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Oceanic Response to Air-Sea Fluxes: Insights on Heat Transport and Water Mass Formation

Explore the complex mechanisms of oceanic heat transport, surface density flux, and water mass transformation through air-sea interactions and mixed layer dynamics. Learn about crucial parameters impacting oceanic circulation and heat balance.

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Oceanic Response to Air-Sea Fluxes: Insights on Heat Transport and Water Mass Formation

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  1. OCEAN RESPONSE TO AIR-SEA FLUXES The main mechanism: mechanical and convective mixing in the surface layer. Both work to provide a deepening of the upper ocean mixed layer. Temporal seasonal evolution of the surface mixed layer Oceanic and atmospheric mixed layers in contact

  2. T Ts h H TH z Simple mixed layer model: 2 non-dimensional parameters: Integration within surface mixed layer gives: Surface net flux Vertical heat exchange equation: Integration within surface mixed layer gives:

  3. Integration from h to H: This integral can be written as where :

  4. Ocean circulation characteristics from sea-air interaction parameters Meridional Transport of Heat (MHT): OCEAN VIEW: The total MHT can be represented as the sum of the advective and diffusive transports of heat: Advective MHT can be decomposed into an overturning component which corresponds to the transport of the zonally averaged circulation, and a gyre component which corresponds to the transport by horizontal gyres: where  is the zonal averaging operator and prime stands for the variations of temperature T and meridional component of velocity v around the zonal mean.

  5. Q2 Q1 M1=M0+Q1 M2=M1+Q2= M0+Q1+Q2 M0 M2 M1 S N If we know surface net heat flux, can we say something about the MHT? Estimates of MHT can be obtained from the integration of Qnet = SW-LW-Qh-Qe over the ocean surface north of the latitude considered: whereMois a boundary condition at the north which should be taken from alternative source (observations) or set to zero.

  6. Being computed from a balanced surface flux, global MHT should converge to zero at the north and at the south Meridional heat transport shows basic features of the ocean general circulation, in particular it marks a specific role of the Atlantic Ocean, which indicates the northward MHT at all latitudes in both Hemispheres.

  7. Ocean heat fluxes are influenced by the uncertainties (observational, sampling, etc.), which impact on the zonal heat balance and propagate quickly to MHT through the integration: MHT, being physically a very important parameter, remains not very effective measure of the reliability of surface flux fields from a methodological viewpoint. Uncertainty of 10 W/m2 for the Atlantic Ocean results in 0.5 PW error in MHT at 20S Closure of surface heat balance is not achieved in most climatologies of sea-air fluxes: SOC (Josey at al. 1999): -30 W/m2, negative MHT at 12N in the Atlantic UWM (Da Silva et al. 1994) : - 30 W/m2

  8. Water mass formation characteristics from surface fluxes Ocean waters are characterized by temperature and salinity. Equation of state links density with these characteristics. Highest density Smallest density Surface density in the North Atlantic

  9. Typical density of ocean waters are from 1023 to 1028 kg/m3. For practical reasons ocean densities are estimated in relative units: =-1000 Surface water dzdS Bottom water T,S – diagram is the ocean analog of P,T - diagram Volumetric T,S - diagram

  10. To change the ocean water density we can: • provide heating/cooling by surface net heat flux (W/m2) • provide precipitation/evaporation (m3/sec) But how to know how many kilograms we added (or extracted) to (from) the ocean by the joint application of these two processes? The density flux (in fact a virtual mass flux since it has the unit of kgm2s-1) at the sea surface has been derived as: This flux is applied as a surface boundary condition to ocean models where CP is specific heat of sea water at constant pressure, 0 is a reference density of sea water, s is salinity in portions of unity,  and  are the thermal expansion and haline contraction coefficients:  = /T, = /S

  11. North Atlantic surface density flux inkg/m2s, computed from the net flux and evaporation minus precipitation

  12. Water mass transformation by surface density flux Integration in space and time of the density flux gives the transformation rate of waters at given density, F(ρ), which represents the time average over a period T(generally one year) of the density change of a unit water volume of density ρ which results from the action of the atmospheric forcing: where the function samples the density flux f over the area where waters of density  are outcroping within the integration area . This quantity has a unit of kgs-1 and can be scaled with the unit density to be expressed in m3s-1 or Sv. In this form the transformation rate shows the volume of water of density 0 which is transformed, during a given period, into higher densities (F(0)> 0) or lower densities (F(0)< 0).

  13. Surface tropical waters STMW LSW Трансфрмация вод на поверхности

  14. Thermal versus haline contributions ATL6 ATL1

  15. Water mass formation: The formation rate was defined by the differentiation of the transformation rate, as the gradient of F(T,S) orthogonal to isopycnals: M(T,S) = -[F(T,S) (T,S)] / ,  = (S0S, T0T). Strong formation of STMW. Strong formation of LSW.

  16. Overturning induced by the water mass transformation ATL1 ATL6

  17. The role of surface fluxes in forming ocean circulation Incorrect position Correct position Importance of the correct location of the Gulf stream in relation to air-sea fluxes

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