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MANDATOS. By: Lucía Walsh. BOSSING FRIENDS AROUND ( affirmative commands to folks you call tu ). You know verbos que terminan –AR: o-as-a-amos-an verbos que terminan –ER: o-es-e-emos-en verbos que terminan –IR: o-es-e-imos-en

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Presentation Transcript

  1. MANDATOS By: Lucía Walsh

  2. BOSSING FRIENDS AROUND(affirmative commands to folks you call tu) You know verbos que terminan –AR: o-as-a-amos-an verbos que terminan –ER: o-es-e-emos-en verbos que terminan –IR: o-es-e-imos-en And you know the “tú” verb ends in-s-s-s; The “usted” (polite) verb drops the –s Clue: you can hush a friend by HISSING S-S-S-S, but NOT a teacher or stranger.

  3. When giving tú A COMMAND just DROP THE -s ☺ John, you sing well, so SING! Juan, cantas bien, pues canta! (The 2nd sing is a command; so drop the s) -Ana, you eat very little; eat more. Ana, comeS muy poco; come màs. (The 2nd eat is a command so drop the s) You always open the window. Open it! -Tú siempre abreS la ventana. Ábrela.

  4. Give him a pronoun so he won’t cry Hook object pronouns to affirmative command (You took away his “s;” give him a pronoun to make him happy!) -Eat it! -Cómelo. -CLOSE IT! Cièrrala. -Leave her! -Dèjala.

  5. 8 short commands to “tú” Sing to the tune “He’s a jolly good fellow”… PON-SAL-TEN-VEN-HAZ-SÈ-VE-DI Affirmativetúshort commands..

  6. All you need is a little practice… ¿Cómo se dice….?How do you say.. Put your coat on. -Ponte el abrigo. Get out of here. -Sal de aquí. Have pity. -Ten piedad. Come with me. -Ven conmigo.

  7. *Do me a favor. -Hazme un favor. *Be good. -Sè bueno. *Go home. -Ve a casa. *Tell me the truth. -Dime la verdad.

  8. ¡OJO! The previous slides work ONLY with AFFIRMATIVE tú commands to ONE friend, not NEGATIVE, not PLURAL, not POLITE COMMANDS all of which need…. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD

  9. Bossing people around (POLITELY)☺ Mandatos de cortesÌa aUd. or Uds. Se usa el SUBJUNTIVO -ar verbos cambian la a en e: Ud. Cocina bien.ﭐ Cocine ud.! -er, –ir verbos cambian la e en a: Ud. come poco. ﭐComa ud. màs!

  10. Ud. + Uds. are often used in commands but this is not a “must.” • Hierva Ud. la leche. or Hierva la leche. = Boil the milk. El infinitivo es hervir. • Añadan Uds. los huevos. or Añadan los huevos. = Add the eggs. El infinitivo es añadir.

  11. Negative commands use no with verb. {No cocine. No coma.} ¡OJO! Attachpronouns to affirmative comrmands BUT not negative commands. mix=Mezclar: Mezcle los ingredientes. Mézclelos. No los mezcle. To melt=Derretir: [i] Derrita la mantequilla. Derrítala. No la derrita.

  12. La práctica: The devil tells Pepe: to leave his house, steal money, run to a pusher, buydrogas, sell them,eatveneno, write bad checks, and tell lies. His guardian angel says NOT to. You be the angel.

  13. Roba dinero, Pepe. Róbalo. Corre, Pepe. Compra drogas. Cómpralas. Vende drogas. Véndelas. Come, Pepe. Cómelo. Escribe cheques malos. Escríbelos. Di mentiras. Dilas. 1. Î No, Pepe! Î No lo robes! 2. Î No, Pepe! Î No corras! 3. Î No! Î No las compres! 4. Î No! Î No las vendas! 5. Î No, Pepe! ! No lo comas! 6. Î No Î No los escribas! 7. Î No, Pepe! Î No las digas! El diablo vs. El àngel

  14. FIN • Now that you know MANDATOS… Say these slides aloud 8 times or more for long-term memory.

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