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Fab World Today Magazine April 2023 Edition

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Fab World Today Magazine April 2023 Edition

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  1. Fab World Today April 2023 Want to become an influencer? April Edition New Fashion Collection HOT TOPIC FASHION BLOGGER

  2. TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS 02 Get to know about Iranian actor Behnam Ashrafi 04 The Ultimate Guide to What to Wear to a Rodeo 06 Anna Javili, founder and the head of Annyko Studio: How to run a successful beauty 08 What are Astral Spirit Guides? 10 The Power of Positive Thinking 0 1

  3. GET TO KNOW ABOUT IRANIAN ACTOR BEHNAM ASHRAFI He is one of the directors who has won many awards in the prestigious festivals of the world This is Behnam Ashrafi's biography: Behnam Ashrafi was born on 18 , December 1996 and studied directing and acting. He is one of the prominent Iranian directors at the international level and his films have received numerous awards from domestic and international festivals. Behnam Ashrafi was born on 28/9/1375 in Tehran. He started his career in the film scene at the age of 12. He became interested in film- making by acting in the series "Parentzbaz" and made his first short film at the age of 17. His last film appeared in the short film "One Ten" in London and won the gold award in the London Short Film Festival. Films he has directed: 1- Short film Commander of my heart 2- Short film like a mother 3- Instant Madness short film 4- short film Satan and Angel 5- Short film of pair of shish 6- Documentary one tenth 0 2

  4. BEHNAM ASHRAFI Recipient awards: 1- The short film like a mother won the award for the best film from the eyes of the people 2- The documentary one tenth won the best gold documentary award in the documentary section of the London Seasonal Short Film Festival Recipient awards: 1- RoozerMajnoon movie directed by YasmanNosrati as assistant director and assistant 2- Weightless movie directed by Mehdi Fard Qadri as assistant director and program assistant 3- The movie Maya Tiger of Mazandaran directed by Hadi Rahimi 4- Movie number 29 directed by Hadi Rahimi 5- Mustache movie directed by Hadi Rahimi 6- The movie One Day of Spring Vacation directed by Hadi Rahimi 7- Black and white movie directed by Hadi Rahimi Films and series in which he acted: 1-Pantez Baz series directed by Kyomarthpour Ahmad in episode 2 2- The series of NegahProkhena, directed by Saeed Saeedi, in three episodes, in the lead role of the series 3- Mother movie 4- Jafte Sheesh short film directed by Behnam Ashrafi 5- EshghNikan movie directed by Farnaz Amini 6- Black and white movie directed by Hadi Rahimi 0 3

  5. THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO WHAT TO WEAR TO A RODEO • Another important factor to keep in mind when dressing for a rodeo is the location. If you are going to an indoor arena, the dress code will likely be more formal than if you were attending an outdoor event. For example, jeans and a nice shirt may be sufficient for an outdoor event, but indoors, you may want to opt for slacks or a dressier top. • Finally, consider adding some of your own personal style into your rodeo outfit. Cowboy hats and boots are always great ways to add a little bit of flair to any Western-style look. You could also accessorize with some statement jewelry or even try out a Western patterned shirt or scarf. Whatever you pick should reflect your own unique taste and personality! When you attend a rodeo, you will want to make sure that you are dressed appropriately. Wearing the right clothing can help you fit in and enjoy the experience more. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing what to wear to a rodeo. With these guidelines in mind, you should be all set to pick out the perfect outfit for your next rodeo. Just remember to focus on comfort, weather, and location when making your decision. And most importantly, have fun! • First and foremost, comfort is a key when picking out an outfit for a rodeo. You will bleachers or on the ground for long periods of time, so make sure to wear shoes and clothes that won't start to hurt after a while. It's also important to dress for the weather- if it's going to be hot, opt for light and airy fabrics, and if it's going to be cold, make sure to bundle up! be sitting in The rodeo isn't just a sport—it's an iconic American tradition. From the chaps, the fancy hats, and of course the bull-riding, it is an event unlike any other. While there are certain elements that remain true to the traditional look of rodeo clothing, there are also plenty of options for those looking to add their own personal style to their rodeo wardrobe. 0 4

  6. In this guide, we'll explore some of the best options for what to wear to a rodeo, whether you're aiming for a timeless look or something a little more modern. • For starters, let's take a look at some essential rodeo clothing items that every rider should have. First and foremost, you'll need a good pair of cowboy boots. Not only do they look great, but they'll also help keep your feet secure in the stirrups while you're riding. You'll also want to make sure you have a comfortable pair of jeans that won't restrict your movement— Wrangler makes some great options specifically designed for riders. And of course, a cowboy hat is an absolute must-have. It's important to find one that fits your head correctly and provides the right amount of protection from the sun. • Once you have the basics covered, it's time to start accessorizing. For a truly timeless look, consider adding some leather chaps and bolo ties, or perhaps a stylish western-style vest or belt buckle. If you're looking for something more modern, there are plenty of options as well—try experimenting with bright colors and patterns for a unique style statement. And don't forget about jewelry! A bandana or Conclusion: From essential items like cowboy hats and boots to modern pieces like bright colors and patterned shirts, there are plenty of options for dressing for a rodeo. When choosing your outfit, remember to keep comfort in mind—especially if you'll be riding! think about the weather and location of the event when making your decision. neckerchief can add some extra flavor to any outfit. • No matter what type of rodeo clothing you choose, make sure the pieces fit you properly and are comfortable. After all, you want to be able to focus on the ride rather than worrying about your clothing! Finally, remember that it's important to stay safe while riding—so make sure you have the right safety gear for your particular event. • By following this guide, you'll be well on your way to creating a unique rodeo look that is both stylish and practical. So grab your cowboy boots, put on your hat and Additionally, get ready for an unforgettable experience at the rodeo! 0 5

  7. Anna Javili, founder and the head of Annyko Studio: How to run a successful beauty Visiting the website of the permanent makeup salon Annyko Studio, one can find a good dozen of approving reviews from people of New York. Here is one of the many of them: “Thanks that I found YOU!!! This is so hard to find really good and experienced permanent makeup artist. Last time I did my eyeliners with another master I felt so much pain so that I said I’ll never do it again. Fortunately, I found Anna… I feel almost nothing during the procedure and the result is really beautiful”. It is hard to believe that PMU artist Anna Javvili has managed to reach that level of skill and artistry during only 2,5 years in the industry. And what's more, in just one year her Annyko Studio has become such a success in Manhattan, that now Anna is opening a bigger studio, which could accommodate everyone who desires to book permanent make-up services or courses from her. Anna makes no secret of her top-ingredient for growing successful so rapidly: “It is definitely perfectionism. You only can be a professional when you hone your skills every day, every moment. My job is my priority in life, and I am very strict with myself. It always seems to me that I’m not doing enough and I push myself to work harder. I need to know, that tomorrow I’ll be able to do my job better than today.” It is interesting that Anna had finished a permanent makeup fundamentals course right before moving to United States in 2019. From the very start of living in New York she was working for 2 beauty studios in Manhattan, along the way taking courses from international permanent makeup champions. It was a working for wear and tear, but Anna sought to achieve mastery in what she was doing. She knew, that only mastery could become her ticket to success: “Stay strong and confident. You must do top-class work, use high-quality materials, and most importantly, do not duplicate others’ style, but have your own unique style to be recognizable.” 0 6

  8. And she has become recognizable. Only after few years living in New York she has had client base big enough to open her own studio. What’s more important, she had an understanding what she was doing it for: to make people even more free and self- confident. “When a client is happy every time, client looks in the mirror, when client has no need to wake up earlier to make a makeup – doesn’t it feel great? This is why I love my job – it brings people an extra time for themselves and allows them to feel more attractive in any circumstances,” Anna comments. This humane attitude is felt by every client of Annyko Studio. “Permanent makeup treatment is nothing without the human connection. The connection has to begin from the very first moments of speaking to your client. You have to be willing to understand their needs. The warmer the contact you are able to create during the working process, the more satisfied the client will leave you,” says Anna. It is definitely not only her skills but also her warm energy that has created a strong following of Annyko Studio on Manhattan. From the very opening of it people were so satisfied and inspired by the results of Anna’s work reflected on their faces, that many of them asked for PMU training sessions from her. They wanted not only to receive services, but were willing to be able to give them to other people themselves. Anna was awe of the idea to get people into the profession: “By running PMU courses, I can give an exciting profession to many people. Again, I help them to become happier and more self-confident. And those people I teach top-class makeup will make perfect beauty service for other people, and they’ll have their portion of self-confidence too! So, it’s like some chain reaction confidence – from me to other people in America.” “Self-confidence is one of the most important traits for me. It is really hard to achieve something in life without it. And it is a pleasure for me to see, that my work gives people more self- confidence. I love training future makeup artists as much as I love creating permanent makeup myself. I love to see, that I can make a difference for my clients. And I want my new studio to become the central point of permanent makeup services in Manhattan. You come here and you get everything related to permanent makeup, top- class,” says Anna Javili. permanent of beauty and So, she has developed her own training program along with permanent makeup includes all the necessary information to get started in the profession: from the structure of the skin to the favorite products Anna uses in her work. The course also includes her live sessions on the model, so the students can see how she’s doing the work. On the last day of the course students work on models themselves. Each of them also get permanent makeup machine and all the materials necessary to begin their own practice right after the course. the detailed which manual, 0 7

  9. What are Astral Spirit Guides? We’re more than flesh and bone pieced together, predisposed to survival. Among the many facets of biology and human anatomy science has helped us decipher, there is one aspect we can’t fully understand. Author Dr. Beth Gineris put it best — we are spirit, mind, and body. Conventional practices and norms suggest that when something feels wrong with our mind or body, we consult a practitioner or physician to guide us through a solution. But where do we go when our spirit needs something? Sarabeth and the Five Spirits portrays Sarabeth and her friends experiencing the true potential of spirit guides and astral projection in a retreat they will remember forever. Spirit Guides Whoever you are, wherever you may be, your spirit guides are constantly trying to communicate with you or help you find your way through life. We see the concept of spirit guides in traditional African belief systems that existed well before the inception of Christianity and Islam. The Africans believed that the Ancestor spirit guides were more enlightened than the living and included aunts, uncles, and grandparents. If we move to the west, the theosophical doctrine describes spirit guides as entities that are not always of human descent. Some spirit guides exist as masses of energy in the cosmic realm or as beings who have lived multiple lifetimes, having paid their debts. APRIL 2023 These spirit guides look over you like guardian angels and help transform lives, having mastered existence themselves. You may have an entire team of spirit guides rooting for you and not even realize it. 0 8

  10. Signals Through Things That Stand Out Ever experienced opening up a book and turning to a “random” page only for your eyes to fall on a saying or quote that speaks to you and your situation on a whole other level? Your guides may find ways to send messages and information to you through certain books you may pick up “at random.” If you see synchronicities or weird coincidences like these, odds are, your spirit guide is trying to communicate with you. Messages In Your Dreams Perfect Jobs and Easy Wins Dreams don’t always just happen for no reason. You may find yourself experiencing a bizarre dream when underlying messages are laced within it. Be attentive to these messages that may appear as warnings. Your spirit guide might be trying to lure you out of a rough predicament you cannot see yet or have come across already. Your spirit guides want the best for you. experienced perfect job” on your table, the opportunity possibly was a gift from your spirit guide. If you “the getting In Dr. Beth Gineris’ new novel, our protagonist, Sarabeth, guides her friends into the realm of superior consciousness as they communicate with astral spirit guides. 0 9

  11. The Power of Positive Thinking Jacob Sharpe has a very unique spin on comedy. As a brain cancer survivor, he has taken a disease which many see as a curse and turned it into not only a blessing for himself but for others. His comic material shines a light on his illness, the treatment he went through and how he coped with the difficulties of cancer. Jacob makes a joke out of all aspects of dealing with the disease, from the moment he was diagnosed with a stage two brain tumor, the mundanities of chemotherapy and how people react to you when you are sick. His dark take on his experience has garnered the comedian hundreds of thousands of fans. Jacob has performed sell-out shows in his native Canada at Yuk Yuks and The Comedy Bar in Toronto. Jacob says he first realized he could turn his cancer journey into the butt of his jokes after seeing the American comedian and actress Tig Notaro, who talks about her breast cancer battle in her sets. He recalls: “I was so inspired by that. I thought, ‘ wow, there's a true power over the disease when you get to make people laugh about it. It’s a big trope, but it is shining a light in the dark and makes the boogeyman of cancer a lot less scary when you can laugh at it.” Jacob was diagnosed as the global pandemic took hold in 2020. Aged 25, he had been looking forward to getting in shape and working on his health during the lockdown. But within a matter of weeks of starting his fitness regime, Jacob was crippled with debilitating headaches and struggling to speak. After three visits to the hospital, he was in triage and passed out. A biopsy revealed he had a grape-sized tumor on his pineal gland at the bottom of his brainstem. The positioning meant he was suffering from a series of mini-strokes which could have killed him Written by Jacob Sharpe 10

  12. Dean Hebscher has toured with Jacob and witnessed how much of an impact being open about his cancer battle has on the audience: Sometimes when we have gone back to our bus after a show there are fans waiting. Jacob is always the last one on the bus because he's talking to someone who has had an experience with cancer. I think it is definitely a cathartic conversation, stemming from everyone's experience with the disease.” Jacob says: “I'm not going to try and hide the fact that it was the scariest time of my life. It was horrific. I was told that I should have been dead. But I'm not going to shy away from that. Jacob is currently is in remission after having radiation and chemotherapy treatment. His Youtube skits are regularly viewed by hundreds of thousands of people, and recently he did a much-lauded tour in the US, playing to full houses at Zanies in Nashville, The Chicago Theatre and The Wilbur Theatre in Boston. “I'm also not going to live my life completely in fear. And I'm not going to live the rest of my life wallowing in the fact that I had this thing. I want to make sure that I can at least help people who are dealing with something similar.” Jacob says: “I'm trying to talk about my cancer to open up the avenue of talking about death. It may sound macabre, but let’s be honest, the one thing you're guaranteed in life, is death. He acknowledges that joking about his illness has made him stand out and also provokes an interesting reaction in his audience: “I try to talk about the mundane part of cancer because everyone says, ‘Oh, it's such a battle and you're such a warrior.’ Dean adds: “I say this because Jacob agrees, his illness and how he draws on it in his material, it did it really it made him a lot funnier, not in a morbid way, or a bleak way, but he uses it with purpose. I just know I've never seen someone get funnier after almost dying!” “Possibly I talk about it so much because of my fear of death. I know we all have that fear, but I think I'm trying to open up the conversation and normalize it for myself because I've had someone say to me I should be dead!” “Usually I respond, ‘not really I just had diarrhoea for four days in a row and I was in and out of the hospital and looked like a thumb because I had no hair. At the time, I didn't really feel super brave. I was just trying to stay alive.’” Trauma therapist Dr James Patel says: "Making trauma funny is not about making light of people's suffering, but about creating a space where people can come together and share their experiences in a way that feels safe and supportive. When we can find humor in our pain, we can begin to heal and move forward in a positive direction." Jacob has also used his cancer experience to give back, working closely as a mentor and panelist with the charity Young Adult Cancer. Jacob says he has had some people come and ask him if he is happy he had cancer as if it has been a gift that has helped him excel as a comedian: “I said, ‘well, we're no longer friends anymore but yes in a way as I can now make it a talking point.’ I joked, ‘yeah, that's why I got it so I had more stuff to talk about!’ He has also hosted an open mike event for the Stupid Cancer charity, sharing his story and judging the talent. Avni Amin, Program & Community Coordinator at Stupid Cancer, says: “This community is very isolated and experiences challenges that other patient populations do not. Jacob's experience is representative of our entire community. Clinical Psychologist Dr. Emily Chan adds: When used appropriately, humor can be a powerful tool for helping people to cope with traumatic experiences and find meaning in their struggles." “But I’m realistic - I know it makes my set unique because of how candid I am about it. I want to create a positive rhetoric towards cancer.” “He was eager, supportive, friendly and was able to provide unique and informative advice. Jacob had shared experiences of loss of identity.” 11

  13. M E D I A CONTACT FABWORLD TODAY apsterstechnologies@gmail.com BUSINESS PROPOSAL 12

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