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Animal Cartoon

Animal Cartoon. Goals: 1) To practice changing Slide Design 2) Inserting Clip Art, and 3) Inserting New Slides Directions: You will describe your Animal Cartoon here, and then make it using: http://domo.goanimate.com/studio. Animal Cartoon. Name: Grade: Name of your animal:

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Animal Cartoon

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Animal Cartoon Goals: 1) To practice changing Slide Design 2) Inserting Clip Art, and 3) Inserting New Slides Directions: You will describe your Animal Cartoon here, and then make it using: http://domo.goanimate.com/studio

  2. Animal Cartoon Name: Grade: Name of your animal: 1) Now Change your Slide Design

  3. Scene 1: Living Room What is your animal watching on TV? 2) Now Insert a picture from Clip Art (the 4 small squares) that you might see on TV:

  4. Scene 2: Space or the Woods? • Where does your animal want to go next: to Space or the Woods? • Why? Write 2 sentences:

  5. Scene 3: Write 3 sentences about what happens in space or the woods to your animal: Once upon a time….

  6. Scene 4: Write 3 more sentences about what happens in space or the woods to your animal: Then this amazing thing happened to my animal…

  7. Scene 5: Write 3 more sentences about what happens in space or the woods to your animal: My animal wanted to go home so…

  8. 3) Lastly, INSERT a NEW SLIDE and write: “The End” • Print and Save your work in your folder on the Desktop as: PowerPoint Animal Cartoon- First Name Last Name • Then you will make your cartoon!

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