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Economic Update: US and Washignton Presented by Greg Weeks, PH.D. Washington State Employment Security Department Labor Market and Economic Analysis 2008 IPMA Conference Lake Chelan, WA October 14, 2008. All Employees: Total Nonfarm, U.S. December 2000 = 100
Economic Update: US and Washignton Presented by Greg Weeks, PH.D. Washington State Employment Security Department Labor Market and Economic Analysis 2008 IPMA Conference Lake Chelan, WA October 14, 2008
All Employees: Total Nonfarm, U.S. December 2000 = 100 All Employees: Total Nonfarm, Washington December 2000 = 100 US WA Index.EMF (LABORR) LANAGRA / WALNAGRA 10101-10812 *
All Employees: Total Nonfarm, Washington Difference - Period to Period Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands WA mnthly chg.EMF (LABORR) WALNAGRA 10501-10812 *
Employment/Population Ratio: Seattle 3-month MovingAverage King/Snohomish Employment/Population Ratio: Washington less Seattle 3-month MovingAverage Emp pop ratio.EMF (LAUSDB) EPASE / EPABW 9101-10812 *
Unemployment Insurance: Exhaustion Rate: Washington % Unemployment Insurance: Initial Claims Applications: Washington NSA, Number ui initial claims v exhaustion rate.EMF (WACLAIMS) WALUEX / WALICL 9709-10808
Unemployment Rate, United States Seasonally Adjusted, % Unemployment Rate, Washington Seasonally Adjusted, % jobless rate WA_US.EMF (EMPLR) USRA / WARA 10201-10812 *
Seattle-Everett-Bellevue 200012=100 Tacoma 200012=100 emp growth by area alt ces.EMF (CES2) A0042644 / A0045104 10108-10807 December 2000 = 100
All Employees: Manufacturing, U.S. Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands All Employees: Manufacturing, Washington Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands Mfg US_WA.EMF (LABOR) LAMANUA / WALMANUA 10201-10812 *
All Employees: Mfg Nondurable Goods, Washington Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands All Employees: Mfg Durable Goods, Washington Seasonally Adjusted, Thousands mfg_dur_nond.EMF (LABORR) WALNDURA / WALDURGA 10201-10812 *
Manufacturers' New Orders: Aircraft & Parts (U.S.) Seasonally Adjusted, Millions $ aircraft orders.EMF (HAVER) NMOG641 1021-1084 *
Manufacturers' New Orders: Information Technology (U.S.) Seasonally Adjusted, Millions $ info tech.EMF (HAVER) NMOITI 1021-1084 *
Construction Payrolls Share of Washington Payrolls Seasonally Adjusted Construction Payrolls Share of Total U.S. Payrolls Seasonally Adjusted construction share.EMF (LABORR) _ / _ 9101-10812 *
Private Construction: Nonresidential (U.S.) % Chg - Year/Year seasonally adjusted annual rate, Millions $ Private Construction: Residential (U.S.) % Chg - Year/Year seasonally adjusted annual rate, Millions $ put in place res vs nonres.EMF (HAVER) CPVD / CPVR 10101-10812 *
Housing Starts: U.S., Thousands of Units 6-month Moving Average, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Housing Starts: Washington, Thousands of Units 6-month Moving Average, Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate Starts US WA.EMF (HAVER) HST / WAHST 10201-10812 *
Real Disposable Personal Income % Chg - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted Real Personal Consumption Expenditures % Chg - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted Real pce and real dpi.EMF (HAVER) YPDHM / CBHM 10201-10812 *
Per Capita Personal Income, United States Chained 2000 $ Per Capita Personal Income, Washington Chained 2000 $ per capital real income.EMF (PIQR) USYPPHQ / WAYPPHQ 1011-1084 *
Real Gross Domestic Product % Change - Annual Rate, Seasonally Adjusted GDP growth.EMF (HAVER) GDPH 1011-1084 *
Consumer Confidence: Pacific Seasonally Adjusted, 1985=100 Consumer Confidence Seasonally Adjusted, 1985=100 Consumer Confidence.EMF (HAVER) CCSPAC / CCIN 10201-10812 *
Avg Hourly Earnings: Total Private % Change - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted, $/hour CPI-U: All Items % Change - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted, 1982-84=100 cpi earn.EMF (LABOR) LEPRIVA / PCU 10201-10812 *
House Price Index, United States % Change - Year to Year 1980 Q1=100 Housing Starts, United States Seasonally Adjusted Annual Rate, Thousands of Units starts home prices.EMF (REGIONAL) USHPI / HST 1021-1084 *
OFHEO House Price Index, Washington % Change - Year to Year NSA, 1980 Q1=100 OFHEO House Price Index, United States % Change - Year to Year NSA, 1980 Q1=100 house price WA vs US.EMF (REGIONAL) WAHPI / USHPI 771-1084 *
10-Year Treasury Note Yield at Constant Maturity % p.a. Federal Open Market Committee: Fed Funds Target Rate % ffunds to long.EMF (HAVER) FCM10 / FFEDTAR 10101-10812 Yield Curve: 10-Year versus Fed Funds Rate
CPI-U: All Items Less Food and Energy % Change - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted, 1982-84=100 CPI-U: All Items % Change - Year/Year, Seasonally Adjusted, 1982-84=100 CPI and core.EMF (HAVER) PCUSLFE / PCU 10101-10812 *
Spot Oil Price: West Texas Intermediate [Prior'82=Posted Price] $/Barrel U.S. Retail Gasoline Price: Regular Grade Avg, Cents/Gallon gas and oil.EMF (HAVER) PZTEXP / PZRGUS 10101-10812 *
U.S. Retail Gasoline Price: Regular Grade 1995=100 Spot Oil Price: West Texas Intermediate 1995=100 retail gas & crude oil.EMF (HAVER) PZRGUS / PZTEXP 9601-10812 *
Mortgage Foreclosures Started: Washington Not Seasonally Adjusted, % Mortgage Foreclosures Started: U.S. Not Seasonally Adjusted, % foreclosures US vs WA.EMF (MBAMTG) WAL14F / USL14F 911-1084
Composite Housing Affordability Index % Change - Year to Year Median Inc=Qualifying Inc=100 NAR Median Sales Price: Total Existing Homes, United States % Change - Year to Year $ housing affordability and median sale price of homes, U.S..EMF (USECON) HACI / HXTPM 9709-10808
Thank You for your time and attention! Please call or email with any questions: Greg Weeks gweeks@esd.wa.gov (360) 438-48804