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Introductory Chinese Lesson 1

Introductory Chinese Lesson 1. Form VII Quarter 2. Knowledge of China. 1,324,655,000  - 2008 Source: World Bank, World Development Indicators Disclaimer How do people write?. Key Patterns. How to address the teacher? Surname + 老师 lǎo shī Eg . 吴 wú 老师 How to greet the teacher? 老师 好!

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Introductory Chinese Lesson 1

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introductory Chinese Lesson 1 Form VII Quarter 2

  2. Knowledge of China • 1,324,655,000 - 2008Source: World Bank, World Development IndicatorsDisclaimer • How do people write?

  3. Key Patterns • How to address the teacher? Surname +老师 lǎoshīEg. 吴wú老师 • How to greet the teacher? 老师 好! • How to say goodbye to the teacher? 老师, 再见!

  4. Lesson Dialog Scenario: On the first day of school, two students (both are female) met their teacher, Ms Wu. The two students know the teacher, however, the teacher doesn’t know them. So one of the students decided to GREET the teacher and INTRODUCE herself and the other student. Student 1= Xiao Lan Student 2 = Li Li Teacher = Ms. Wu

  5. Xiao Lan & Li Li: 吴老师好! Ms. Wu: 你们好!你们是。。。?(wondering who are these two students…) Xiao Lan: 我是小兰xiǎolán。 (points to student 2) 她是丽丽lìli。 Ms. Wu: 哦ò!再见! Xiao Lan & Li Li: 再见!

  6. Characters • 你 • 好 • 我 • 是 • 她 • 们 • 他

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