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Learn about the importance of MRV systems in generating transparency, trust, and informed decision-making for estimating emissions, impacts, and financial flows. Explore measurement, reporting, verification, NAMAs, and National Communications.
Topic D2. Slide 2 of 21 Outline • Introduction • Scope • Measurement • Reporting • Verification • What is MRV intended for? • National Communication • Biennial Update Reports • NAMA • Planning the MRV systems for REDD+ • Wetlands MRV systems • Summary
Topic D2. Slide 3 of 21 Introduction • An important procedure built in a systematic way to • generate transparency • built trust on their effectiveness and • facilitate decision-making • Can be used to estimate: • emissions at national, regional, sectoral levels • impacts of mitigation policies and actions • financial flows/technology transfer/capacity building and their impacts • Without a robust MRV projects would have difficulties in finding markets
Topic D2. Slide 4 of 21 Scope: Measurement • Measurements can be applied at different levels (national, sub-national), as well as sectoral and facility (factory) • Establish baselines as a reference point for setting future mitigation targets • Involve a range of organizations in the measurement process including public and private sectors • Multiply activity data (AD), e.g. energy statistics, with country-specific emission factors (EFs) to achieve an estimate of total emissions.
Topic D2. Slide 5 of 21 Scope: Reporting Reporting, which is intended for the production of National Communications, Biennial Update Reports (BURs), and Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) includes: • Sectors activities and types of gas • Institutional arrangements • Methodologies used, data sources, underlying assumptions, QA/QC procedures • Methodology used to determine the uncertainty • Methodology of baseline construction
Topic D2. Slide 6 of 21 Scope: Verification • Verification helps implement quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) procedures at national level, in order to improve transparency, accuracy, consistency, completeness, comparability and the overall confidence in the emission estimates. • Intended for both for data providers and the national entity responsible for compiling the emissions estimates • Verification is not supposed to control countries but rather to install an international learning process and to foster continuous improvement.
Topic D2. Slide 7 of 21 MRV of National Communication • Developed countries are required to submit information on their national greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories annually. • They also submit national communication periodically, according to dates set by the COP. • The sixth national communications from these countries was due by 1 January 2014. • At COP16, it was decided that developing countries would submit their national communications (which include national GHG inventories) every four years.
Topic D2. Slide 8 of 21 MRV of Biennial Update Reports (BURs) • At COP17, it was decided that developing countries should submit their first biennial update reports by December 2014 and the subsequent ones every two thereafter. • It contains updates of national greenhouse gas inventories, including a national inventory report and information on mitigation actions, needs and support received. • The least developed country Parties and small island developing States may submit biennial update reports at their discretion.
Topic D2. Slide 9 of 21 MRV of NAMA Concerns on the impacts of mitigation policies and actions Helps identify national priorities as well as challenges and opportunities Policy planning and prioritisation and improving policy coherence – important to keep track of lessons learnt For internal national record, tracking progress e.g. emission reductions and progress to achieving objectives To demonstrate to donors the emission reduction and impacts of NAMAs
Topic D2. Slide 10 of 21 What is NAMA? • The concept of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions was introduced in the Bali Action Plan 2007 • Implemented by developing country Parties in the context of sustainable development through Unilateral NAMA or Supported NAMA • They are enabled by technology, financing and capacity building, in a measurable, reportable and verifiable manner • The role of carbon markets in financing NAMAs is under discussion among various stakeholders and includes the concept of credited NAMAs
Topic D2. Slide 11 of 21 Planning the MRV system for REDD+ • Define initial priorities for capacity development: • understanding the national REDD+ implementation strategies and policies • identifying high priority areas to focus MRV activities (and demonstrations) using a stratified national approach • Early actions will need to deal with partial MRV but leakage need to be assessed nationally • Link with evolving benefit sharing mechanisms • Synergy of national and local monitoring • Role of local communities and experts in REDD+ implementation
Topic D2. Slide 12 of 21 Framework for national REDD+ monitoring National forest monitoring (i.e. carbon) National GHG inventory (IPCC GPG) Past Future Current Herold , 2012
Topic D2. Slide 13 of 21 Framework for national REDD+ monitoring National strategy and implementation REDD+ National forest monitoring (i.e. carbon) National GHG inventory (IPCC GPG) Past Future Current REDD+ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Herold , 2012
Topic D2. Slide 14 of 21 Framework for national REDD+ monitoring National strategy and implementation REDD+ National forest monitoring (i.e. carbon) National GHG inventory (IPCC GPG) Reference level (stepwise improvement) Past Future Current REDD+ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Herold , 2012
Topic D2. Slide 15 of 21 Framework for national REDD+ monitoring National strategy and implementation Local REDD+ monitoring REDD+ MRV of REDD+ actions (national) National forest monitoring (i.e. carbon) National GHG inventory (IPCC GPG) Reference level (stepwise improvement) Past Future Current REDD+ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Herold , 2012
Topic D2. Slide 16 of 21 Framework for national REDD+ monitoring National strategy and implementation Local REDD+ monitoring REDD+ MRV of REDD+ actions (national) REDD+ performance (national) International verification National forest monitoring (i.e. carbon) National GHG inventory (IPCC GPG) Reference level (stepwise improvement) Past Future Current REDD+ Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Herold , 2012
Topic D2. Slide 17 of 21 International Reporting National level MRV • National priorities and strategies for local REDD+ implementation • National datasets and streams for local use • Capacity development and revenue stream (for MRV) • MRV guidance & standards • National data infrastructure and quality control of local measurements • Monitoring of leakage • REDD+ participation and safeguards • Local data collection as input to national monitoring (forest inventory, regular and near-real time tracking of forest change events) • Performance reporting (long-term) for local implementation activities • Independent data sources for validation purposes Local level Monitoring Pratihast et al., 2013,
Topic D2. Slide 18 of 21 Wetlands MRV systems: foods for thought Use international verification to anticipate participation in results-based schemes Adopt 2013 Supplement of 2006 IPCC Guidelines Take advantage of existing national forest monitoring and inventory systems Cover emissions and removals estimates, and consistency with reference levels Interim reporting can catalyse progress on MRV and broader climate change mitigation agenda
Topic D2. Slide 19 of 21 Concluding remarks Continuous MRV improvements is important to encourage broad participation and step-wise progress National forest monitoring system in place Linking data and emission estimates to financial incentives and benefit sharing Reduce uncertainties by improving institutional and individual capacities at all levels Sustained support on the national and sub national processes from the international level Developing countries, especially those with extensive wetlands have opportunities to develop their MRV systems
Topic D2. Slide 20 of 21 References Herold M, Angelsen A, Verchot LV, Wijaya A and Ainembabazi JH. 2012. A stepwise framework for developing REDD+ reference levels. In Angelsen et al, eds. Analyzing REDD+: Challenges and choices. Bogor, Indonesia: CIFOR. Pang Y, Thistlethwaite G, Watterson J, Okamura S, Harries J, Varma A, Le Cornu E. 2014. How to set up national MRV system. GIZ. Pratihast AK, Herold M, De Sy V, Murdiyarso D andSkutsch M. 2013. Linking community-based and national REDD+ monitoring: A review of options for implementation. Carbon Management 4(1):91–104. Romijn E, Herold M, Kooistra L, Murdiyarso D and Verchot L. 2012. Assessing capacities of non-Annex I countries for national forest monitoring in the context of REDD+. Environmental Science and Policy 15:33–48.