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I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan. Shannon Valentine Secretary of Transportation January 24, 2019. Motor Fuel Tax Revenue and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT).
I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan Shannon Valentine Secretary of Transportation January 24, 2019
Motor Fuel Tax Revenue and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Source: CTF Revenue Reporting by DOA; VDOT VMT Report 2200 - DVMT by Maintenance Jurisdiction All Roads, annualized total (VMT reflects calendar year reporting)
Commonwealth Transportation Fund Revenue Updates • December 2018 Revenue Forecast • $47.2 million net reduction statewide • Regional Revenues positive
Transportation Revenue Estimate Updates • State Revenue updates during FY 2019 – FY 2024 period • Sales Tax on Fuel decreased $56.6 million • $45.7 million for the HMOF • $10.9 million for the TTF • Retail Sales and Use Tax collections forecast increased by $185 million; $93.7 for HMOF and $91.8 million for TTF • Expectations for Motor Vehicle Sales and Use Tax were reduced by $175 million over the period • Updates of other miscellaneous and dedicated revenues impact total available funding
Revenue Estimate Updates • Federal revenue is based on Federal FY 2019 apportionments and assume Obligation Authority levels for the year provided under the FAST Act • Current federal budget extension through December 21, 2018, obligation authority provided to Virginia based on portion of the year • After FY 2020, assumed federal revenue growth of 1.7 percent “Absent a revenue fix by 2020, the Federal Highway Trust Fund is expected to experience a significant cash shortfall leading to an estimated 51 percent drop in highway obligations from the year before, or from $46.9 billion to $23 billion, and a zeroing out of obligations from the Mass Transit Account in 2021 and 2022.” - Carlos Braceras P.E., President of American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials; Testimony on November 28, 2018 to U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works • Without congressional action, federal revenues will be reduced in the future
Transportation in Virginia • SMART SCALE • State of Good Repair • VITAL Infrastructure • WMATA and Transit
I-81 Corridor Overview – Critical to Movement of Goods in Eastern U.S. Includes TRANSEARCH INSIGHT and VDOT data 2012-2016
Major Interstate Corridor FundingSMART SCALE vs. Other Resources Figures in millions
SB971: I-81 Corridor Improvement Plan • Review of top problem areas • Identification of potential solutions for each problem area and operations plan • Prioritization of potential solutions and recommended improvement plan • Development of potential financing options • Economic impact analysis of tolling
Public Engagement • 12 public input meetings • 950+ attendees • 5 Commonwealth Transportation Board briefings • 2000+ comments received from the public
Prioritization of Potential Capital Improvements • Focused on capital improvements package of $2.2 billion based on industry capacity feedback – approximately ½ of cost of all improvements • Evaluated all potential capital improvements using SMART SCALE-like process with benefits determined as follows: • 40% based on person hours of delay • 40% based on change in crash frequency • 20% based on change in access to jobs
Summary Benefit Results from Prioritized Capital Improvements • By deploying $2.2 billion of capital improvements along the I-81 corridor*: • Annual vehicle hours of delay will be reduced, on average, by more than 6 million • Trucks will capture more than 3.6 million vehicle hours of annual delay reductions • Reductions related to construction of capital improvements responsible for more than 90% of these benefits • Annual statistical crashes are anticipated to be reduced, on average, by almost 450 across the entire corridor • Approximately 29% of the reduction in annual statistical crashes (representing almost 130 crashes) involve an injury * Estimated based on the share of vehicle delays generated by projects included in list of $2.2 B improvements compared to total vehicle delays generated by all improvements considered in the corridor. Estimate includes benefits related to Operational Improvements
I-81 Financing Options * Figures in millions and for FY2020
81 Corridor Improvement Plan • Bipartisan draft legislation introduced • Creates a framework for establishing dedicated funding source • Authorizes CTB to impose tolls • Caps on tolls • Offers annual pass for autos and small trucks • Revenues may only be used for improvements in 81 Corridor • Advisory board will be established
On-Going Items • Establish Truck Parking Task Force • Establish Speed Enforcement Task Force • Develop Multimodal Recommendations • Plan sets aside $200M to implement the operational improvements and these items