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LIMPOPO CATCH-UP PLAN. PRESENTATION TO THE BASIC EDUCATION PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE: 14 August 2012. BACKGROUND AN CONTEXT. The Limpopo Provincial Administration ended 2011/12 financial year with serious budgetary and cash-flow problems.
BACKGROUND AN CONTEXT • The Limpopo Provincial Administration ended 2011/12 financial year with serious budgetary and cash-flow problems. • This resulted in the decision by the National Executive (Cabinet) to intervene in terms of Section 100 (1) (b) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996. • Five Limpopo line function departments are part of the interventions and the Limpopo Department of Education is one of them.
BACKGROUND AND CONTENT... • The objectives of the National Executive are: • To normalise and stabilise five departments • Introduce sustainable remedies with a specific focus on budget and cash flow management controls as well as supply chain and contract management • Sustainable remedies will also be introduced to systemically and systematically address line function specifics.
BACKGROUND AND CONTENT... • One of the main challenges of the Limpopo Department of Education was its inability to procure and deliver textbooks to schools for the 2012 school calendar year. • This occurred simultaneously with the introduction of the Foundation Phase (Grade 1-3) and the Grade 10 Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) in all provinces. • This intervention team prioritised the procurement and delivery of textbooks from 2012/13 allocation meant for the 2013 school calendar year.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS Quantities of textbooks delivered to schools based on returned ELCB PoDs: • Grade 10 - 972650 ordered and 957989 delivered. • Grade 11 - (20% top-up) - 31213 ordered and 30585 delivered. • Grade 12 - (20% top-up) - 244596 ordered and 230804 delivered. • Grades 1-3 - (Big Books, Readers and Phonics Programmes) - 17218 packs ordered and 17176 packs delivered.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS Totals • 1 265 677 textbooks and packs ordered • 1 236 554 textbooks and packs delivered. • It must be noted that the Grades 1-3 packs consists of 3 volumes per pack per Grade. • In total therefore 51654 volumes of Big Books, Readers and Phonics Programmes were ordered and 51528 were delivered. • Also all the quantities of books mentioned here exclude the back / supplementary of books included in the Addendum Catalogue and stock that wasn't available as at 3 June 2012 when the 1st orders were placed. • Some of the back orders (incl. Xitsonga, Tshivenda) have been delivered to the central warehouse yesterday.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS System to determine delivery to schools • Apart from using the system of the ELCB – (IT company) the following reports are collated: • School principals to Circuit managers • Circuit managers to district managers • District managers to the Acting DDG for district operations. • Acting DDG for district operations to the Administrator • To date schools that have not received books would have been schools offering Xitsonga, Sepediand Tshivenda.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS • It can be reported that to date 1 236 031 textbooks have been procured and delivered for Grades 1-3 and 10. • This would exclude over priced books such as Sepedi which were not affordable to the state and books which were either out of stock or not on the National Catalogue • The intervention team successfully negotiated with publishers for the reduction of prices from the National Catalogue.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS... • Through central procurement the objective of ensuring that each learner is provided with a core textbook per subject by 2014 is being realised in Limpopo. • The Minister of Basic Education has advised school principals and officials to use the National Call Centre 0800 202 933 to report on problems related to the procurement and delivery of textbooks. • The central warehouse should be able to respond within three days after the matter has been reported.
PROCUREMENT AND DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS... • The procurement and delivery process for 2013 school calendar year has started to address CAPS implementation for Grade 4-6 and 11 as well as top ups for Grades 1-3 and 7-10. • Consultation with publishers for further reduction of their catalogue process has taken place. • Discussions with National and Provincial Treasuries are at an advanced stage to secure funding for 2013 process. • The delivery date for LTSM to Limpopo schools is on or before 30 November 2012.
THE IMPACT OF LATE DELIVERY OF TEXTBOOKS FOR 2012 SCHOOL CALENDAR YEAR ON TEACHING AND LEARNING A brief reflection on the following key developments will go a long way in examining the impact of the late procurement and delivery of textbooks on teaching and learning.
READINESS TO IMPLEMENT CAPS • Curriculum planners and curriculum advisors went through an orientation programme for the implementation of CAPS in Grade 1-3 and 10. • They received both training manuals and CAPS documents to be used in the classroom. • Teachers also went through an orientation programme and were provided with CAPS documents for the planning and execution of their lessons for Grade 1-3 and 10. NB. Teachers were fully prepared for implementation and therefore able to teach effectively.
DELIVERY OF WORKBOOKS • Grades 1 -3 were fully covered in terms of workbooks which were provided at the beginning of the school calendar year. • Grade 10 was provided with mathematics and Science textbooks from the Schuttleworth foundation at the beginning of the year • For other subjects they could still use the old textbooks.
THE ANALYSIS ON THE COMPARISION BETWEEN THE OLD TEXTBOOKS BASED ON THE NCS AND THE CAPS ALIGNED TEXTBOOKS • The National Curriculum Statements (NCS) introduced in 2008 is still being implemented to date. • CAPS is based on the NCS • CAPS has strengthened the implementation of the NCS.
THE ANALYSIS ON THE COMPARISION BETWEEN THE OLD TEXTBOOKS BASED ON THE NCS AND THE CAPS ALIGNED TEXTBOOKS The NCS is constituted by: (i) National Protocol for Assessment Grades R - 12 (ii) National Policy pertaining to the Program and Progression Requirements of the NCS Grades R – 12 (iii) Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) NB. Thus the assumption that the late delivery of CAPS aligned textbooks adversely affected teaching and learning is to some extent erroneous.
PROGRESS REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT • The Limpopo Department of Education submitted to the clerk of the court a progress report on the development of subject guides for teachers and learners as articulated in the document filed with the clerk titled Grade 10 Catch-up Plan. • In brief the progress to date shows that subject guides have been developed for the following:
PROGRESS REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT... Mathematics; Mathematical Literacy; Physical Science; Life Sciences; Agricultural Sciences; Information Technology; Computer Application Technology; Engineering and Graphic Design; Mechanical Technology; Electrical Technology; Business Studies; Economics; Accounting; Geography; History; Tourism; Life Orientation
PROGRESS REPORT SUBMITTED TO THE CLERK OF THE COURT... In addition to the study guides prepared by the province the DBE is developing the Mind the Gap study guide series. In September 2012 the DBE will distribute the Grade 12 Mind the Gap titles in four subjects: Life Sciences, Accounting, Geography, and Economics.
MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION MEETS WITH PRINICPALS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN LIMPOPO As part of the effort to restore relationships with stakeholders and to instil stability and focus on teaching and learning, the Minister of Basic Education convened meetings with principals to share information. The following issues were highlighted: • The rationale behind Section 100 (15(b) • The financial situation of the province and the Limpopo Department of Education • Procurement and delivery of textbooks for 2012
MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION MEETS WITH PRINICPALS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN LIMPOPO • The plans for the 2013 academic year • The transfer payments for Norms and Standards for operational costs for schools • Curriculum Coverage, Accountability and Time on Task • Preparations for the Annual National Assessment (ANA) and National Senior Certificate (NSC).
MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION MEETS WITH PRINICPALS AND STAKEHOLDERS IN LIMPOPO The Minister of Basic Education also requested that she be afforded the opportunity to round off her meetings with the principals where she will assess from the inputs received from the stakeholders whether any extra tuition will be required. The last meetings will take place in the third week of August (14-16 August 2012).
CONTRIBUTIONS OF PRINCIPALS IN THE MEETING WITH THE MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION Principals and officials alike were unanimous in expressing their appreciation for the meeting with the Minister as it afforded them the opportunity to gain valuable information and to communicate their concerns. Participants regarded the meeting as long overdue.
CONTRIBUTIONS OF PRINCIPALS IN THE MEETING WITH THE MINISTER OF BASIC EDUCATION In particular the participants requested support from the DBE to ensure basic functionality in schools in Limpopo and for Grade 12 learner in Mathematics and Science by providing them with: • Scientific Calculators and • Curriculum Enrichment Programmes such as the spring vacation schools.
DBE SUPPORT AND MONITRORING The DBE constituted a Limpopo catch-up task team comprised DBE officials, the unions, provincial representatives, NGOs and corporate.
THE TEN POINT CATCH-UP PLAN FOR PROVINCIAL ENRICHMENT IN LIMPOPO The DBE in consultation with the task team has prepared the Ten Point catch up plan for Provincial Enrichment in Limpopo toprovide additional support and monitoring to the Limpopo Department of Education’s catch-up plan.
THE TEN POINT CATCH-UP PLAN FOR PROVINCIAL ENRICHMENT IN LIMPOPO The plan covers inter alia: • Community radio broadcasts (MTN and Mindset Network radio broadcasts); • Television viewing centres for Grades 10 and Grade 12 using DVD content supplied by learning Channel. • Examination newspaper supplements for Grades 10 and 12 supplied to each learner by AVUSA; • Spring vacation camps prepared and delivered by PENREACH; • Maths and Science tuition as prepared and delivered by Winning Teams.
SUPPORTING AND MONITORING ONGOING FUNCTIONALITY OF SCHOOLING IN LIMPOPO The DBE remains committed to fulfilling its monitoring and support function by ensuring: • Teacher Development support programmes continue to ensure the optimal use of the WORKBOOKS (Grades 1-9) and the Maths and Physical Science textbooks (Grades 10-12) that are already in place. • Grade 12 Vacation Enrichment classes. • Learner Support will be preceded by assessment as a diagnostic exercise to inform specific interventions to improve learning outcomes and learner performance. • Monitoring of basic functionality of schools by DBE senior managers and the implementation of the required instruments including the curriculum coverage tool.
WAY FORWARD Limpopo Department of Education and the Department of Basic Education will provide a progress report to the Portfolio Committee on regular intervals on the implementation of the Catch-up plan.