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Hungarian green and clean technological innovations in the practice „ Mitigation of agricultural emissions with partial change of nitrogen fertilizer utilization and cultivations change”.
Hungarian green and clean technological innovations in the practice„Mitigation of agricultural emissions with partial change of nitrogen fertilizerutilization and cultivations change” The elaboration and implementation of this project has been done in close cooperation with the SZIE and based on the results of Józsefmajor Demonstration Site Gödöllő, 2013.04.10.
The challange / climate change • The total CO2 emission of Hungary is 79 million tons • The agriculture contributes by 11 % to the total emission • Agriculture is the second largest issuer after the energy sector • This proportion did not change in the last decade
Greenaims of the project • Reduction of the GHG emission of the soils • Generation of additional income for farmers by sustainable technological change • Yield growth • Improvement of the quality of the cultivated soils • Cost savings The project has received the Approval of the Ministry of National Development as JI project!
Scedule of project implementation • Preparation, counceling, consultations: April, 2011 – innovation process/dissemination • Investment start: September 2011 • Period of crediting: Sept.1 2011- 31 Aug. 2016 (5 years) • Project duration: 2011-2018 (8 years) • JI support statement: July 20, 2011 • Project approval issued: May, 2012 • Place of implementation: North Hungarian and Trans Danubian regions at 25 000 ha
Emission Sources of the agricultural activity • CO2 and N2O emission of the soils • N2O and CH4 emission of the manure treatment • CH4 emission deriving from the ruminants’ digestion
Measures for reduction of GHG emissions • Partialreplecement of fossil N fertilizer (proposed: 50 kg N acivesubstanceequivalent/ha ) • Usage of biologicalnutrientinsteadoffossil N (Complexbacterialfertilizer and algalleaffertilizer) • Introduction of carbon saving soiltillagesystem • Centralprinciples of the project arein line withthe IPPC (2011) recommendation: increasingadaptability of arablecropsrelatedtoclimatechange
Calculated Sources of GHG Reduction • CO2 equivalent of fossilfuelsthatwould be necessaryfortheproduction and usage of theunusedfertilizer • Direct and indirect N2O emissions of theagriculturalactivity • Increasedamount of soilcarbonrelatedtothechangeinthesoiltillagesystem The differencebetweentheconventional and proposedtillagesystemonsoilcarbonstoragetakesabout 2,235 t of carbon, which is equivalentto 8,18 t/ha GHG emissionreductionin CO2 equivalent
Biologicaleffects Bacterial fertilizer: • About 50 kg N/ha • Increased cellulose degradation • N fixation, P mobilising Algal leaf fertilizer • Improved germination and growth • Stimulated growth of roots and plants • Earlier flowering, better fruit setting, shorter growing period • Improves the taste and flavour formation of the friuts • Improves storabiltiy, lowered nitrate content • Higher pest and desease resitance and drought tolerance
Monitoring • Planned emission reduction is 1 mill. tonnes in 5 years (200 000 tonnes/year on 25 000 ha) • The CO2 emission reduction commitment means the difference between the baseline emission and the emissions occuring after technological change. • Meeting of the commitments require an internal strong monitoring control and external, international validation
Source Gas/Carbon storage Status of project calculation Explanation Direct soil emission CO2 Calculated CO2 emissons related to soil tillage C Calculated Carbon from plant residues recycled into the soil N2O Calculated Direct N2O emissions related to the use of fertilizers N2O Calculated N2O emissions related to the use of manure N2O Calculated Direct N2O emissions of nitrogen fixing plants N2O Calculated Direct N2O emissions of plant residues recycled into the soil Indirect soil emission N2O Calculated Indirect N2O emissions related to the use of fertilizers N2O Non calculated Indirect N2O emissions related to the use of manure Calculations related to the production of fertilizers CO2 Calculated Production related CO2 emissions calculated by type of fertilizer Baseline calculation
Data subject to monitoring • The amount of nutrientsusedbothfromorganic and syntheticfertilizer • The composition of nutrientsused (quantity and qualitycontrol) • Followthesoiltillagetechniqueusedinthesoilpreparationperiod • Followthesoiltillagetechniqueusedintheafterharvestperiod • Changesintheamount of plantresidues • Inventory of theown and hiredsoiltillagemachines, whicharesuitablefortheimplementation of thenewtechnologybothinquality and capacity.
Monitoring • Use of GN 2009-2014 program Completion of the log book • Provision of nitrate data • On the spot control including sampling • Parcell identification based on GPS
Advantagesforfarmers • Receive organic fertilizers in a value of 12 000 Ft. (20 l/h/year (a: 600 FT+ VAT /l) • Receive support for tillage machinery in a value of 3400 Ft/ha
Farmers’ obligationsinrelationtothe project • Statement on the right of land use • Follow the technology determined • Meeting administrative obligations (supplying data by crops) on a contracted bases
Summary • The indicator number one of the program implementation is the volume of GHG emission reduction. The planned 1 million tonnes of CO2 equivalent emission reduction is considered to be an outstanding magnitude among agricultural projects. • Based on the the changes in farming technology and the use of complex bio fertilizers it may be clearly stated that the program implementation is an extra voluntary environmental performance. • Farmers implement environment friendly farming management that is beyond the requirements formulated in the EU's common agricultural policy and strenthgen adaptation to the climat change ahead of us.