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Energy & Industry Section. Technology - based section Head of the section: Prof. dr.ir. M.P.C. Weijnen 8 staff + 12 PhD students Coordinator of Master Thesis projects: dr.ir. Zofia Lukszo Z.Lukszo@tudelft.nl Tel. 015-2781147 Room a3.200
Energy & Industry Section Technology - based sectionHead of the section: Prof. dr.ir. M.P.C. Weijnen 8 staff + 12 PhD students Coordinator of Master Thesis projects: dr.ir. Zofia Lukszo Z.Lukszo@tudelft.nl Tel. 015-2781147 Room a3.200 See on:www.tbm.tudelft.nl Department Infrastructure Systems & Services Section Energy and Industry
Energy & Industry Sectionin short • Research at the cross roads of technology, public policy and management • Strong engineering basis • Emphasis on Infrastructures and Industry Networks, and linking technology, systems, policy and management.
Energy & Industry – Research Themes • Action-oriented (“engineering paradigm”) • Analysis of network development mechanism and application of theoretical insights in network evolution to the innovation of energy infrastructures and industrial process networks • Development of methods and tools for support of • Shaping industrial and energy systems, networks and infrastructures • Combining Technology, Policy and Management • For design, evolution, innovation, transition that allow for multi-objective decision-making and accommodate multi-actor involvement; • Sustainability as an underlying driver / condition
Energy & IndustryResearch Programmes Section Energy & Industry participates in a number of long-term multidisciplinary research programmes, i.e.: • Next Generation Infrastructures - Understanding Complex Infrastructures - Flexible Infrastructures - Intelligent Infrastructures • Center for Port Innovation and Regional Development
Next Generation Infrastructures Research initiative of the TUDelft; many research projects at E&I related to this programme Scientific mission: To develop a generic framework, methods and tools for understanding and steering the development of network bound infrastructures, and enabling cross-sectoral learning. Societal mission: To stimulate and support the development of more flexible, more reliable and more intelligent infrastructures and services, with respect for public values and consumer interests, and serve therewith a sustainable development of the economy, society and its natural environment. www.nginfra.nl
Center for Port Innovation • To generate, coordinate and execute innovative, strategic research projects aimed at application in the harbors and industrial areas (Rotterdam, Singapore,…) to improve the international competitive position of • the ports, • regional enterprises and authorities, • and Delft University of Technology.
Strong interaction research and education • SEPAM / EPA / MoT programme: • Energy profile, Industry profile • Research projects contribute to the educational programme • Project results incorporated in elective courses, which are available for all TUDelft students
Examples of student projects • Carbon Dioxide Emission Trading and Security of Electricity Supply (AER) • Fostering the use of Clean Development Mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol (EcoSecurities) • L-gas for tomorrow (Hoekloos) • Process integration of “cold energy” for a LNG terminal (Essent Energie) • ENECO Energie and energy saving by households (Eneco Energie Retail)
Examples of student projects • Analysis of Changes of Production Capacity in the Dutch Paper and Board Industry (VNP) • Evolution of Petrochemical Clusters (DelftChemTech) • Sulphur Free Diesel optimiser (Shell) • Assisting multi-product enterprises in the process industry in shortening lead times despite demand uncertainty (GE Plastics) • Six-Sigma for process improvement (Schott) • Exploring the impact of bioenergy - The case of the Dutch Paper& Board Industry (KEMA Green Energy)
Examples of student projects • Course for China's coal. Risk and opportunities on pathways to future images of coal-based systems in China from a central government perspective (Shell GS) • Mitigating the windfall profitability of the power sector due to the European Emissions Trading Scheme (ECN) • A financial architecture for a Carbon Capture and Sequestration network in the Netherlands (Ecofys) • Cryogenic integration analysis for LNG import terminals (Shell GS) • Balancing market performance in a decentralized electricity system in the Netherlands (TenneT)
Examples of student projects • The future of distributed electricity generation (ECN: Energy Research Centre of the NL) • Design method aimed at the reductionof dredging fleet emissions (Royal Boskalis Westminster) • A framework for proactively dealing with changing water legislation at different management levels (VEMW/Univ. Illinois)
Example of a current Master project Impact of the CDM on Technological Change (ECN) The main research question: What is the impact of the CDM on technological innovation in developing countries?
Example of a current Master project Investment in the time of climate change (Electrabel) The main research question: How to choose from different types of electricity generation technologies, given the deep uncertainty about future fuel and CO2 prices?
Example of a current Master project Asset management (SPIE) The main research question: How to support industrial companies in asset management taking into account maintenance and operational aspects?
Example of a current Master project Managing technological innovative projects in a companies’ transition towards sustainability(SIEMENS) The main research question: How to support an industrial site to effectively set up a project and meet the objective of sustainability that is addressed in the strategic objective of the enterprise?
All SEPAM, EPA, MoT students !Please contact us… if you wish to discuss your • profile (energy, industry, research or personal profile) • elective courses if you plan to embark on the graduation project in the section Energy and Industry Z.Lukszo@tudelft.nl