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Contemporary societal relationships. Melissa A dams. Recreation in cape paterson.
Contemporary societal relationships Melissa Adams
Recreation in cape paterson • In contemporary society many people interact with the environment through recreation. Cape Paterson to some, may be viewed as a gymnasium which is a play they can go to participate in a range of recreational activities. Recreation in Cape Paterson include snorkelling, surfing, diving, boating, bike riding, fishing, bush walking, photography, painting and bird watching. These show that the land is being used for recreation for self enjoyment. These recreations have increased an impact towards the land. Activities done on the beach like surfing and snorkelling may produce pollution at cape Paterson and may interrupt natural species like fish. Bike riding leaves tyre marks on the natural environment if tracks aren't provided. Fishers may leave hooks, lines, sinkers and dead fish laying around. Causing pollution and risk of injury towards animals. Besides these impacts There also could be an over use of the area. They have conserved the land by creating national parks, showing they want to protect the land and have a strong connection with it. As a result there are many positive and negative results of the recreation participated in at cape Paterson. In brief and overall these include: • Positive: development of established tracks and infrastructure to cope with visitation, following of the codes of conduct to reduce erosion and compaction in areas which can be seem in the coastal areas. • Negative: Erosion and compaction of the tracks, over use of the areas for example erosion of river banks from fishing and other river recreation. There also may be fire scares in the camping areas of Cape Paterson.
conservation in cape paterson • At cape Paterson people interacted with the environment through conservation. They viewed the land as a temple a place of beauty, somewhere to connect with nature. The Cape Patterson Nature Conservation Reserveis one of the main conservation reserves Cape Paterson has. This shows that many people want to conserve the land and protect it, because of the strong connection they have with the environment at cape Paterson. People may protect this land for many reasons one contemporary view maybe as a museum, a place of history. More conservation includes nobbies boardwalk, koala conservation centre, nobbies signs, bunorong marine national park and Kilcunda coastal reserve. These conservation strategies had a range of impacts on the natural environment. • Positive: conserved a lot of land and protection of animals and plant species. Aware people of the protection needed for the environment and biodiversity with the use of signs. • Negative: Although there was great amount of conservation saved, the centres that they created may have disturbed the habitats for animals and the land clearing. Although this is very minimal compared to the positive outcomes. • There perception of the land being a temple influences on how they treat and protect the land. They have a strong connection with the land as they want to conserve it.
Primary industries at cape paterson • In contemporary society many people interact with the environment through primary industries. They view the environment as a resource, for meeting peoples needs for things such as profit or wealth. Primary industries at Cape Paterson include the desal plant, state coal mine, wind farm, agriculture and wineries. Their relationship with the environment is impacted by the way they view the land, in terms of its wealth. Considering little regards of the impacts. The primary industries impacts were quite dramatic although there were some positive impacts. • Negative: pollution of air and waterways, erosion, clearing of the land, loss of animal habitation and damage to soil and salinity. • Positive: some of these practices are sustainable such as the wind farms and some farms are organic. Meaning they don’t use pesticides or herbicides which pollute the air and water ways and harm the plants and insect species.
Tourism at cape paterson • Some people used the Cape Paterson land as tourism. They viewed it as a resource, but also as a gymnasium. They met peoples needs and believed it was a place to participate in physical activities. People participate in tourism for various reasons, some may include wanting to learn more about the area or want to experience the uniqueness of this environment at Cape Paterson. The relationship is influenced by the perceptions of a resource and a gymnasium. They use the land for a way of entertainment and to make profit. This influences the way they interact with the environment. Tourism activities at Cape Paterson include: snorkelling, caravan parks and the scenic drive. Impacts that tourism caused are: • Positive: The impacts of the land included the establishment of codes of conducts. These helped with people visiting the area to use minimal impact strategies. • Negative: over use of the land, due to the large amounts of people visiting. Because of this roads were created, boardwalks, walking/bike tracks. There was also erosion caused by the amount of people the environment that wanted to view specific unique parts of the land.