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Cold War Part 3: The Nuclear Club Grows Bombs, bombs, and more bombs. Sputnik. Space Race

Cold War Part 3: The Nuclear Club Grows Bombs, bombs, and more bombs. Sputnik. Space Race Eisenhower Doctrine U2 Crisis. Tsar Bomb. NORAD. Fears this will lead to a build up and then it will be. North American Defense Command.

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Cold War Part 3: The Nuclear Club Grows Bombs, bombs, and more bombs. Sputnik. Space Race

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Cold War Part 3: The Nuclear Club Grows Bombs, bombs, and more bombs. Sputnik. Space Race Eisenhower Doctrine U2 Crisis

  2. Tsar Bomb NORAD Fears this will lead to a build up and then it will be.... North American Defense Command

  3. Hydrogen Bombs, Tsar Bombs, MAD - Mutual Assured DestructionDETERRENCE

  4. Eisenhower Doctrine

  5. Eisenhower Doctrine We reserve the right to protect the Middle East (and by that we mean Israel)

  6. ANZUSandSEATO Trade and quasi military organizations

  7. Australia, New Zealand, & the U.S. ANZUS

  8. South East Asian Treaty Organization SEATO

  9. Sputnik

  10. Sputnik - 1957 USSR launches the first space satellite

  11. Sputnik • Russians beat us to it - their technology must be good • If they can put a satellite up in space then they must be able to shoot nuclear missiles all the way over to us! • time to invest lots of money into US science and math programs so we can catch up with the Soviets

  12. Leads To... The Space Race

  13. http://www.hamovhotov.com/webcam/?p=18

  14. Leads To... More Bomb Testing • testing on land outlawed. • testing in air ok • testing in water ok • the nuclear race is on! • lots of spying to find out what the other side has

  15. Geneva Convention • Stalin finally died! New ruler of USSR is Krushchev • Krushchev (USSR) and Eisenhower (US) meet at Geneva, Switz to discuss “open skies” • the idea was open skies would mean less spying...more transparency • except....something embarrassing happened

  16. U2 Spy Plane 1960 US Pilot Gary Powers’ U2 plane was shot down over the Soviet Union A local boy from Pound, VA Time of fear and folly and spy games U2 motto: “In God we trust. All others we monitor.”

  17. U2 Crisis • Eisenhower was at the Geneva summit with Russian Krushchev • Discussing reducing nuclear stockpiles. • With the U2 incident it was clear America was spying • The Geneva summit was called off • Cold War attitudes hardened

  18. Misinformation The Reality: 1. May 1960-Feb 1962 2. 3 months isolation, 3 day trail, 18 months Vladavitch prison Released, flown to E. Germany, woken at 4 am, driven 1 hour in circle. End up on cold, dark, foggy morning at Potsdam, Germany Very few witnessed the exchange of the American Gary Powers for the Russian spy Rudolf Abel. They walked across their 2 respective countries

  19. Terms to Know MAD - Mutual Assured Destruction

  20. Berlin Wall

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