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“Grammar to Explain”. 등위 상관 접속사 구조는 등위접속사 and, but, or, nor 등이 다른 어구와 함께 쓰인 구조로 다음과 같은 경우들이다. 상관 접속사는 단어면 단어, 구면 구, 동명사면 동명사 등으로 같은 형태의 요소들을 연결해야 한다. 1. both A and B : A 와 B 둘 다 / A 도 B 도 He stayed in both Cairo and Jerusalem . (O) =alike / at once
“Grammar to Explain” • 등위 상관 접속사 구조는 등위접속사 and, but, or, nor 등이 다른 어구와 함께 쓰인 구조로 • 다음과 같은 경우들이다. 상관 접속사는 단어면 단어, 구면 구, 동명사면 동명사 등으로 • 같은 형태의 요소들을 연결해야 한다. • 1. both A and B : A와 B 둘 다 / A도 B도 • He stayed in bothCairoandJerusalem. (O) =alike / at once • He stayed both in Cairo and Jerusalem. (X) • Mimi is both attractive and neat. (미미는 매력적이고 또 깔끔하기도 하다.) • 2. not A but B : A가 아니라 B It is not you but he that is to blame. • I like him not because he is perfect but because he has a few defects. • not that A but that B = not because A but because B =A 때문이 아니라 B 때문이다 • Not that I don't like you, but that I have no time. • 3. not only [merely] A but (also) B : A뿐만 아니라 B도 역시 • Not only you but also he is to blame. (너 뿐만 아니라 그도 비난을 받아야 한다.) • (=He as well as you is to blame.) • 4. either A or B : ①(둘 중) 어느 한 쪽이 ②어느 쪽이든 • Either he or I am to blame. / Either he is to blame or I am. • Either you or I must go.(당신과 나 줄 중 어느 쪽이든 가야 한다.) • 5. neither A nor B : (둘 중) 어느 쪽도 ∼하지 않다 • They have neither knowledge nor understandingof politics. • Neither he nor I am the right person for the post./ We neither moved nor made any noise.
Maxims Introduced by Teacher • Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome • more. from William Shakespeare's “Julius Caesar” • Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask • what you can do for your country. • from John F. Kennedy's “Inaugural Address” • We know the truth, not only by the reason, but by • the heart. • Pascal, French philosopher, mathematician, & physicist • Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. • H. D. Thoreau, Americsn author & philosopher • Man is neither impotent nor omnipotent.B. Russell
Maxims Translated by Student • Flattery corrupts both the receiver and thegiver. • Edmund Burke • There was always with him [Albert Einstein] a won- • derful purity at once childlike and profoundly stub- • born.Robert Oppenheimer, American physicist • Drawing is the honesty of the art. There is no possibi- • lity of cheating. It is either good or bad. • Salvador Dali, Spanish surrealist painter • The glass is either half empty or half full. • Both the scientist and the poet intend to provide the • description of the objects. • from “Poetry for You” by C. D. Lewis
“My Maxim” Activity • 여러분이 존경하는, 영원히 그 이름이 지속될 • 인물을 영국 극작가 Ben Jonson의 명언처럼 • 나타내 보세요. • Shakespeare was not of an age, but for all time. • <학생영작사례> • Kim-goo was not of an age, but for all time in • the Korean History. • Abraham Lincoln was not of an age, but for all • time.