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Introducing…. Home. Library basics. Finding information. Online access. Help & advice. Click on the tabs, buttons and pictures… …to find out more. Introducing…. Home. Library basics. Finding information. Online access. Help & advice. “Where is the Library?”

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  1. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Click on the tabs, buttons and pictures… …to find out more

  2. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice “Where is the Library?” The Library is situated next to the Students’ Union in Cambridge Road.

  3. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Meet the team… “Where can I find you in the Library?” All the Faculty Librarians and Assistant Faculty Librarians have offices in the Library. Just ask at any enquiry desk if you are not sure where to find them.

  4. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice “Where do I start?” There are signs to help you find your way, but if you have problems finding things, just ask at any enquiry desk.

  5. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours We have lots of services and facilities to offer. Just ask a member of Library staff if you have any questions. We’re here to help. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  6. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours “Is the Library just a building full of old books?” The Library has over 500,000 books and over 2000 journals, many of which are recommended by your lecturers and will be on your reading lists. We expect you to buy core textbooks for your course, but we offer a wide range of alternative textbooks and other academic books for you to choose from. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  7. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours “It is difficult to find time to come to the Library as I also work part-time. Do you open in the evening?” We all lead busy lives and some of you will also be working. The Library is open from 8am until midnight, 7 days a week in term-time. You can also use the Q-Jump self-service machines to save time queuing. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  8. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours “What if I want to study with others? Will I be told to keep quiet?” There are silent, quiet and group ‘zones’ in the Library, as well as group study rooms and sofas (not for sleeping on!) Alternatively, why not try 3rd Space in the Student Centre, your space for working, eating and relaxing. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  9. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours “I’ve been busy (having fun). Is it too late to join the Library?” You don’t need to ‘join’ the Library. Your campus card is also your Library card. You will need your card to enter the Library as well as to borrow, renew and reserve items from the Library. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  10. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours The Library and open access IT suite are open from 8am until midnight, 7 days a week in term-time (reduced hours during vacations). Computing Study spaces The Information Desk is open from 9am to 9pm Mon-Fri and from 10am to 4pm weekends in term-time. Using the Library The Issue Desk is open from 9am to 9pm Mon-Fri and from 10am to 4pm weekends in term-time. You can renew your books over the phone or online, and if you need help, you can phone or email us.

  11. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice The open access IT Suite is one of four open access areas around the campus with PCs, Apple Macs, scanning and printing facilities, Service Delivery Advisors on hand to assist with PC and printing problems, laptop working areas and group working spaces. Opening hours Computing Study spaces Using the Library The Student IT Support Centre can help you connect your laptop to the wireless network. PCs and laptop working areas are also available in the Library, with wireless connectivity throughout the building.

  12. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours It is worth taking time to find which study zone suits you. Computing Quiet Study Silent Study Group Study Study spaces Using the Library

  13. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours • Your campus card is also your Library card. • You will need your card to: • enter and exit the Library building • borrow, renew and reserve books from the Library Computing Study spaces Using the Library • Also in the Library: • Café • Photocopying • Printing • Scanning • Teaching rooms • Map Library Your Library number is on your campus card.

  14. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice • 3rd Space • Group/individual work/social space • Wireless network • Café • Upstairs in the Student Centre • Open 8am to midnight • Your home from home on campus Opening hours Computing Study spaces Using the Library 3rd Space Your space to work/ eat /play

  15. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice “Can I book a group study room?” Each of the 6 group study rooms can be booked for between 3 and 6 students. Each room can be booked for 2 hours per day and bookings can be made online up to 7 days in advance. Opening hours Computing Study spaces Using the Library Working in a larger group? Want wifi & coffee? Try 3rd Space in the Student Centre

  16. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Opening hours We are starting to get resources that have been specially tailored for use with smart phones or other mobile devices. There are apps available which enable you to access vast collections of journal articles and images provided by Library. Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  17. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice You can browse the shelves to look for something but this isn’t always the best way because you don’t see what is out on loan. The books and journals you see in the Library are just the tip of the iceberg… Library catalogue Finding books Finding journals

  18. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice You can browse the shelves to look for something but this isn’t always the best way because you don’t see what is out on loan. The books and journals you see in the Library are just the tip of the iceberg… Library catalogue Finding books Finding journals • The Library provides access to: • over 70,000 electronic books • around 17,000 electronic journals • more than 200 databases • online dictionaries/encyclopaedias • quality websites You can find the top resources for your subject by going to the Subject Pages on the Library website .

  19. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue Finding books You can use the Library catalogue to find electronic materials as well as books and journals available in the Library. You can search the Library catalogue via the Library website (www.port.ac.uk/library) Try the Reading Lists search on the Library website to link to your recommended reading. Finding journals

  20. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice There are signs to help you find your way around. Books are arranged by subject and each book has a number related to its subject The floors are divided into broad subjects: Ground floor Science & Technology First Floor Social Sciences including Business Second floor Arts & Humanities Library catalogue You can search for e-books on the Library website. Finding books Finding journals

  21. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue “How do I find the number I want on the shelves?” If you were looking for a book with the number 190, it would be between 155 and 191 on the shelves. Finding books Finding journals

  22. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue “How do I find the book I want when there are so many with the same number?” Within each number, books are shelved by the first three letters of the author or title. Finding books Finding journals

  23. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue You can search for e-journals on the Library website. Finding books Finding journals Journals are kept separately from books and they are shelved in alphabetical order. The latest issues of journals are displayed at the front of the collection. Older issues are usually bound into hardback volumes.

  24. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue Finding books Finding journals “Can I access online journals?” The Library’s e-journals are available via the Library website. You can find a specific journal article or you can search for journal articles on a subject using an Internet search engine such as Google Scholar or an online database.

  25. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Library catalogue “What do the coloured stickers mean?” They indicate how long you can borrow a book for. If you can’t remember, look inside the book and the label will tell you, or just ask a member of staff. Finding books Finding journals

  26. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in At the University of Portsmouth, an access management system called Shibboleth is used which enables you to use your institutional login (your University username and password) to access most of the Library’s electronic resources e.g. e-books and e-journals, either on campus or more especially when off campus. Shibboleth is an international access management system and the University of Portsmouth is part of the UK Access Management Federation. Electronic resources are purchased by the Library from a number of different publishers and suppliers who may link to Shibboleth using other names such as Athens/Institution Login, Institutional Login/Access, Federated Login, or Academic Sign-in. Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources To login from off campus, follow these steps

  27. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Step 1: Look for the link to Shibboleth, or Institution login and click on it. This often means that you have to ignore the initial Username and password word box which is for users with Individual (not institutional, university or academic) logins: Logging in Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources Next step

  28. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Step 2: Some resources will go directly to this screen: Logging in Start typing ‘portsmouth’ in the search box and the University of Portsmouth will appear. Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources Click on the Sign In link. Others will require you to select that you are from the UK: Next step

  29. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in Step 3: Enter your university username and password in the login box and click on OK or Login Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources

  30. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in “Why can’t I just use the Web to find information?” We all use Google to find information. However, Google is not a great tool for finding academic information, so you’ll be missing out on thousands of books and journals available to you online if you use Google. Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources BUT, you can use the Web to go to the Library website, giving you access to the Library catalogue, e-books and e-journals, as well as databases that will help you to find information. Google Scholar will help you to locate full-text journal articles available to you.

  31. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in The web proxy (webcache) service allows you to browse the Internet as if you are on campus. It enables easy access to resources such as electronic books and journals, and also reduces the need for logging in. If you set up the web proxy (webcache), you will normally only need to login when you open your Internet browser. If you share a home computer, why not download a free browser such as Mozilla Firefox or Safari and set up the web proxy (webcache) on that, leaving Internet Explorer free for personal browsing. Find out how to set up the web proxy (webcache) via the Library website(www.port.ac.uk/library) by clicking on Information Resources. Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources If you are using a work computer, bear in mind that secure networks or firewalls may prevent you from setting up the web proxy (webcache).

  32. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in You will need to use more than just Google and Google Scholar to find information for your research. The specialist databases we buy will give you focused results containing up to the minute material. Our databases provide newspaper articles, market research reports and professional comment in trade journals which Google won’t find. To access the Library’s electronic resources, you should always start at the Library website (www.port.ac.uk/library) Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources See also: Subject based help

  33. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Subject based help Issue desk staff can help you with borrowing enquiries. Information desk staff can help with general enquiries and questions about your subject during the day and evenings and weekends. Faculty teams can help with specialised questions about your subject and teach you how to search effectively. Look for Help & Support on the Library website (www.port.ac.uk/library) to find information on getting started with e-resources, trouble-shooting help with accessing e-resources as well as who to contact in the Library. Library workshops Using other Libraries Skills and tips See also: Online access

  34. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Subject based help You will find Subject Pages on the Library website. (www.port.ac.uk/library) by clicking on My Subject. They are a great starting point if you want to find a selection of good quality sources on your subject. Click on the drop-down arrows to see the top databases, journals, and websites. Library workshops Using other Libraries Skills and tips

  35. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Subject based help To improve your chances of success, Library Workshops are run throughout the year on for example, finding information in journals, and using quality images in your work. We also offer drop-in clinics to help you with referencing. The workshops are held in the Library and you can just turn up as there is no need to book. For more information go to the Library website. (www.port.ac.uk/library) and look under Help & Support. Library workshops Using other Libraries Skills and tips

  36. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Subject based help Inter-library loans If you find something that is not available from the Library, we may be able to obtain it for you from another Library. To find out more, go to the Library website and look under Services & Facilities. SCONUL Access The SCONUL Access scheme enables postgraduate and distance learning students to borrow from other Libraries. To find out more, go to the SCONUL Access website. (www.access.sconul.ac.uk) Library workshops Using other libraries Skills and tips Workplace and public libraries may also be useful sources of information.

  37. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Logging in Web proxy (webcache) Electronic resources The Library website is the place to start to access electronic resources (www.port.ac.uk/library) If you get lost on the Library website, just click anywhere on Library at the top to go back to the homepage Discover recommended resources for your subject Search for different types of information Chat with a Librarian to get quick answers to your questions Join us on Facebook and Twitter • Use our interactive referencing tool

  38. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice • Postgraduate Study Suite • Group work area and silent study • PCs, WIFI and printers • Internal phone • Refreshment facilities • Open 8am to 10pm term-time • Located by the Ravelin Park • entrance to the Library Opening hours Computing Study spaces Using the Library

  39. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice Improving your chances of success by improving your information skills. Under Help Yourself on the Library website, you will find UPLift! Explore the links in this interactive tool to test your knowledge and pick up useful Library Information Tips. Subject based help Library workshops Using other libraries Skills and tips Browse through the Library Guides on the Library websitefor useful handouts, interactive slideshows and videos. Browse through.

  40. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice

  41. Introducing… Home Library basics Finding information Online access Help & advice

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