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Unit 7 – Seventh Chords

Unit 7 – Seventh Chords. AP Music Theory Mr. Jackson. Other Tertian Chords. In addition to TRIADS, you can continue to add thirds to tertian chords, resulting in other types of chords. Mostly used in JAZZ.

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Unit 7 – Seventh Chords

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  1. Unit 7 – Seventh Chords AP Music Theory Mr. Jackson

  2. Other Tertian Chords • In addition to TRIADS, you can continue to add thirds to tertian chords, resulting in other types of chords. Mostly used in JAZZ • Now that we have looked at TRIADS, we are going to continue to examine SEVENTH CHORDS to see how they can enhance the function of music.

  3. Sevenths: Members of the Chord • Just like Triads, the notes (members) of sevenths chords are given names.

  4. Types of Seventh Chords Remember how we created triads on each scale degree? Let’s do the same thing, only this time – we are going to add another third to create seventh chords. Now that we have stacks of seventh chords – let’s begin to analyze what we have with each one. In order to avoid working with too many ledger lines, let’s take the third stack and drop it an octave. Now we can look at each stack of notes to determine quality. When determining quality of a seventh chord, you always look at two things: 1. The quality of the TRIAD (the first three notes) 2. The quality of the SEVENTH (from the root of the triad to the top note)

  5. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MAJOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MAJOR SEVENTH M + M7 = MAJOR SEVENTH CHORD IM7

  6. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MINOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MINOR SEVENTH m + m7 = MINOR SEVENTH CHORD iim7

  7. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MINOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MINOR SEVENTH m + m7 = MINOR SEVENTH CHORD iiim7

  8. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MAJOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MAJOR SEVENTH M + M7 = MAJOR SEVENTH CHORD IVM7

  9. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MAJOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MINOR SEVENTH M + m7 = “Major-Minor” SEVENTH CHORD or the DOMINANT SEVENTH CHORD* V7 * = The DOMINANT SEVENTH CHORD is one of the most common!Notice we are building a seventh chord on the fifth scale degree, or the DOMINANT. See where it gets its name? The DOMINANT SEVENTH chord? 

  10. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a MINOR TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MINOR SEVENTH m + m7 = MINOR SEVENTH CHORD vim7

  11. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a DIMINISHED TRIAD TRIAD • We have a MINOR SEVENTH dim + m7 = HALF DIMINISHED SEVENTH CHORD viiø7

  12. Diatonic Seventh Chords - Major • So let’s see what we came up with… • So far we have been introduced to four types of Seventh Chords: • Major Seventh Chord • Minor Seventh Chord • Dominant Seventh Chord • Half Diminished Seventh Chord • There are a few more we need to see, so let’s look at the seventh chords that are diatonic in the G Harmonic Minor Scale.

  13. Diatonic Seventh Chords – Harmonic Minor • The fully-diminished seventh chord occurs on the leading tone in harmonic minor because it is FULLY diminished! • It’s significant that the V7 chord is exactly the same in major and in the parallel harmonic minor! • The supertonic seventh chord (ii7) in harmonic minor is half-diminished. Note that this is the same chord that occurs as the leading tone in the relative major.

  14. Determining the Quality of a Seventh Chord SEVENTH • We have a DIMINISHED TRIAD TRIAD • We have a DIMINISHED SEVENTH dim + dim7 = FULLY DIMINISHED SEVENTH CHORD vii7 Now we have been introduced to the Five Basic Seventh Chords!

  15. Five Basic Seventh Chords • Five Basic Seventh Chords: • Major Seventh Chord ( M +M7) expressed as M7 or Maj7 • Minor Seventh Chord ( m +m7) expressed as m7 or -7 • Dominant Seventh Chord ( M +m7) expressed as 7 • Half Diminished Seventh Chord ( dim +m7) expressed as ø7 • Usually occurs in the MAJOR leading-tone seventh chord • Fully Diminished Seventh Chord ( dim +dim7)expressed as 7 • Usually occurs in the MINOR leading-tone seventh chord

  16. Seventh Chords (Showing Thirds) Half Diminished Fully Diminished Major minor Dominant ° °

  17. What Seventh Chords to Use?

  18. Important facts • The V, V7 , and vii chords are the same in BOTH major and minor! • The half-diminished seventh chord occurs on the leading tone in major (viiø7) and the supertonic in minor (iiø7). • The ONLY place a fully-diminished seventh chord occurs is on the leading tone in minor (vii7). • We are NOTusing the: • I7 or the i7 • The III chord (AT ALL) • The IV7 or iv7, vi7 or VI7. • It’s not necessary. • It’s not common. • It’s not characteristic of the period and/or style. • SAVE IT for later levels of Theory, yes?? 

  19. Seventh Chord Inversions

  20. Sevenths: Root Position In Root Position, The ROOT is in the Bass

  21. Sevenths: First Inversion To make a first inversion chord, We move the root up an octave

  22. Sevenths: First Inversion In First Inversion, The THIRD is in the Bass

  23. Sevenths: Second Inversion To make a second inversion chord, We move the root & 3rd up an octave.

  24. Sevenths: Second Inversion In Second Inversion, The FIFTH is in the Bass.

  25. Sevenths: Third Inversion To make a third inversion chord, We move the root,3rd & 5th up an octave.

  26. Sevenths: Third Inversion In Third Inversion, The SEVENTH is in the Bass.

  27. Seventh Chord Inversions: For each inversion, you must memorize which member of the chord is in the bass.

  28. Inversion Symbols and Figured Bass

  29. Inversion Hotline 664-765-4342 If you can remember a phone number, you can remember inversions! Let’s call the number….

  30. Seventh Chords Inversion Hotline Triads Lowest Note Root Third Fifth Seventh Lowest Note Root Third Fifth Inversion Symbol 7 6 5 4 3 4 2 Inversion Symbol 6 6 4 664-765-4342 1-664 is for Montserrat

  31. Montserrat[mɒntsəˈræt] is a British Overseas Territory located in the Caribbean.  Montserrat

  32. x Seventh Chord Inversion Summary

  33. Lead Sheet Symbols:

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