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The benefit of enteral nutrition. 報告學生 : 劉家祥 指導老師 : 賴聖如 營養師 報告日期 : 2012/12/28. Effect of early enteral nutrition on morbidity and mortality in children with burns. burns 36 ( 2010 ) 1067 – 1071. Introduction.
The benefit of enteral nutrition 報告學生 : 劉家祥 指導老師 : 賴聖如 營養師 報告日期 : 2012/12/28
Effect of early enteral nutrition on morbidity and mortality in children with burns. burns 36 ( 2010 ) 1067 – 1071
Introduction The burn can result in profound metabolic abnormalities, and that malnourishment is associated with increased infection risks, decreased healing rates and altered cell function. auto-destructive
International nutritional support guidelines concur that enteral feeding should occur early in critically ill patients who have a functioning gastrointestinal tract but time frames as to what is considered early varies from 24 to 48 h . J Physiol 1993;119:210–23.
Materials and methods 30days-12Y/O 2 h prior to admission ≧10% TBSA
Results The LEN group lost 9% of body weight between admission and discharge compared to 3% in the EEN group.
Conclusion • Our research showed that EEN decreases duration of hospitalisation and mortality in children with burns.
Early enteral nutrition reduces mortality in trauma patients requiring intensive care: A meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Nutrition 28 (2012) 864–867
Introduction infectious complications mortality
Complications and major ICU infections (organ failures per patient)
Conclusion Although the detection of a statistically significant reduction in mortality is promising,overall trial quality was low and trial size was small. The results of this meta-analysis should beconfirmed by the conduct of a large multi-center trial.
Nutrition 28 (2012) 864–867 Factors leading to discrepancies between prescription and intake of enteral nutrition therapy in hospitalized patients
Introduction The prescribed amount of ENT to be provided via feeding tube or stoma is not always actually delivered to the patient.
cardiac diseases infectious diseases. neurologic diseases cancer vascular diseases 45 patients ENTand 4 patients data records. ENT included
Conclusion In thisstudy, the major reasons for the discrepancy between EN prescription and intake in a general Brazilian hospital were operational logistical problems, gastric stasis, accidental loss of enteral feeding tube, and interference by an external physician.
總結論 早期腸道營養可以降低燒燙傷孩童的死亡率以及住院時間,對於創傷的病人則是可以降低住院感染率以及死亡率。由前兩個文得知及早的腸道營養對於病人的重要性,但是在給予病人腸道營養時(非由口進食),需注意某些因子阻礙了營養的攝取。