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WELCOME to MATH CLASS!. Please take out your HOMEWORK, and your DEAR BOOK and READ!!! . 100. See graph above . Time is independent so it goes on the x-axis. They increase through the day. 11 - Noon - most, 15 bags 1 - 2 - least, 0 bags. 135.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME to MATH CLASS! Please take out your HOMEWORK, and your DEAR BOOK and READ!!! 

  2. 100 See graph above. Time is independent so it goes on the x-axis. They increase through the day. 11 - Noon - most, 15 bags 1 - 2 - least, 0 bags

  3. 135 a. It tells how many jumping jacks she did each 10 second interval. b. It doesn't give a total number completed. c. She did 135 jumping jacks.

  4. No, Ken did 72 and Andrea did 110. The scales are different; Andrea’s scale counts by 20’s and Ken’s count by 10’s.

  5. 18) A 19) a. 2/6 or 1/3 b. Your probability of winning increases each time you add another winner block if you have only one winner block your probability of winning is 1/5. however, if you have 6 winner blocks (10 blocks total), your probability of winning is 3/5. 20) 3 out of 36 or 1/12

  6. WARM-UP Open your notebook to the “Warm-Up” section… Title it : Workbook Pg 2 Questions 2 (a – d)

  7. Make sure your notebook cover sheet looks like this. #. Date Book/Brief Description 1. 8/31 V&P Problem 1.1, ACE 13-17 2. 9/1 V&P Problem 1.2, ACE 1-3 3. 9/2 V&P Problem 1.3, ACE 4, 5, 26 You need: Workbooks-for warm up Calculator 1.3 Handout Big Idea: Interpreting Graphs Open your book to Page 10

  8. What do you think? • What are the variables for this graph? • Which variable goes on the x-axis? • Which Variable goes on the y-axis? • What happens between 3.5 and 4.5 hours? • How is this interval show on the graph? • Do you think they got tired as the day progressed?

  9. (1, 15) 45 After 1 hour, they had traveled 15 miles. 35 25 15 5 5

  10. B.2. Day One 50 40 30 20 10 Distance in Miles 11 or 12 miles. x 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 y Time in Hours

  11. ii iv iii i

  12. The group traveled 45 miles in 5 hours. They went the farthest from 0 - 0.5, and the least from 3.5 - 4.5. They went farther the first half, 27 miles.

  13. I think a table because… or I think a graph because…

  14. What did you learn? 5) What is the least value on the y-axis? What is the greatest value on the y- axis? 3) Why is it reasonable to have the size of the intervals for the x-axsis be 0.5 hours? Which variable is displayed on the x-axis? 7) Did anyone use an interval other than 5 miles for the y-axis? 6) What is the size of the interval for the y-axis? 4) Which variable is displayed on the y-axis? 2)What is the least value on the X-axis? What is the greatest value on the x-axis?

  15. Make sure your notebook cover sheet looks like this. #. Date Book/Brief Description 8/31 V&P Problem 1.1, ACE 13-17 2. 9/1 V&P Problem 1.2, ACE 1-3 3. 9/2 V&P Problem 1.3, ACE 4, 5, 26

  16. B. Birth to age 1. C. 14-16 & 17-18, no increase. D. Yes, continuous variables. E. Graph, information is easy to see in the graph. Table - easier to find exact answers.

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