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Tracking media, prosperity and influence Understanding affluent consumers across Latin America. PAX Background.
Tracking media, prosperity and influence Understanding affluent consumers across Latin America
PAX Background PAX is an international survey, which has been measuring upscale consumers across Asia and beyond since 1996. In 2007 PAX launched in Latin America, allowing for in-depth analysis and understanding of upscale consumers in this region PAX paints a picture of the current marketplace, reflecting media audiences, economies, consumer and business behaviour among society’s elite CATI (computer-assisted telephone interviews) methodology provides the best method to contact the most elusive and influential members of society. Top Managers Business Decision Makers Affluent adults
PAX Methodology Fieldwork was conducted from January to April 2007 n=4740 interviews were conducted across Latin America: n=1694 in Argentina: Buenos Airesn=1506 in Brazil: Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiron=1540 in Mexico: Mexico City The sample was made up as follows: Random Affluent sample, Aged 25-64 Top 20% of the population: (SEG A1, A2, B1 and B2) Affluent adults - those with the most money to spend. Random fall out of Business Decision Makers (BDM) and Top Managers (TM) within this random, affluent sample. To qualify as BDM respondents must be senior managers/ department heads or above, in a company with an employee size of 10+. Top Management booster sample Business Decision Makers (BDMs) with the following positions within a company - CEO, CFO, MD, Director or equivalent
PAX Methodology This report has been prepared for MSNAll data has been analysed by MSN and competitor users: Sample sizes for each user group is as follows: Google UOL MSN Yahoo! Terra n=504 past 30 day users n=485 past 30 day users n=779 past 30 day users n=573 past 30 day users n=590 past 30 day users N.B. Significance testing has been conducted against the total column where applicable, and significant differences highlighted in red text
PAX Latin America universe PAX focused on the market most sought after by advertisers: Top Management Top 1.6% adult population 475,000 Business Decision Makers 1,078,000 3.7% 20.6% 6,047,000 Affluent Adults Adults aged 25-64 7,600,000 Total PAX Universe (top 21% of adult population)
Sample profile Internet users more likely to be aged 25-34, male, working full time, and university educated S10 / D3 Base: Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro population aged 25-65 SEG AB (n=1506) (universe=4,676,600)
Profile of Internet Users The study confirms that the Internet users are of better quality than non-Internet users in the following areas, and thus are more desirable target audience for advertisers: Well-educated: University+ Decision makers: Purchase for company In management positions: BDM Quality consumers: Have a credit card Intend to buy consumer electronics* Alcohol consumption in past 4 weeks Traveled outside country in past 12 months *Includes laptop/ notebook, desktop computer, PDA, printer, scanner, mobile phone, MP3 player Base: Sao Paulo & Rio de Janeiro population aged 25-65 SEG AB (n=1506) (universe=4,676,600)
Setting the picture – Brazil Adspend • Total Brazil ad spend estimated at 7,200 million dollars in 2006 – the largest in the region • Distribution of Ad spend reflects the regional pattern, with television dominating • Magazine share currently small, but high potential – especially among upscale advertisers (high end target) Source: AAAP (Ass. Argentina de Agencias de Publicidad) 2006
Consumers are spending more time on the Internet than reading print media
When consumers have access to the Internet at home, they are spending less time watching TV and reading print titles
Executive Summary (1) • The internet is a major medium among the affluent population, 70% have access in Brazil. • Internet users are a highly desirable target audience for advertisers being • well educated • more likely to be in management positions (BDMs) • Likely to own a credit card • More likely to have travelled abroad • Internet users are also more likely to be younger, male and working full time. • MSN.com ranks 5th in Brazil in terms of websites visited in the past 30 days.
Executive Summary (2) • In Brazil, MSN users tend to be younger compared to key competitors and have the highest proportion 25-34. • Compared to key competitors (Google, UOL, Terra, Yahoo!), MSN users tend to be more involved with the internet spending longer purchasing products and watching videos online. • Along with Yahoo! and Terra users they are more likely than the average internet user to use instant messaging. • MSN & Yahoo! users spend more time online than average and MSN & Google users more likely to have broadband access at home. • As might be expected, internet users show a greater propensity to own technological products, and ownership figures show that MSN is slightly leading this trend over its competitors. • MSN and key competitors users spend more than affluents generally on luxury goods. • MSN shows a strong lead over some of the big TV networks and a greater audience than key regional publications.
Tracking media, prosperity and influence Understanding affluent consumers across Latin America MEXICO
Sample profile Internet users more likely to be male, working, university education and BDMs S10 / D3 Base: Mexico City population aged 25-65 SEG AB (n=1540) (universe=1,792,300)
Setting the picture – Mexico Adspend • Total Mexico ad spend estimated at 3,900 million dollars in 2006 - the 2nd largest in the region • TV proportion of Ad spend (59%) is the highest in the region – the dominant medium in this country • Newspapers make up a smaller % of the pie than the regional average Source: AAAP (Ass. Argentina de Agencias de Publicidad) 2006
Consumers are spending more time on the Internet than reading print media
When consumers have access to the Internet, they are spending more time on the Internet than other media
Executive Summary (1) • The internet is a major medium among the affluent population, 47% have access in in Mexico. • Internet users are a highly desirable target audience for advertisers being • Well educated • More likely to be in management positions (BDMs) • Likely to own a credit card • More likely to have travelled abroad • Internet users are also more likely to be younger, male and working full time. • MSN.com ranks 3rd in Mexico in terms of websites visited in the past 30 days.
Executive Summary (2) • In Mexico, MSN users compared to key competitors (Yahoo!, Terra and Google) are most likely to be university educated, working full time and tend to be young men. • MSN users are the most likely to be using the internet at work. • Compared to internet users generally, MSN users are significantly more likely to have purchased products and services online in the past 12 months, particularly Music, Business info / services, Books, Concert / movie tickets, Computer software and MP3 players. • MSN users in Mexico are more likely to own technological products than affluents in general, such as an MP3 player, laptop, handheld PCs and mobile with internet and camera. • MSN and key competitors users spend more than affluents generally on luxury goods. • Compared to regional TV channels, MSN shows a lead over some of the big networks (CNN and ESPN) and against key regional publications. • When consumers have access to the internet at home, they are spending more time on the internet than other media
Tracking media, prosperity and influence Understanding affluent consumers across Latin America ARGENTINA
Sample profile Internet users more likely to be male, working full time, university educated and BDMs S10 / D3 Base: Buenos Aires population aged 25-65 SEG ABC1C2 (n=1694) (universe=1,131,100) )
Setting the picture – Argentina Adspend • Total Argentina ad spend is estimated at 1700 million dollars in 2006 (the 3rd largest in the region) – and is growing, driven by a recovering economy (high per capita spend) • Newspapers’ share of advertising revenue (31%) is the highest in the region. Accurate understanding of readers is therefore key • TV’s proportion of Adspend is lower than some LatAm countries (e.g. 57% in Brazil and 59% in Mexico) but there is high cable ownership in Argentina, and comparatively high ad spend in this sector (7%) reflects this Source: AAAP (Ass. Argentina de Agencias de Publicidad) 2006
Consumers are spending more time on the Internet than reading print media
When consumers have access to the Internet at home, they are spending less time watching TV and reading print titles