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Opposition to New Deal / Positives & Negatives of New Deal

Opposition to New Deal / Positives & Negatives of New Deal. Mr. Doherty / Mrs. T. Major argument- FDR had too much power. Opposition to New Deal. Supreme Court Declares Programs Unconstitutional. National Recovery Act (NRA) Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

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Opposition to New Deal / Positives & Negatives of New Deal

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Opposition to New Deal / Positives & Negatives of New Deal Mr. Doherty / Mrs. T

  2. Major argument- FDR had too much power Opposition to New Deal

  3. Supreme Court Declares Programs Unconstitutional • National Recovery Act (NRA) • Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) • Overextended the power of the federal government.

  4. Raise the amount of S.C. justices from 9-15. FDR would appoint 6 more justices that supported his programs. Eventually withdraws his plan. FDR Attempts to “Pack the Court”

  5. SCR Pg 9

  6. SCR Back of Pg 9

  7. Negatives of New Deal • Increased power in Gov’t-threatened principles of democracy • Alarmed because of deficit spending. • Gov’t was spending more than it took in creating an increase in national debt. • Did not end Great Depression • Economy not in full swing until producing war goods in WWII

  8. FDR steered nation through the worst days of depression. New Deal-ended banking crisis, protected farmers, found work for unemployed. Programs like Social Security and FDIC are still around today! Positives of New Deal

  9. The Great Depression • The End :’(

  10. Coming Soon to a Classroom Near You… • World War II, 1939-1945

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