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Teen Pregnancy in Jackson County. Fourth highest teen pregnancy rate in MichiganDisparities between African American and Caucasian birth rates (3 times higher) 20% of all teen births are to mothers who already have one or more childrenApproximately 13.6% of live births were to teens, while 32% of all infant deaths were to teens35% of women received less than adequate prenatal care and 11% of babies were pretermHigh rates of sexual abuse among juveniles, child abuse and neglect, school drop9449
1. Update on the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI), Jackson County Michelle White, Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Coordinator
3. Teen Pregnancy is Closely Linked to Other Critical Social Issues Poverty and Income Disparity
Overall Child Well-Being
Infant Mortality
Out-of-Wedlock Births and Marriage
Responsible Fatherhood
Workforce Development
Education Levels/School Failure
Child Abuse and Neglect
Child Welfare
Juvenile Delinquency/Incarceration
4. History of Jackson County Health Department Received Abstinence Funding since 1990
Leader in community for teen pregnancy prevention: Jackson County Abstinence Partnership, Jackson Youth Partnership, etc.
Received $1.35 in funding for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Project (TP3) from 2000-2003
Provided education to majority of school districts in Jackson County (i.e., puberty, STDs, abstinence, birth control)
5. Why the United Way and Teen Pregnancy Prevention? The mission of the United Way of Jackson County is to improve peoples lives by mobilizing the caring power of Jackson County to create lasting change in community conditions
Jackson County has a long history of high teen pregnancy rates
Teen Pregnancy was identified as a priority area through United Ways community needs assessment process in 2005
6. What is the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative (TPPI)? Advisory Committee made up of local teen pregnancy prevention experts
Mission is to reduce the teen pregnancy rate in Jackson County and address contributing factors for Jackson Countys young people
Recently conducted a strategic planning process in 2006-2007 to develop a community-wide plan for reducing Jackson Countys teen pregnancy rate
Receives $75,000 per year for 3 years
Pursuing Hope for Our Youth
Copy on www.uwjackson.org
7. Who makes up the TPPI? Community agencies Health Department, Center for Family Health, Allegiance Health, Planned Parenthood, counseling agencies, United Way, Jackson Public Schools, African American churches
Labor and Delivery nurses
Concerned Citizens
8. Strategic Planning Process for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Assessed Teen Pregnancy Prevention programs in place for Jackson County
Collected information on successful programs on national, state, and county levels
Conducted 6 focus groups locally with teens, teen parents, and parents for ideas and feedback
9. Strategic Planning Process for Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Analyzed Jackson birth rates by age, race, and birth certificate data
Collected valuable input from stakeholders group and target population
Key theme was lack of hope in Jackson Countys youth
Identified Jackson specific needs and gaps
Advisory Committee ranked interventions to determine direction of initiative
10. Why the Disparities? Generational Cycles/Cultural Patterns
Lack of hope for a successful future
Desire for unconditional love
Lack of parental connection
Status/positive attention from friends
Very accepted in certain communities
11. Overall Goals of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Implementation of the Carrera Program
Multi-faceted holistic approach to teen pregnancy
Family Life and Sex Education
Lifetime Individual Sports
Mental Health Services
Comprehensive Medical and Dental
12. Hope is a powerful contraceptive. The way that you help young people avoid pregnancy is by providing them with real evidence that good things can happen in their lives.
Dr. Michael A. Carrera
Childrens Aid Society - Carrera Program
13. Overall Goals of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Parent & Community Education in Neighborhoods with High Teen Pregnancy Rates
House to House program - Prenatal Task Force
Daughters of Promise - Monument of Faith
Parent/Teen Connectedness Workshops
14. Overall Goals of the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative Advocacy Plan for Jackson County
Work with sex education committees within local school districts
Encourage comprehensive sex education at the high school level
Educate the public on teen pregnancy
Increase awareness on programs currently in place
15. Community Call to Action Event Official release of our strategic plan
Took place March 13, 2008 with 140 in attendance
Moderator, United Way Executive Director, TPPI Coordinator, 6 panelists for a 2 hour event
Invited key leaders, elected officials, schools, faith-based organizations, young people
Positive media attention
Promoted on local cable channel after event
Multiple demands for presentations after this event
16. Media Campaigns Targeting Parents and Teens
Website Development www.tppijackson.org
Six Billboards
Radio Advertising
Television Advertisements
19. Citizen Patriot Coverage
20. School Based Sex Education Jackson Public Schools Committed to comprehensive, long-term sex education programming
Sex Education Advisory Committee meets monthly
Puberty: the Wonder Years curriculum for 4th-6th grades
Safer Choices curriculum for 7th-8th grades
Healthy Relationships/Michigan Model for all 9th graders
Comprehensive Sex Education beginning in 7th grade
21. Local Teen Pregnancy Video Selected 8 teen parents ( 5 females and 3 males) to a participate in a video targeting teens that focuses on prevention
Began the process in April of 2008
Goal = 17 minute video with discussion guide to show in local tpp programs, distribute to all school districts and to community agencies
Created both an abstinence-only and a comprehensive version
22. GET REAL Summer Program Abstinence Mini-grant for summer of 2008
80 inner-city young people (males and females)
Hired 4 African American staff to lead program
Program was 3-4 days per week, 1 field trip/week
Purpose is to expose young people to new opportunities, empower them, incorporate guest speakers and personal testimonies, weekly themes, mentoring, positive role modeling, parent programming, overnight retreats
23. Other Critical Services/Programs Teen Parent Program
Teen Health Center at Parkside
Center for Family Health
Planned Parenthood
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Crisis Counseling Services
Faith-Based Programming
Afterschool programs and recreation centers
24. What Success Will Look Like Implementation of the Carrera Program in 2009
Parent/Community Education being offered through creative strategies in targeted neighborhoods
All Jackson County School Districts implementing age appropriate, research-based, long term sex education programming
25. What Success Will Look Like Jackson County residents being more aware of the issue of teen pregnancy
More adults mentoring young people
Looking for all opportunities to instill hope in Jackson County teens
Businesses, Agencies, Faith Community, Funders all getting more involved in positive youth development
26. Obstacles and Challenges Consistent and Long-term Funding
Regular attendance in programs outside of school
Hiring reliable, dedicated staff
Parental involvement
Lack of caring adults in teens lives
Breaking the cycle - Generational Patterns
Dealing with Poverty
Teen Pregnancy is NOT always viewed as a negative thing