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Enhancing Budgeting Systems: SPEED Programme in Swaziland

Learn about Swaziland's budgeting system and the Monitoring and Evaluation Policy implemented through the SPEED Programme to ensure economic growth, good governance, and effective policy coordination.

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Enhancing Budgeting Systems: SPEED Programme in Swaziland

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  1. SWAZILAND Budgeting systems : Monitoring and Evaluation

  2. Policy • Decided upon by the Executive • Parliament approves • Depicted in a three year plan Smart Programme on Empowerment and Economic Development(SPEED) • Reviewed annually by several stratas each playing a well defined role

  3. Cont • Within ministries who develop the policies • Central Ministries • DPMs Office – Pubic Policy Coordination Unit

  4. Thematic Areas in the medium term • Poverty Alleviation • Fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic • Employment Creation • Economic Growth • Food Security

  5. Cont • SPEED is a government tool or framework set to inform governments’ planning and monitoring processes in the medium term • The vision of SPEED is to ensure economic growth; good governance and better coordination of government policies and programmes

  6. Cont • The framework is supported by the recently adopted constitution. • Legislation some of which is under enactment and some being revised. • It is monitoring tool reviewed monthly by the PPCU and the line ministries.

  7. Cont • its outcome feeds into the budgeting processes and policy making.

  8. Integration of performance information …. Cont. • Its enhanced through the setting of performance targets by the line ministries on their programmes. • Presenting cash flows • Proper costing of these programmes

  9. Cont • Provision of accurate statistics to inform policy and structure of the budget and their implementation. • Shaping or determining resource envelope

  10. Cont. • Improved coordination of the programmes within ministries. • Establishing linkages to avoid duplication and ensure maximum utilization of human capacity.

  11. Cont. • Decentralization of the budgeting exercise which is currently heavily centralized.

  12. How MoF includes performance information in the budget Cont. • Consultations with line ministries and other government stakeholders. • This is done in close collaboration with the Ministries of Economic Planning and Development and that of Public Service and Information (Central ministries).

  13. Cont • Information is captured using the MTEF introduced in 2002 and still being refined.

  14. MTEF • The MTEF allows for unit costing of programmes • Bottom up budgeting • Consultations with the civic society • Consultations with Parliament

  15. MTEF • It allows for accountability and transparency in the allocation and utilization of public funds

  16. Internal Monitoring • The MoF does this monthly through reports submitted by line ministries. • There’s room for improvement here in terms of content and ownership of the exercise and appreciation of its relevance to the budgeting exercise.

  17. Internal Monitoring • Plan is to commence quarterly budget reviews. • This requires extensive institutional reform and capacity building.

  18. Openness of the budget • Thru’ the MTEF we want t engage more civic society. • Fundamental principle is the timing of the whole process and their structure such that they make a meaningful contribution into the budgeting process and the shaping of government policy. • Consideration will also be given to the resource constraints as such reform requires extensive funding.

  19. Incentives to Central Agencies towards improved performance • They are minimal but underway are a number of incentives for implementation. • Strengthening of the Public Expenditure Management and Monitoring with the assistance of the World Bank. • Possible Direct Support under EDF Programme • Computerization of the commitment systems

  20. Cont. • Strengthening of the pre and post audit institutions of government. • Parliament started undertaking quarterly budget performance reviews from April 2006. • Public Accounts Committee by Parliament which works closely with the Audit Department (autonomous institution).

  21. How monitoring relates to MDGs • GoS is still behind in meeting the MDGs other than on HIV/AIDS. • re-orienting expenditures towards the social sector remains a challenge. • FDI flows have been on the declines • High unemployment levels at about 29% and this is coupled with issues on the quality of the education.

  22. Monitoring mesures cont. • As remedial measures we are undertaking a Labor Market survey in close collaboration with the African Development Bank. • Investment Climate Assessment Survey with World Bank. • Industrial Strategy – internally.

  23. Challenges • Scarcity of resources • Re-definition and packaging of strategic objectives • Implementation and monitoring of these strategies i.e. civil service reform agenda • Political willingness and commitment to reform

  24. Challenges cont. • Striking a balance between pro-growth expenditures and the social sector spending. • Updating and strengthening of institutions involved in planning and budgeting. • Improved statistics (integrity and timeliness) • Dissemination of government policy

  25. Cont. • Appropriate and well structured monitoring and evaluation systems on budgeting. • Aligning performance to certain verifiable indicators and to international declarations such as the MDGs etc.

  26. Conclusion • Its important to have appropriate monitoring systems to complement policy and planning which in turn informs the budget. • These have to be in place within central government and within MoF and MEPD. • Have the necessary checks and balances to monitor influence. • Improve on information flow within all sectors of the economy.

  27. Conclusion cont. • Implement Performance Management Systems as part of the reform of the civil service. • All this is possible through increase donor assistance and collaboration with institutions like CABRI where we share experiences and knowledge.


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