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Manajemen SDM. (Overview). Mata kuliah ini membahas Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dalam Organisasi/ Perusahaan. Memberikan pemahaman konseptual dan praktis tentang pentingnya pengelolaan SDM di Organisasi/ Perusahaan. SASARAN. Untuk memahami konsep Manajemen SDM
Manajemen SDM (Overview)
Mata kuliah ini membahas Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dalam Organisasi/ Perusahaan. Memberikan pemahaman konseptual dan praktis tentang pentingnya pengelolaan SDM di Organisasi/ Perusahaan SASARAN • Untuk memahami konsep Manajemen SDM • Mengembangkan cara berfikir kritis dan analitis
METODE PERKULIAHAN PERTEMUAN, 14 pertemuan dikelas, 10 topik diskusi, 4 presentasi – 2 sebelum UTS (individual) dan 2 sebelum UAS (kelompok) PEMBERIAN TUGAS, 1 tugas individual (Perencanaan SDM-HR Planning), 1 tugas kelompok (Studi Kasus – Perusahaan). PRESENTASI, Presentasi Individual (8 presenter, diundi). Presentasi Kelompok (Maksimum 8 Kelompok).
JADWAL PERKULIAHAN • Overview • Analisa dan Rancang Bangun Pekerjaan. • Perencanaan SDM • Rekrutmen, Seleksi dan Penempatan Pegawai • 5. Perencanaan Karir dan Pengembanan SDM • Presentasi (HR Planning) • Presentasi (HR Planning) • UJIAN TENGAH SEMESTER • Penilaian Prestasi Kerja • Sistem Imbalan • Pemeliharaan Hubungan Industrial dan Exit System • 4. HR Audit dan HR-MIS • SDM abad 21 • Presentasi (Kasus nyata) • Presentasi (Kasus nyata) • UJIAN AKHIR SEMESTER
DAFTAR REFERENSI Wether, William B, and Davis, Keith,Human Resources and Personnel Management, 5th edition. Ivancevich, John M, Human Resource Management, 9th edition. Mangkunegara, Anwar Prabu, AA,ManajemenSumberDayaManusia Perusahaan, PT. RemajaRosdakarya, Bandung, 2000 Ulrich, Dave and Wayne Brockbank, The HR Value Propotion, 2005
“…assets make things possible, people make things happen…” (Union Carbide)
OUTPUT Produktifitas = INPUT Barang/ Jasa Men, Money, Methods Materials, Machines
People are an organisation’s most important assets. • The tasks of a manager are essentially people-oriented. Unless there is some understanding of people, management will be unsuccessful. • Poor people management is an important contributor to Organization failure.
Management….must have the support of all employees. I can not think of anything more important (Robert Crandall)
Keberhasilan organisasi, dinilai dari kemampuannya memadukan penggunaan sumber-sumber daya yang dimiliki, secara efektif dan efisien dalam pelaksanaan strateginya. Meskipun demikian titik sentral pada setiap strategi dan setiap metode pemanfaatan sumber-sumber daya, adalah sumber daya manusia yang merupakan perangkat (device) dan sekaligus pelaksana dari strategi organisasi.
Kemampuan organisasi dalam mendapatkan, memelihara -meningkatkan kemampuan, serta mempertahankan SDM-nya, menjadi penentu keberhasilan atau kegagalan organisasi.
The Nature of Human Resources Management (HRM) • HRM: • All activities involved in determining an organization’s human resource needs, as well as acquiring, training, and compensating people to fill those needs
Terms of HRM • The terms "human resource management" and "human resources" (HR) have largely replaced the term "personnel management" as a description of the processes involved in managing people in organizations.[1] • In simple sense,Human Resource Management(HRM) means employing people,developing their resources, utilizing maintaining and compensating their services in tune with the job and organizational requirement.
HRM • Human Resource Management (HRM) is the function within an organization that focuses on recruitment of, management of, and providing direction for the people who work in the organization. Human Resource Management can also be performed by line managers. • Human Resource Management is the organizational function that deals with issues related to people such as compensation, hiring, performance management, organization development, safety, wellness, benefits, employee motivation, communication, administration, and training.
MSDM, adalahsuatuilmuataucarabagaimanamengatursumberdaya yang dimilikiolehindividudapatdigunakansecaramaksimalsehinggatujuan (goal) menjadimaksimal. MSDM didasaripadasuatukonsepbahwasetiapkaryawanadalahmanusia - bukanmesin - danbukansematamenjadisumberdayabisnis. (Wikipedia)
MSDM • Manajemen sumber daya manusia adalah suatu proses menangani berbagai masalah pada ruang lingkup karyawan, pegawai, buruh, manajer dan tenaga kerja lainnya untuk dapat menunjang aktifitas organisasi atau perusahaan demi mencapai tujuan yang telah ditentukan.
“The purpose of Human Resources Management is to improve the productive contribution of people to the organization in ways that are strategically, ethically, and socially responsible”
Peran, fungsi, Tugas & Tanggung Jawab MSDM • Melakukan persiapan dan seleksi tenaga kerja / Preparation and selection • Pengembangan dan evaluasi karyawan / Development and evaluation • Memberikan kompensasi dan proteksi pada pegawai / Compensation and protection
Planning for Human Resources Needs • Typical HR Issues: • How many employees? • What skills are needed to satisfy plans? • Availability of people in the workforce? • What qualifications must employees have? • Cost of staffing?
Societal objectives: • Benefits • Legal compliance • Union • Organizational objectives: • HR planning • Employee relations • Selection • T & D • Appraisal • Placement • Assessment • Functional objectives: • Appraisal • Placement • Assessment • Personal objectives: • T & D • Compensation • Appraisal • Placement • Assessment HRD HR research Information system Training Development Organization development Union Labor relation HRIS Career Development • HR result • Productivity • Quality • Innovation • Fulfillment • Readiness for change Employee assistance Job design Compensation benefit HR planning Selection staffing Performance management system HRM
BUSINESS ENTITY Strategi Bisnis Strategi Fungsional (Strategi pemasaran, Strategi operasi, Strategi SDM, etc)
Business Goals Business Strategy Apakah aktifitas-aktifitas pengelolaan SDM yang dilakukan telah menunjang pelaksanaan strategi perusahaan ? HR Goals HR Strategy HR Activities
2 PERTANYAAN KRITIS SDM yang seperti apa yang diperlukan dalam pengelolaan usaha, sehingga selaras dan sesuai dengan tujuan strategis usaha Strategi SDM Program dan inisiatif SDM apa yang harus dirancang dan diimplementasikan agar dapat mempengaruhi, mengembangkan serta tetap menjaga efektifitas kemampuan bersaing pegawai (SDM)
TUJUAN MANAJEMEN SDM (HRM) Meningkatkan kontribusi produktif pegawai kepada perusahaan, dengan cara-cara yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara strategik, etika maupun sosial PERAN UNIT KERJA PENGELOLA SDM (HRD) Unit Kerja Pengelola SDM bertanggung jawab untuk menciptakan iklim kerja yang produktif dengan mengupayakan peningkatan kualitas ‘work life’ organisasi melalui aktifitas-aktifitas dan saran-sarannya kepada unit-unit kerja lainnya
TUNTUTAN DLM HRM Persaingan global Pertumbuhan penduduk Pengangguran Better Organizations Keragaman Tenaga kerja Tanggung jawab sosial Pengobatan, Makan, Perumahan Etika Belum terdiskripsikan
Organizational Frameworks and Challenges Preparation and Selection Employee Relation and Assessment • Objectives • Societal • Organizational • Functional • Personal Compensation and Protection Development and Evaluation Societal Professional (Employees) Feedback Challenges HRM Model & Subsystem
Frameworks and Challenges Challenges in dealing with people External: • Environment • Changing demands of workers • International & Domestic Competitors • Pressure groups • Professional ethics • Goverment • Internal: • Competition between managers & other departments • Legal requirement for EEO • Etc
Preparation and Selection • Human Resources Information System • Analize and estimate the organization’s future HR needs • Preparing Job design • Preparing Job Specification & Job Description • Preparing Rekruitment & Selection
Development and Evaluation • Determine the needs for orientation, training, development & career counseling • Evaluate employees (performance appraisals conducted periodically) • Feedback that help manager & departements spot strengths & weaknesses
Compensation and Protection • Provide employees with a fair wages or salary relative to their productive contribution • Provide a safe work environtment, also health & safety programmes.
Employee Relation and Assessment • Provide effective programs to accommodate the employee’s needs • HR Departement responsible for dealing with the union • Regularly conduct audits of employees performance
Simplifikasi I/O Sistem M-SDM Feedback Transformation Process Outputs Inputs HR challenges - Education - Skills HRM activities - Recruiting - Selection - Others • HR contributions • Capable workers • Motivated workers
Possible HR Areas for Core Competencies • Kapabilitas (unik) dari sebuah organisasi, yang memberikan nilai (corporate value) tinggi serta membedakan dari pesaingnya.
International Challenges • Challenges of workforce diversity • Troubleshooting • Cultural awareness • Ethics & Laws for planning and staffing organizations overseas • Political Risk
What is Equal Employment Opportunity (EE0)? • Memberikan kesempatan yang sama untuk semua orang, untuk mengetahui, melamar dan bersaing dalam mendapatkan pekerjaan dan berkarir. • EEO diberlakukan dalam semua aspek Manajemen SDM, a.l: • Recruitment • Hiring • Tenure • Compensation • Committee Assignments • Layoffs, etc.
Why is EEO needed? • Women earn approximately 77 cents for every dollar men earn; • African American men with professional degrees earn only 79 percent of what white males earn; • Audit studies, where white and minority job seekers were given the same resumes and sent to the same firms to apply for jobs, found that employers are less likely to interview/offer a job to the minority; • A 1995 study of university faculty hiring practices found that once a minority goal was met, departments stopped seeking minority applicants.
What EEO Program is Not: • It is not preferential treatment or quotas (the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that quotas are illegal); • It does not mean that unqualified persons should be hired or promoted over other people.
JOB ANALYSIS (AnalisisdanRancangBangunPekerjaan)