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Manifest Destiny!!

Manifest Destiny!!. God’s Will for the US to travel westward! Started with the Indian Removal 1844-James K. Polk is elected president! saw the largest amounts of land acquisition in US HISTORY!!!. Texas. Mexico refused to recognize independence (1836) War is threatened if US tries to annex

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Manifest Destiny!!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Manifest Destiny!!

  2. God’s Will for the US to travel westward! • Started with the Indian Removal • 1844-James K. Polk is elected president! saw the largest amounts of land acquisition in US HISTORY!!!

  3. Texas • Mexico refused to recognize independence (1836) • War is threatened if US tries to annex • Mexico outnumbers Texans Texans Fearful of Mexican assault

  4. James K. Polk!!! • Is now President (1844) • Tries to buy Cali-forn- I.A. Mexico is not interested, so what does America do? Zachary Taylor, John Slidell

  5. War!!! • Polk sends Taylor and Navy to Gulf and Rio Grande “just in case”. • Polk goes to Congress, we declare War! Whigs against, “Mr. Polk’s War” Spot Resolutions-Lincoln-Where was American blood spilled to cause war?

  6. War Continued… • Taylor, Freemont, Scott • “Limited War”-America is victorious • TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO Mexico gives us Cali, NM, AZ, UT, and NV US pays $15 million

  7. Issues with the Treaty • Missouri Compromise…slave states or not? What about California? • Mexican-American War preludes Civil War • Wilmot Proviso Slavery not allowed in territory gained from Mexico  Will Fail-Sectionalism at its greatest!

  8. Polk and Taylor • Polk known for Mexican-American War Mexican Cession, Manifest Destiny • Zachary Taylor elected president 1848 Presidency overshadowed by the gold rush in 1849

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