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Elizabeth Bishop “ The Moose ”. 9653039 陳怡綾. Elizabeth Bishop (1911~1979). 1911, 出生於美國麻州伍斯特城 1916, 偕母歸於加拿大新斯科細亞大庄村的娘家 1918, 陪姑姑看牙醫的恐怖經驗 1967,〈In the Waiting Room〉 Elizabeth Bishop P2 1925-30 , 進入中學,發表詩作和 短篇小說 1930-34, 就讀紐約州著名的私立女子學院 Vassar College 1932, 至紐芬蘭徒步旅行
Elizabeth Bishop“The Moose” 9653039 陳怡綾
Elizabeth Bishop (1911~1979) • 1911, 出生於美國麻州伍斯特城 • 1916, 偕母歸於加拿大新斯科細亞大庄村的娘家 • 1918, 陪姑姑看牙醫的恐怖經驗 1967,〈In the Waiting Room〉 Elizabeth Bishop P2 • 1925-30, 進入中學,發表詩作和短篇小說 • 1930-34, 就讀紐約州著名的私立女子學院Vassar College • 1932, 至紐芬蘭徒步旅行 〈Over 2,000 Illustrations and a Complete Concordance〉 • 1934, 結識Marianne Moore
Elizabeth Bishop (1911~1979) • 1946, 回到新斯科細亞海邊賃屋寫作 〈At the Fishhouses〉〈The Prodigal〉〈The Moose〉 ElizabethBishop P1 第一本詩集《北&南》出版 • 1947, 經由Randall Jarrell介紹,認識 Robert Lowell,兩人成為終身知己 與《紐約客》簽約 • 1949-50, 美國桂冠詩人 • 1953, 《紐約客》刊出童年憶往短篇小說 〈In the Village〉〈Gwendolyn〉 • 1956, 獲普立茲詩獎 Eustace Tilley
文獻回顧 • “The Moose” is “a love song Bishop spent her lifetime writing, [...] a love song to ‘taking her time,’ whether it be writing poems, boarding a bus, or even watching a moose.” ( Kearful, 2006:394)
文獻回顧 • Bishop’s poem “The Moose” […] in which she describes “the churches in Maine as ‘bleached, ridged like clamshells’. Not only have oysters become clams, what was bleak has become bleached, and they are now important for their texture rather than for their positioning. ( Abbot, 2007:349)
文獻回顧 • In the aesthetic, objects appear in their impenetrable essence. […] like the moose in Bishop’s poem of that title: A moose has come out of the impenetrable wood and stands there, looms, rather, in the middle of the road. We hardly need the remark—“Curious creatures” [...] “Look at that would you”—in order to understand the “otherworldly” power of this emissary from the impenetrable wood. ( Harold Schweizer, 2005:58-59)
文本分析 • 敘述觀點 全知敘述觀點 第一人稱敘述觀點 (詩前六段) (第六段開始) 海 家鄉的海灣風景 旅人 ↓ 海岸 ↓ 農莊 陸 巴士
文本分析 • 時間 線性 循環 永恆 黃昏 幻覺 麋鹿出現 ↓ 祖父母的交談 晚上 呼應詩首 反覆的潮起潮落
文本分析 • 顏色 紅褐色 白/灰/霧 月光 brown foambleached as clamshellsmoonlight silted red fog lamb’s wool red sea white hen’s feathers red gravelly road gray glazed cabbages (夢境、幻覺) (流在血脈裡的鄉情) (神聖、麋鹿出現)
文本分析 • 味道 • 海邊 salty • 路上 sugar maple • 旅人要離鄉 “The bus starts. The light grows richer; the fog, shifting, salty, thin, comes closing in.” • A dim smell of moose, an acrid smell of gasoline
文本分析 • Metaphor • A Bus Journey • 時間 • 爺爺和奶奶的交談 • The Moose, 危險的生物? 威脅? Curious creature? Sweet sensation of joy? 麋鹿vs. 人 麋鹿的氣味vs. 汽油味