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Ancient Greece and Rome

Ancient Greece and Rome. Review Trivia. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization. QUESTION 1: The clash of these two cultures led to the development of ancient Greek civilization and culture ANSWER: Mycenaean and Minoan cultures. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization. QUESTION 2:

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Ancient Greece and Rome

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  1. Ancient Greece and Rome Review Trivia

  2. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization • QUESTION 1: The clash of these two cultures led to the development of ancient Greek civilization and culture • ANSWER: Mycenaean and Minoan cultures

  3. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization • QUESTION 2: Type of government run by the nobility • ANSWER: Aristocracy

  4. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization • QUESTION 3: The public meeting place in ancient Greece • ANSWER: Acropolis

  5. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization • QUESTION 4: Athenian leader that felt it necessary to strengthen democracy • ANSWER: Pericles

  6. Round 1 – Early Greek Civilization • QUESTION 5: The Greek building that bests represents the primary characteristics of Greek art and architecture, balance and proportion • ANSWER: The Parthenon

  7. Round 2 – Rival City-States, WAR and Culture • QUESTION 1: This war led to the development of the Delian League and subsequently the Golden Age of Athens • ANSWER: Persian War

  8. Round 2 – Rival City-States, WAR and Culture • QUESTION 2: In Sparta these were free men that did not own land • ANSWER: Perioci

  9. Round 2 – Rival City-States, WAR and Culture • QUESTION 3: Individuality, responsibility and beauty are all values of this city-state • ANSWER: Athens

  10. Round 2 – Rival City-States, WAR and Culture • QUESTION 4: Qualifications for Athenian citizenship • ANSWER: Free, male, born in Athens

  11. Round 2 – Rival City-States, WAR and Culture • QUESTION 5: This philosopher believed that the best approach to education was to utilize the question-answer method • ANSWER: Socrates

  12. Round 3 – Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture • QUESTION 1: Two civilizations King Philip II of Macedonia wanted to conquer • ANSWER: Greece and Persia

  13. Round 3 – Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture • QUESTION 2: The region that was liberated by Alexander the Great • ANSWER: Egypt

  14. Round 3 – Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture • QUESTION 3: This is considered Alexander’s most LASTING achievement • ANSWER: Development/Spread of Hellenistic culture

  15. Round 3 – Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture • QUESTION 4: Alexander the Great failed to conquer this land due to exhaustion and mutiny • ANSWER: India

  16. Round 3 – Alexander the Great and Hellenistic Culture • QUESTION 5: The location of center of Hellenistic culture (be specific) • ANSWER: Alexandria, Egypt

  17. BONUS QUESTION! • QUESTION: Name the FOUR cultures that contributed to the development of Hellenistic culture • ANSWER: Greek, Persian, Egyptian, Indian

  18. Round 4 – The Roman Republic • QUESTION 1: Two main differences between the Plebeians and the Patricians • ANSWER: Patricians were nobles/aristocratic and could hold office. Plebeians were not aristocratic (commoners) and could not hold office…until they protested and got some changes.

  19. Round 4 – The Roman Republic • QUESTION 2: Representatives for the Plebeians • ANSWER: Tribunes

  20. Round 4 – The Roman Republic • QUESTION 3: The term for the members of the Executive Branch in the Roman Republic • ANSWER: Consuls

  21. Round 4 – The Roman Republic • QUESTION 4: Two reasons for the collapse of the Roman Republic • ANSWER: Bigger gap between rich and poor leads to economic crisis and power-hungry generals leads to military upheaval; assassination of Caesar

  22. Round 4 – The Roman Republic • QUESTION 5: Put the following events in order: Caesar comes to power; Octavian becomes Augustus; Fall of Roman Republic; Caesar is assassinated • ANSWER: Caesar comes to power; Caesar is assassinated; Fall of Roman Republic; Octavian becomes Augustus

  23. Round 5 – The Roman Empire • QUESTION 1: Term used for a group of 3 rulers • ANSWER: Triumvirate

  24. Round 5 – The Roman Empire • QUESTION 2: This man, Caesar’s grandnephew, adopted the title of “Augustus” to become Rome’s first emperor • ANSWER: Octavian

  25. Round 5 – The Roman Empire • QUESTION 3: Location and original purpose of the Pantheon • ANSWER: Rome; temple to all Roman gods and goddesses

  26. Round 5 – The Roman Empire • QUESTION 4: Two reasons the Romans persecuted early Christians • ANSWER: Threat to social order of Roman Empire; Did not worship Roman gods/goddesses; didn’t fight in military; Romans thought it would divide empire

  27. Round 5 – The Roman Empire • QUESTION 5: Term for time period characterized by peace and stability • ANSWER: Pax Romana

  28. BONUS QUESTION! • QUESTION: Name 3 factors that united Ancient Greece and 2 factors that divided them • ANSWER: United: Olympic games, ancestry, language, religion, fear of Persians Divided: Geography, forms of government; slavery; civil war

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