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Lecture 20 Current Source Biasing and MOS Amplifier Design

Lecture 20 Current Source Biasing and MOS Amplifier Design. Michael L. Bushnell CAIP Center and WINLAB ECE Dept., Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ. Temperature and supply-independent biasing OPAMP design Summary. Temperature and Supply-Independent Biasing.

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Lecture 20 Current Source Biasing and MOS Amplifier Design

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  1. Lecture 20Current Source Biasing and MOS Amplifier Design Michael L. Bushnell CAIP Center and WINLAB ECE Dept., Rutgers U., Piscataway, NJ • Temperature and supply-independent biasing • OPAMP design • Summary Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  2. Temperature and Supply-Independent Biasing • Biasing must also be independent of process variations • Critical for MOS circuits • Bias I fluctuations with T, VDD, and process cause wasted energy • Supply-independent biasing is important • Avoid injecting high-f noise on power lines into circuit signal path Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  3. Supply-Independent Biasing • Refer bias circuit to potential other than VDD: • Vt – threshold voltage of MOSFET • Vbg – band-gap voltage • DVt of dissimilar devices • VBE of parasitic bipolar transistor in CMOS • VT – thermal voltage (k T / q) • Zener diode breakdown V – too high breakdown V • Self-biasing requires a start-up circuit • Must force circuit into equilibrium in desired stable state Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  4. Vt Referenced Self-Biased Circuit • Fig 12.25a (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  5. Analysis • Feedback from M2, M3 & M4 forces same current I to flow in M1and R • Operating point must satisfy: • I R = VGS1 = V t1 + 2 I mn Cox (W / L)1 • Neglect channel length modulation & body effect • Make 2nd term small compared to Vt • Use low bias current • Use large W/L • I Vt / R Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  6. Analysis (continued) • If 2nd term included, O/P current is slightly reduced but T and VDD dependence is the same • Must ensure stability – need to verify that feedback loop gain is < 1 at operating point • Do by breaking the loop, injecting a signal, & checking the gain • Must determine degree of supply independence • Channel length modulation in M2 & M1 causes bias current variation • Reduce variation with cascode current source Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  7. Problem • In typical MOS process, Vt not well controlled • 0.5 V Vt 0.8 V • Vtnhas TC (temperature coefficient) of –2 mV / oC, but diffused R’s have a large positive TC • Results in O/P current with large negative TC Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  8. Delta Vt Temperature Independence • Use differences in Vt of two devices of same polarity but with different channel implants • Advantage: TC’s of two devices cancel to first order • Can get O/P Voltage TC as low as 20 ppm / oC Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  9. DVT Referenced Biasing • Fig 12.25b (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  10. Disadvantages • Large initial tolerance in O/P voltage value • Threshold voltages have large tolerance • Extensively used for precision voltage references in nMOS and CMOS • Need to trim a resistor to adjust absolute O/P voltage Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  11. VBE Referenced Biasing • Fig 12.26 (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  12. Analysis • pnp is a parasitic bipolar device in p-substrate CMOS • Can also use a parasitic npn transistor • Feedback involving M1, M2, M3, M4 forces emitter current in Q1 to match R current I R = VT ln I or I = VBE1 IS R • Advantage: VBE is well-controlled, with 5% variation • Disadvantage: VBE has a negative TC of –2 mV / oC • R has a strong positive TC • Leads to a strong negative TC in bias current • Can reduce reference current variation with a cascode or Wilson current source Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  13. VT-Referenced Biasing (Thermal Voltage) • Fig 12.27 (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  14. Analysis • Q1 & Q2 transistor areas differ by n factor • Feedback circuit makes them operate at same bias current • Difference between two VBE’s appears across resistor R • VBE = VT ln I • IS I = IS e • Get: I R = VBE1 – VBE2 = VT ln I - VT ln I IS n IS = VT ln I n IS IS I Or I = VT ln (n) R ( ) [ ] VBE / VT ( ) ( ) ( ) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  15. Discussion • Advantage: VT has positive temperature coefficient (VT = kT / q) • R has a positive TC, so current output is relatively T independent Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  16. VT Referenced Self-Biased Reference Circuit • With cascoded devices: • Improves power-supply rejection and initial accuracy • DV across R is ~ 100 mV • Small differences in VGS for M1 & M2 cause large O/P current (IOUT) changes • Result from device mismatches or from channel length modulation in M1 & M2 (with different drain voltages) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  17. Self-Biased Reference Circuit • Fig 12.28 (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  18. Band-Gap Referenced Biasing • Fig 12.29 (old book) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  19. Analysis • IM8drain = VT ln (n) R • V0 = VBE + VT ln (n) x R R = VBE + x VT ln (n) • OPAMP maintains V0 at both + and – terminals due to feedback IOUT = V0 / R2 • Advantage: By weighting VBE and VT components, one gets a voltage of any desired TC • Can exactly cancel an R TC ( ) Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  20. Weighting • Parameter x determines weighting of VT-dependent portion: • Can use only common collector transistors • OPAMP has MOS transistors, so their input offset voltage and input offset voltage temperature drift influence O/P voltage of the reference • Must remove offset with analog storage and cancellation Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

  21. Summary • Temperature and supply-independent biasing • OPAMP design Analog and Low-Power Design Lecture 20 (c) 2003

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