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Hochbaum Lab hochbaum@uci.edu http:// hochbaumlab .eng.uci.edu

Hochbaum Lab hochbaum@uci.edu http:// hochbaumlab .eng.uci.edu. Prof. Allon Hochbaum  Assistant Professor S.B. Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003) Ph.D . Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley ( 2008).

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Hochbaum Lab hochbaum@uci.edu http:// hochbaumlab .eng.uci.edu

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  1. Hochbaum Labhochbaum@uci.eduhttp://hochbaumlab.eng.uci.edu • Prof. Allon Hochbaum  • Assistant Professor • S.B. Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003) • Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley (2008) • Research Summary: In the Hochbaum Lab we are interested in nanoscale interfaces. We study inorganic and biological-inorganic interfaces to understand and create devices which address pressing issues in global energy demand and human health. We specialize in the synthesis of nanoscale, bioinspired and biomimetic materials, and study the chemical and physical interactions between microbes and minerals. We have ongoing research projects in the following areas: • Earth-abundant nanomaterials for clean energy devices: earth-abundant minerals typically have more impurities and poorer properties than state-of-the-art semiconductors. However, by rational design of the material structure through nanoscale syntheses, one may construct efficient, inexpensive, and scalable devices. • Extracellular electron transfer in microbial biofilms: Many mundane and extremophilic bacteria use extracellular electron transfer in their metabolic pathways. Electrochemical methods can offer insight into the mechanisms of charge transfer in these systems, and hybrid devices incorporating such electroactive bacteria with inorganic components are promising for power generation and biofuels synthesis. • Ordered and mixed-species biofilms: Most naturally-occurring microbial communities are composed of multiple – often syntrophic – species. The deterministic structuring of these communities may be used to systematically study the relationships between bioflm structure and function with relevance to medical infections and stimulated biofuels production. Key Publications: “Inhibitory effects of D-amino acids on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm development,”A.I. Hochbaum, I. Kolodkin-Gal, L. Foulston, R. Kolter, J. Aizenberg, R. Losick, J. Bacteriol., 193, 5616, 2011. “Bacteria pattern spontaneously on periodic nanostructure arrays,” A.I. Hochbaum, J. Aizenberg, Nano Lett., 10, 3717, 2010. “Enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of rough silicon nanowires,” A.I. Hochbaum, R. Chen, R.D. Delgado, W. Liang, E.C. Garnett, M. Najarian , A. Majumdar, P. Yang, Nature, 451, 163, 2008.

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