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The Opposing Sides. Fort Sumter. - April 10, 1861: Brig. Gen. Beauregard demands surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. - Garrison commander Anderson refused. - On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply effectively.
Fort Sumter - April 10, 1861: Brig. Gen. Beauregard demands surrender of the Union garrison of Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor. - Garrison commander Anderson refused. - On April 12, Confederate batteries opened fire on the fort, which was unable to reply effectively. - At 2:30 pm, April 13, Major Anderson surrendered Fort Sumter.
Fort Sumter -The bombardment of Fort Sumter was the opening engagement of the American Civil War. - Although there were no casualties during the bombardment, one Union artillerist was killed and three wounded (one mortally) when a cannon exploded prematurely while firing a salute during the evacuation on April 14.
Robert E. Lee – offered command • of Union troops • considered slavery a “moral and • and political evil” • “I cannot raise my hand against • my birthplace, my home, my • children.” • resigned from Army, services to • the Confederacy
1860 – U.S. had 8 military colleges, 7 were in the South • trained officers to lead armies Virginia Military Institute – 1839 (first state military college)
Advantages and Disadvantages • 1860 – population of the North • was 22 million…South 9 million • larger percentage had to fight • in the South, fewer people • working to support war
1860 – 80% of nation’s factories were in the North • 90% of clothing, boots, and shoes • firearms
South grew great quantities of rice and corn…distribution? • South had half as many miles of RR track as the North • Memphis to Chattanooga – only line that connected the western Confederate states to the east • easy for the North to disrupt rail system
Best hope for South to raise money…tax trade • Union Navy blockaded Southern ports • South began taxing its people, resentment
Politics in the North • President Lincoln had several groups to deal with politically • War Democrats – supported conflict, restore Union • Peace Democrats – opposed war, reunite states through negotiation (Rep. referred to them as Copperheads after the venomous snake)
1862 – Congress legalized conscription – forcing people into military service
To enforce conscription, Lincoln suspended writs of habeas corpus • no imprisonment without being charged with a crime and given a trial • when writs are suspended, people can be imprisoned without trial • people who supported the rebels or resisted the draft
Can Confederates get Britain or France on board? • cotton for textile mills • James Mason to Britain, John Slidell to France • got past Union blockade and went to Cuba • boarded British ship Trent • Charles Wilkes, captain of the Union warship • San Jacinto, intercepted ship • Mason and Slidell arrested, eventually released • Trent Affair failed to gain diplomatic support for South
Military Technology and Tactics organize troops in tight columns, go on the offensive
avoid large battles, do not risk heavy losses • defensive war of attrition • perhaps Union might negotiate The South’s Strategy
The Union’s Anaconda Plan • blockade Southern ports, isolate Confederacy from European aid • cut off supplies • control the Mississippi River • divide east and west • capture New Orleans, Vicksburg, and Memphis