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TAFE eHub -Institute Communication Pack. S eeding > S upporting > S ustaining = G rowing eLearning capability. TAFE NSW eHub – integrated service approach to supporting Institutes. TAFE eHub -Institute Communication Pack. TAFE NSW eHub - Key focus areas:
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack Seeding > Supporting > Sustaining = GrowingeLearning capability
TAFE NSW eHub – integrated service approach to supporting Institutes TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack TAFE NSW eHub- Key focus areas: Learning experiences Capability Knowledge sharing
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack TAFE eHub – operating principles • Partner with Institutes in eLearning initiatives • Research and share good practice • Align all work to Institutes’ strategic priorities • Develop state-wide eLearning capability • Design learning experiences and solutions • Foster innovation and collaboration • Minimise duplication of effort across TAFE NSW • Support e-standards implementation
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack TAFE eHub - human capital and expertise Learning design eLearning resources Teacher capability development Metadata Learner experience Knowledgesharing Interoperability standards Graphic design Web accessibility
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack TAFE eCommunities Key state-wide initiatives • TAFE Connects
TAFE Connects TAFE Connects – Thursday seriesTopics - Term 1, 2012 # 1:Thursday March 1:eLearning and the changing VET landscape # 2:Thursday March 8:Moodle for learning - Beyond the basics # 3:Thursday March 15:Numeracy skills for work # 4:Thursday March 22:Structure documents for accessibility # 5:Thursday March 29:Developing digital literacy # 6:Thursday April 5:Building online communities TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack
TAFE Connects Series TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack TAFE Connects - Tuesday seriesTopics - Term 1, 2012 # 1:Tuesday March 6:Customising Facebook pages # 2:Tuesday March 13:Learning design for social media and Twitter # 3:Tuesday March 20:Personal learning networks # 4:Tuesday March 27:Libraries and social media
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack 2011 projects http://ecommunities.tafensw.edu.au/
Learning object composer Metadata schema – Higher ed An easy-to-use online assessment tool allowing teachers to: create quizzes and resources export to MS Word, Moodle and html publish quizzes and resources to Equella. Phase 1 completed| Phase 2 underway The phase 2 version will include QTI output for Sakai and mobile. Go to LOCO information and beta version This project supports TAFE NSW higher education (HE) delivery. Deliverables include: A HE collection set up in Equellato house HE resources HE metadata guidelines, specifications and definitions developed to assist the description, discovery and contribution of TAFE NSW HE resources to Equella. Project completed. Go to Metadata guidelines TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack Recognition collaboration space Equella graphics collection Moodle information | templates | database | forum for evidence collection | collaboration | consultation Go to Peer recognition 170 icons in five colours and four sizes Available in Equella Go to Equella Graphics Collection
This project aims to build teacher understanding of: the principles of UDL; and the benefits of applying these principles when developing eLearning resources to ensure they are accessible, interoperable, useable, customisable and sharable. Deliverables include: A compilation of quality resources about UDL, including quick tips, checklists and tools. Case studies to support teachers in the creation and sharing of digital content which meets relevant accessibility standards. Project completed. Go to UDL eLearning & eFacilitation Universal design for learning Resources to support capability building in learning design pedagogy and eFacilitation aligned to: TAEDEL502A: Provide advanced facilitation practices TAADEL501B: Facilitate eLearning TAEPDD501A: Maintain and enhance professional practice. Project completed Go to eFacilitation TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack (UDL) and accessibility
Resources and task-based projects to support capability building in the design and development of eLearning resources mapped to: TAEDEL403A Coordinate and facilitate distance- based education. TAEDES502A Design and develop learning resources TAEDES503B Design and develop eLearning resources TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills: Video case studies. All resources are to be accessible via eCommunities and downloadable via Equella Project completed. Go toDesigning eResources TAE Learning design eAssessment Supports capability building in eAssessment for TAFE NSW. Deliverables include: aggregated and adapted resources rich media case studies a database that provides details of eAssessment digital tools a professional community of practice to help teachers provide quality eAssessment. Project completed. Go to eAssessment TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack • & development
Skilling teachers in the fast growing areas of social media and application to teaching and learning. Deliverables include: resources and information on using social media for education available in eCommunities case studies of good educational practice launch of TAFE Connects ‘series’ on social media with four topics exploring practice in social media for teaching and learning, and student engagement (term 1, 2012). TAFE Connect Social Media recording Project completed. Go to Social media Investigate mobile learning pedagogy, good practice, practical know-how and related tools applicable in teaching and learning, including ‘apps’. Deliverables include: resources to support teachers in mobile learning a trial of mobile learning (use of iPads and apps) – term 1, 2012 a Get Mobile recording of a TAFE Connects sessionwith Thom Cochrane, globally recognised expert in mobile learning. Phase 1 completed | Phase 2 underway Go to Get mobile Get Mobile: Mobile learning Social media TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack
Build teacher skills to support the adoption of eLearning systems and associated tools. Deliverables include: curated and aggregated resources accessible via Equella ICT Framework (levels 1-6) and self-assessment tool enabling teachers to assess current skill levels and access relevant resources that address their digital literacy needs. Phase 1 completed | Phase 2 underway Go to ICT literacy Fostering professional conversations and sharing effective LLN teaching and learning approaches amongst vocational and LLN teachers across TAFENSW. Deliverables include: curated LLN resources to support TAELLN401A Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills LLN case studies on approaches to supporting the integration LLN teaching approaches. Phase 1 completed | Phase 2 underway Go to LLN TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack Digital literacy Language, literacy & numeracy
A TAFE NSW collection of existing PD and compliance training used in Institutes and downloadable as Moodle courses via Equella for Institute customisation. Deliverables include: compiled list of existing Institute courses identifying duplication and gaps for development and/or QA prior to uploading to Equella in Moodle course format step-by-step recording of the back up and restore process for courses from Equella into Institute LMSs. Phase 1 completed | Phase 2 underway Go to PD and Compliance Professional development and compliance resources TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack 2012 projects http://ecommunities.tafensw.edu.au/
TAFE eHub-Institute Communication Pack Your Institute contacts