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American Government

American Government. 100 Concepts & Final Exam Preparation Fall Semester. THE 100 CONCEPTS. Number 1:. QUESTION: What is government?. ANSWER: Institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policy. Number 2:. QUESTION:

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American Government

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  1. American Government 100 Concepts & Final Exam Preparation Fall Semester


  3. Number 1: QUESTION: What is government? ANSWER: Institution through which a society makes and enforces its public policy

  4. Number 2: QUESTION: What is a form of government in which the people elect the members of parliament, and they in turn elect the executive? ANSWER: Parliamentary government

  5. Number 3: QUESTION: What are the 4 characteristics of every state? ANSWER: population, territory, government, and sovereignty

  6. Number 4: QUESTION: What is the name of the meeting between colonists to oppose the British tax on paper products, and it marks the first time the colonists unified against the British? ANSWER: Stamp Act Congress

  7. Number 5: QUESTION: What is the chief executive’s power to reject a bill passed by a legislature? ANSWER: Veto

  8. Number 6: QUESTION: List the three parts of the Constitution? ANSWER: Preamble, 7 articles, and 27 amendments

  9. Number 7: QUESTION: Explain the process by which an amendment is passed and added to the Constitution? ANSWER: by either a 2/3s vvote in each house of Congress or at a national convention, and passed by 3/4ths of state legislatures or conventions in 3/4ths of states

  10. Number 8: QUESTION: What do we call the process by which the natioal government works in conjunction with state governments? ANSWER: cooperative federalism

  11. Number 9: QUESTION: What is a body of people living in a defined territory who have a government with the power to make and enforce law without the consent of any higher authority? ANSWER: A state

  12. Number 10: QUESTION: What are interstate compacts? ANSWER: agreements among themselves and with foreign states

  13. Number 11: QUESTION: What do we call the Constitution’s requirenment that each state accept the public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state? ANSWER: Full Faith and Credit Clause

  14. Number 12: QUESTION: What do we call the Constitution’s provision that all citizens be treated the same and have the same privileges as all other states, even if they’re not residents? ANSWER: Privileges and Immunities Clause

  15. Number 13: QUESTION: Which theory of the origins of government claims that states form when one person or group forces others under their control? ANSWER: The Force Theory

  16. Number 14: QUESTION: Which theory of the origins of government claims that states developed naturally out of the early family? ANSWER: The Evolution Theory

  17. Number 15: QUESTION: Which theory of the origins of government claims that God created the state and gave those of royal birth a right to rule? ANSWER: The Divine Right Theory

  18. Number 16: QUESTION: Which theory of the origins of government claims that people within an area gave up power to the state to promote safety of all? ANSWER: The Social Contract Theory

  19. Number 17: QUESTION: Party in the electorate is…. ANSWER: people who identify themselves as members of a party

  20. Number 18: QUESTION: Party organization is… ANSWER: the leaders, activists, and volunteers in the party

  21. Number 19: QUESTION: In which type of government do all members of society vote on all issues? ANSWER: A direct democracy

  22. Number 20: QUESTION: The party in government is… ANSWER: all of the party’s candidates that are serving in the government

  23. Number 21: QUESTION: Which type of government elects individual members to make decisions for the whole? ANSWER: An indirect/representative democracy

  24. Number 22: QUESTION: Which type of government has a centralized government in which all powers belong to a single, central agency? ANSWER: A unitary government

  25. Number 23: QUESTION: Which type of government divides powers between a central government and several local governments? ANSWER: A federal government

  26. Number 24: QUESTION: What are all the reasons for the two party system in America? ANSWER: rooted in American history, promoted by electoral system, encouraged by American ideological consensus, and characterized by eras of one-party domination

  27. Number 25: QUESTION: Eras when Democrats in power ANSWER: 1800-1860 started by Thomas Jefferson; and then 1932-1968 from FDR to JFK

  28. Number 26: QUESTION: What do we call minor parties that are based on a particular set of beliefs? ANSWER: ideological parties

  29. Number 27: QUESTION: What do we call minor parties that split from a major party and typically form around a strong personality? ANSWER: splinter parties

  30. Number 28: QUESTION: What is the 26th Amenemdent? ANSWER: reduced voting age to 18

  31. Number 29: QUESTION: What is voter registration? ANSWER: requirement in some state to pre-register before you can vote

  32. Number 30: QUESTION: What do we call one’s own influence or effectiveness on politics? ANSWER: political efficacy

  33. Number 31: QUESTION: Why do people choose not to vote? ANSWER: cannot vote [aliens, legal restraints, lack political efficacy, feel alienated, lack knowledge]

  34. Number 32: QUESTION: What amendment allowed for blacks to vote? ANSWER: 15th amendment

  35. Number 33: QUESTION: A type of primary where only declared party members can nominate for the party? ANSWER: closed primary

  36. Number 34: QUESTION: this type of primary is a partys nominating electing in which any qualified voter can cast a ballot? ANSWER: open primary

  37. Number 35: QUESTION: a type of primary in which the top two vote-getters in the first direct primary face one another ANSWER: run-off primary

  38. Number 36: QUESTION: List the five methods of nominating candidates? ANSWER: self-announcement, caucus, conventions, direct primary, and petition

  39. Number 37: QUESTION: What is the role of interest groups? ANSWER: try to influence what government does in some specific way

  40. Number 38: QUESTION: Which document, also known as the Great Charter, was forced upon King John of England and established that the power of the monarchy was not absolute? ANSWER: The Magna Carta

  41. Number 39: QUESTION: What is the direct approach of lobbying and name an example? ANSWER: bringing group pressures directly on policymakers: lobbying Congress, the Executive Branch, and Courts

  42. Number 40: QUESTION: What is the indirect approach of lobbying and name an example? ANSWER: influencing policymakers but not directly: grass-roots, shaping public opinion, propaganda, electioneering [helping someone win]

  43. Number 41: QUESTION: Name some of the criticisms of interest groups? ANSWER: focus on special/narrow interests, represent only small segment of society, use unethical tactics

  44. Number 42: QUESTION: Define bicameral legislature. ANSWER: legislature made up of two houses

  45. Number 43: QUESTION: define apportion ANSWER: distribute

  46. Number 44: QUESTION: Define reapportion ANSWER: redistribute

  47. Number 45: QUESTION: What do we call the process of drawing electoral district lines to the advantage of a party or group? ANSWER: gerrymandering

  48. Number 46: QUESTION: What basic principle of American government asserts that the people are the source of any and all power, and government can exist only with the consent of the governed? ANSWER: Popular sovereignty

  49. Number 47: QUESTION: What plan of government was adopted by the Continental Congress after the American Revolution, establishing a "firm league of friendship" among the States? ANSWER: Articles of Confederation

  50. Number 48: QUESTION: How long is the term for the House of Representatives and the Senate? ANSWER: House of Representative: 2 years Senate: 4 years

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