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Media Workers – the invaluable resource

Explore the importance of media workers in the daily operations of media companies and the need to balance creativity and quality control. This resource highlights the shift in media worker roles and the significance of human resources in the creative sector.

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Media Workers – the invaluable resource

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Media Workers – the invaluable resource Bozena I. Mierzejewska University of St. Gallen, Switzerland

  2. The products are created anew every day, which makes the media company depend on day-to-day performance of its people. High levels of creativity is of strategic importance. MEDIA IS PEOPLE BUSINESS

  3. Media and creative industries Management theory Media Management, Managing of Culture New forms of management in the creative sector Theories of creativity and innovation in management


  5. EVERYTHING IS MEDIA MANAGEMENT - Liz McFall the industry

  6. EVERYTHING IS MEDIA MANAGEMENT - Liz McFall the technology

  7. EVERYTHING IS MEDIA MANAGEMENT - Liz McFall the workforce


  9. precarity in media work 2007

  10. Source, The Economist, 2008 2008

  11. The need to find the right balance between creativity and quality control. “CREATIVES” VS. CONTENT TRANSFORMERS

  12. Source, Aris & Boughin, 2009

  13. Movies Music Books Free TV Pay TV Magazine launch/re- positioning Magazine Newspaper High Key principles ‘Go create‘ ‘Carrot and stick‘ • ‘Carrot an stick‘ • Allow a high degree of freedom in generating options, but strictly control option selection • ‘Go create‘ • Allow a high degree of freedom: ‘do it, try it, fix it‘ approach • ‘Solid job‘ • Manage content development incrementally Degree of freedom Hit ratio Revenue share of top products ‘Solid job‘ Low Degree of control Low High Risk Negative impact of failure Source, Aris & Boughin, 2009

  14. Easier access to media professions. Increase transparency of sources. “Social media” enable contact with media outlets. DEMOCRATIZATION OF MEDIA PRODUCTION

  15. Why bother? MACRO LEVEL a new international division of cultural labor

  16. Why bother? MESO LEVEL flexible, swift and agile companies (rather than lumbering monoliths)

  17. MICRO LEVEL Why bother? Media worker role change: from soloist to superstar DJ

  18. Concentration on journalists and artists. Value of human resource as a strategic asset in media sector is underexplored! We need to build body of research on the reality of media work and culture of media workers to evaluate this invaluable asset. RESEARCHING THE VALUE OF MEDIA WORKERS

  19. Coming out soon… Managing Media Work ed. Mark Deuze TW

  20. Let’s discuss the value of media workers Thank you for your attention! TW bozena.mierzejewska@unisg.ch

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