planned) • It’s hot. I’ll open the window

  7. Short forms in the will-future he will read = he'll read he will not read =he won't read or he'll not read Please notice the pronunciation of WON’T /wəʊnt/

  8. Futureforms

  9. Fill in the gaps withthewillform of theverbs in brackets. 1) Tomorrow it_____________ in the north west. (to rain) 2) My friend _______________12 next Monday. (to be) 3) She _____________her boss next week. (to contact) 4) I think you _______________this job. (to get) 5) In the future, cars _____________ a driver (not need) 6) They ________________ at about 6 pm. (to arrive) 7) The teacher _______________this exercise. (to explain) 8) You ______________ two children when you grow up (have) 9) She________________ if you show her the spider. (to scream) will rain willbe willcontact willget willnotneed willarrive willexplain willhave willscream

  10. Complete thesequestionswiththewillfutureform of theverbs in brackets • _________________our team the match? (to win) • When ________________you in Scotland? (to arrive) • ___________It_____________ tomorrow? (to rain) • __________you______________ for a moment? (to come in) • Where ____________she_____________ in 2030? (to live) • How old ___________your mother___________ in July? (to be) • _____________you ___________me the salt, please? (to pass) • ____________Rupert ____________breakfast? (to make) • __________the teacher______________ her parents? (to phone) • _____________Frank ________________16 this year? (to turn) willourteamwin willyouarrive will rain will come in willlive willbe willpass willmake willphone willturn

  11. Writequestionswithwillfutureforms 1.No, I willnotlendyouanymoney Willyoulend me somemoney? 2.They willleavefor Paris onMonday Whenwilltheywillleavefor Paris? 3.LaurawillpasstheFrenchexam WhowillpasstheFrenchexam? 4.My fatherwillrepairthebiketomorrow Whatwillyourfatherrepairtomorrow? 5.Yes, Susana willloveBrazil Will Susana loveBrazil? 6.We willseethenextOlympicgamesthere Whatwillyouseethere?

  12. Makeaffirmative, interrogativeornegativesentencesusingthewillfutureform willbe • They ______________back by 6:30 pm. (to be) • ______________you me? (to help) • When___________ I ________you again? (to see) • His parents ________________him for being late. (not/to punish) • _______they __________me tonight? (to phone) • It ____________us three hours to get there. (to take) • This concert _______________ very popular (to be) • His car________________________ with 8 people in it. (not/to break down) • The meeting _______________before tomorrow morning. (not/to close) • When_______ she ____________me a copy of her essay? (to send) willyouhelp willsee Willnotpunish willphone willtake willbe willnot break down willnotclose willsend

  13. Choose the correct answer. • 'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. I’ll give lend/I am going to lend you mine.' • It's Julia's birthday next week, so I will bring/am going to bring her some flowers. • Will you/ are you going to lend me £10? I promise it will be/is going to be back to you tomorrow. • We are going to have/we will have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it isn’t going to /won't rain. • 'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What will he study/is he going to study?' • You will not watch/are not going to watch that film. It's very frightening. Let's choose another one. • Do you think they are going to like/will like the presents we got for them? • Look! The bus is going to leave/will leave! Run or we'll miss it.

  14. Choose the correct answer. • 'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. I’ll give lend/ I am going to lend you mine.' • It's Julia's birthday next week, so I will bring/ am going to bring her some flowers. • Will you/ are you going to lend me £10? I promise it will be/ is going to be back to you tomorrow. • We are going to have/ we will have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it isn’t going to /won't rain. • 'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What will he study /is he going to study?' • You will not watch/ are not going to watch that film. It's very frightening. Let's choose another one. • Do you think they are going to like /will like the presents we got for them? • Look! The bus is going to leave/ willleave! Run or we'll miss it.

  15. 7. Fill in the gaps with will or going to forms of the verbs in brackets • 1) Next summer, I _______________(travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday. • 2) It's getting cold. I _______________(take) my coat! • 3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I _____________(go) with you! • 4) Jane and Tom ____________(not/study) medicine next year. Jane ______________ (study) French and Tom ______________ (take) a gap year. • 5. Mrs Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I ______________ (help) you carry them. • 6. Experts say the Earth _______________ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting. • 7. Look at those black clouds. I think it _______________(rain). • 8. Bye Bye Joe. I ______________(phone) you as soon as I arrive home! • 9. What _______________(do) tomorrow? I ____________ (visit) my grandparents. • 10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch." • Peter: " I ________________ (lend) you some."

  16. Will or going to ? am goingtotravel 1) Next summer, I  _______________________(travel) to New York. My sister lives there and she bought me a plane ticket for my birthday.  2) It's getting cold. I  _____________________________(take) my coat!  3) Are you going to the cinema? Wait for me. I  _________________(go) with you!  4) Jane and Tom  ________________(not/study) medicine next year. Jane ________________(study) French and Tom ______________ (take) a gap year.  5. Mrs. Simons, those bags seem quite heavy. I ___________________ (help) you carry them.  willtake willgo are notgoingtostudy isgoingtostudy isgoingtotake willhelp

  17. Will or going to ? willsuffer 6. Experts say the Earth _____________________ (suffer) seriously if we continue polluting.  7. Look at those black clouds. I think it  _______________________(rain).  8. Bye Bye Joe. I  ___________________(phone) you as soon as I arrive home!  9. What  ___________________(do) tomorrow? I ___________________ (visit) my grandparents.   10. Anne: "I don't have enough money to pay for my lunch."  Peter: " I ______________________ (lend) you some." isgoingto rain willphone are yougoingto do am goingtovisit willlend

  18. Predictions Chooseonenumber of each column. Madame Blancheisgoingto readyourfuture

  19. Predictions • Isthenumber of times you are goingtomarry • Isthenumber of cars youwillhave in yourlife • Isthenumber of childrenyouwilllhave • Isthenumber of countriesyouwillvisit • Isthenumber of jobsyouwill lose

  20. Do youagreewith Madame Blanche’spredictions? Explainwhy. Example: I don’tthink I willvisit 1 country onlybecause I love travelling I think I willhavetwo cars because I don’tlikedrivingtoomuch

  21. Thefirstconditional We use conditionalstoexpresstheconsequence of something in thefuture.

  22. Examples. Shewillnotpassifshedoesn’tstudy a lot Youwillnotrememberherbirthdayifyoudon’twriteit in your agenda You can changetheorder of thesentencewith a comma. ifitdoesn’tsnow, wewillnotgoskiing

  23. 9. Match the two parts of the conditional sentences .

  24. 9. Match the two parts of the conditional sentences . KEY 1) If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema. 2) If you get back late, I willbeangry 3) If we not/see each other tomorrow, We wll see each other next week. 4) If he comes I willbesurprised. 5) If we miss the train, Wewillbe late. 6) If we go on holiday this summer, we will go to Spain. 7) If the weather does not/improve) we will not/have a picnic. 8) They will go to the party ifthey are invited. 9) If I do not/go to bed early, I will be tired tomorrow. 10) If we eat all this cake wewillfeelsick

  25. 10. Write in English • 1. Si no compras el libro, no lo leerás • Ifyoudon’tbuythebook, youwillnotreadit • 2. Voy a viajar este verano, pero no sé dónde iré • I am goingtotravelthissummer, but I do notknowwhere I willgo • 3. Si me ayudas con la tarea, acabaré pronto • Ifyouhelp me with my homework, I willfinishsoon • 4. Jane volverá pronto a casa si no tiene mucho trabajo • Jane willgo back home soonifshehasn’tgot a lot of work • 5. En el año 2050, los coches volarán • In theyear 2050, cars willfly • 6. Si María juega con nosotros, ganaremos el partido (= match) • IfMariaplayswithus, wewillwinthe match

  26. 11. Correct the mistakes in these sentences • 1)If we recycled more, we help our planet. • will help • 2) If people share their cars to go to work, there be not so many car fumes. • will not be • 3) If we only will use the water we need, we contribute to our planet's recovery. • will contribute • 4) He will has a lot of problems if he doesn’t change • will have • 5) They won’t come if you not invite them • you do not invite them • 6) She sings beautifully if she practises • will sing

  27. 12. In pairs, discuss the following questions • 1) How old will you be in 2030? • 2) Where will you live in the future if you can choose? • 3) What will happen if you don’t pass 2º? • 4) Will you marry if you find the right person? • 5) Where will you be next July? • 6) If you have some free time this evening , what will you do?

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