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Jeffersonian democracy. JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY. BRITISH MONARCHY FEDERALIST ADMINISTRATION JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY. Was the champion for the common man ….Believed common man with education would prepare them for participation in government…..But for now, educated elite should rule…
Jeffersonian democracy JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY BRITISH MONARCHYFEDERALIST ADMINISTRATIONJEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY • Was the champion for the common man….Believed common man with education would prepare them for participation in government…..But for now, educated elite should rule… • Feared the consequences of industrialization and visualized an agrarian society….Farmers were the chosen class. • Disagreed with the Bank of the US but would not repeal it once President. • Owned slaves but believed it was evil….Over time, slavery would end but predicted it would divide U.S……Ultimate goal, Blacks would assimilate into American society. • Native Americans, co-existence a long range goal….But would have to learn agricultural ways and become self-sufficient…For that time, Indians and whites could not co-existence and worked towards voluntary removal of tribes to western lands • Believed education the key to social mobility and to better one’s self.
The “Revolution of 1800”:“We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists”
Jefferson attempts to dismantle Federalist structure • abolishes internaltaxes • cuts government staff • rids the government of Federalist employees • Repeals the Judiciary Act of 1801 which allowed Adams to make his “midnight appointments” of Federalist judges • reduces the size of the armed forces
CONTRADICTIONS IN JEFFERSONIAN DEMOCRACY • Despite hopes that America would, remain agrarian, technological inventions began transforming America into an urban,industrialized society • Believed in weak central government yet used his power to control judgeships, impeach federalist judge Samuel Chase,double the size of the nation through his purchase of the Louisiana Territory, and institutes the Embargo on American ships traveling to foreign ports. Depression
Student – covered issues • Conflict with the courts • Second Great Awakening • Expansion of the Nation • Worldwide Industrialization • The Indian “Problem.”
Toussiant L’Ouverture and the revolt in Santa Domingo inspired by French Revolution
A self-educated slave with little military training, L’Ouverture drives Napoleon out and establishes a republic • The Adams administration had recognized L’Ourverture’s government . • Jefferson assured the French that neither he nor the American people- especially those in the slave-holding states approved of a black revolutionary. • What do you think he was so worried about?
The Burr Conspiracy- p. 203-4 • Essex Junto_ extreme Federalists who want to secede from the United States • Northern Confederacy • Burr agrees to become the Fed. Candidate for gov. of NY in 1804 • Also rumors that he supported secessionist movement • Burr loses election blames Hamilton
Burr challenges Hamilton to a duel flees NY for the west to avoid murder charge
Burr conspiracy • Jefferson believes rumors that Burr wants to separate the southwest from the U.S and create a western empire. • Burr led a group of armed followers down the Ohio River 1806 • Jefferson orders Burr arrested as a traitor • Chief Justice Marshall limited evidence and defined the charge in such a way that the jury could only acquit him.
War of 1812 • Fighting between Britain and France threaten American shipping • Direct cause of war was British policy of impressment • Officials in British Canada supplying Native Americans against western settlers • Congressmen from south and west demand war
British burned the capital, the Presidential mansion and other public buildings
1815 - Battle of New Orleans- one of the few American victories –enter Andrew Jackson who will be our 7th President in 1828
Free Response essay To what extent was the Jeffersonian Era 1800 – 1828 consistent with the vision of Thomas Jefferson? Prompt analysis Is the time frame stated? What is the question asking to do? Terms and concepts that must be defined Within the thesis Database of information (ie: your grid for Ch. 7!) This is what your brain should look like while you are thinking –just like the Grid or a concept map!
Database of knowledge Consistent with Jeffersonian vision?
Free Response essay Thesis: Have an opinion and support it! Pretend you are in a courtroom
Thesis • Although Jefferson envisioned a small nation of sturdy, independent, virtuous farmers the America that emerged by 1828 was more industrialized and much larger than what Jefferson had originally intended. • While the nation remained largely agrarian