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Electrical Energy: Voltage, Current, and Power Basics

Explore the fundamentals of electrical energy, including static and dynamic electricity, Alessandro Volta's contributions, Andre Ampere's theories, measuring units like volts and amperes. Learn about direct and alternating current, power transmission, and how to convert AC to DC with diodes. Discover the significance of voltage, current, and power in everyday electronics and circuits.

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Electrical Energy: Voltage, Current, and Power Basics

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  1. Voltage Current and Power Static Electricity – electrical energy at rest. Dynamic Electricity – Transfer of energy from a source to a Load.

  2. Alessandro Volta 1799 he had developed the so-called voltaic pile, a forerunner of the electric battery, which produced a steady stream of electricity. In honor of his work in the field of electricity. The electrical unit known as the volt was named in his honor. Volt – Measurement of Electromotive Force (EMF) The Letter Symbol for Volt is E Example Voltages: Dry Cell = 1.5v Car Battery = 12v House Outlet = 120V

  3. Andre Ampere He developed a quantitative relationship for the strength of a magnetic field in relation to an electric current (Ampere's theorem) and propounded a theory as to how iron becomes magnetized.  Ampere also devised a rule governing the mutual interaction of current-carrying wires (Ampere's law) and produced a definition of the unit of measurement of current flow, now known as the ampere. The ampere is the unit for measuring electric current. Ampere (amp) – measure of the volume of electrons moving through a circuit. 1A = 6,280,000,000,000,000,000 electrons per sec Or 6.28 x 1018 electrons/sec The letter symbol for Amp = I

  4. Requirements – Must have sufficient amount of both voltage and current to activate a load. Flash light battery vs. Car Battery Could you start a car with Flash light batteries?

  5. Small and Large Voltage Amounts Giga (G) 1,000,000,000 = Thousand Million Mega (M) 1,000,000 = Million Kilo (K) 1,000 = Thousand Milli (m) .001 = Thousandths (1/1000) Micro (m) .000 001 = Millionths Nano (h) .000 000 001 = Billionths Pico (r) .000 000 000 001 = Trillionths

  6. Direct Current – D.C. 9v Voltage always has the same fixed polarity.

  7. 120 v -120 v Sinusoidal A.C. Alternating Current – A.C. Has changing polarity (+ -) Produced by generators (power plant) or alternators (car) Frequency - #cycles / sec = 1Hz Cycle House current = 60 Hz Radio Am = KHz Fm = MHz Radar = GHz

  8. AC – Used for Power Transmission - Motors - (induction) Electro Magnetism  Solenoid – “pulling magnet”

  9. AC is made when a magnetic field passes by a conductor (wire). This produces a current in the wire. A coil is usually used to intensify the effect.

  10. Direct Current – used in most electronic equipment How Made: D.C. Generators – chemical cell (batteries)- Contain electrolytes – Chemical solutions that contain ions. Cells have a positive plate (Anode +) and a negative Plate (Cathode -) Electrons flow from: Cathode (-) to Anode + which makes current

  11. Two or more cells in series form a battery. + + cell + + 1.5 v cell battery 4.5vbattery A cell that uses a liquid solution is a WET Cell A Cell where the electrolyte is absorbed into paper or changed into a paste is called a dry cell.

  12. D.C. Thermo Electric Generator- If a junction of two dissimilar metals is heated, a small DC current will be produced. A Thermocouple works on this idea. (furnace/oven) control.

  13. How Direct current is made from alternating current. Conversion from A.C. to D.C. ---> uses Diodes 1 Diode – Half-wave rectifier

  14. 4 Diode- Full wave Rectifier – uses 4 diode network rectifies both halves of A.C. Signal.

  15. Using capacitors in a rectified signal tends to smooth out the ac bumps.

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