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Chapter 17 Review

Chapter 17 Review. The Origins of Progressivism. 17.1. What was a muckraker?. Writer who exposes wrong doing. This was the social reform movement in the early 20 th century. Progressive movement. This is a way for people to propose laws directly. Initiative.

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Chapter 17 Review

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter 17 Review

  2. The Origins of Progressivism 17.1

  3. What was a muckraker? Writer who exposes wrong doing

  4. This was the social reform movement in the early 20th century Progressive movement

  5. This is a way for people to propose laws directly Initiative

  6. What was the 17th Amendment? Called for the direct election of Senators

  7. How did reformers try to make businesses more efficient and profitable? Scientific Management – the application of scientific ideas to make each task simpler

  8. What is a referendum? Voters vote directly on a proposed law

  9. This is a vote on whether to remove a public official from office Recall

  10. Women in Public Life 17.2

  11. What is suffrage? The right to vote

  12. Who was Susan B. Anthony Leader of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

  13. What was NAWSA? National American Woman Suffrage Association

  14. What were three ways in which women tried to win the vote? State by State Courts – suing under the 14th Amendment National Amendment

  15. Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal 17.3

  16. What was Roosevelt’s “Square Deal”? A program of Progressive Reforms

  17. How did Roosevelt use the federal government to change business practices? He would settle strikes, deal with “Bad Trusts”, strengthened the ICC, and took on the railroad

  18. Who was Upton Sinclair Author of The Jungle who revealed the horrors of the meat packing industry

  19. What two pieces of legislation did Roosevelt pass to protect consumers? Meat Inspection Act Pure Food & Drug Act

  20. How did Roosevelt feel about Public Land? Should be protected and used for the common good; “Multiple Uses” theory

  21. Who did Roosevelt select to succeed him to the Presidency William Howard Taft

  22. Progressivism Under Taft 17.4

  23. What was wrong with the Payne-Aldrich Tariff? It did not lower tariffs much at all; it only lowered tariffs on unnecessary items

  24. How did Taft handle conservation? His Secretary of the Interior sold land to businesses for use, rather than protecting the lands through conservation

  25. What was the Bull Moose Party? Teddy Roosevelt’s new political party. It was Progressive and Republican

  26. Who was Eugene Debs? The Socialist candidate in the election of 1912; received many votes due to popular progressive ideas

  27. Wilson’s New Freedom 17.5

  28. What was the Clayton Anti-Trust Act? Weakened monopolies and upheld rights of unions and farm organizations; legalized striking

  29. What were three areas that Wilson reformed and how? The Banking Industry using the Federal Reserve Act The Trusts using the Clayton Anti-Trust Act Lowered Tariffs and implemented Income Taxes

  30. What Amendment gave women the right to vote and when was it passed? The 19th Amendment and passed in 1919

  31. What was the impact of the Progressive Movement on African-Americans? They did not receive as much help; Roosevelt, Taft and Wilson did not support African-American rights; Progressive movement was geared towards middle-class whites

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