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Colonial North Carolina. Chapter 3. Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the land that is now North Carolina Lane and White Colony 1663 charter granted to 8 men who controlled Carolina territory Colonists had same rights as citizens in Englanf. Lords Proprietors had complete authority
Colonial North Carolina Chapter 3
Sir Walter Raleigh claimed the land that is now North Carolina • Lane and White Colony • 1663 charter granted to 8 men who controlled Carolina territory • Colonists had same rights as citizens in Englanf
Lords Proprietors had complete authority • Government: Governor, council (chosen by governor), and an elected assembly • Governors treat colonists poorly
European pouring into Americas by 1650 • Spanish in Florida, southwest U.S. • French in Canada, Mississippi River, Gulf of Mexico (New Orleans) • Dutch along the Hudson River (NYC) called New Netherlands
Most came to English colonies • Jamestown, Plymouth, Maryland, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island • King Charles I of England gives land to Sir Robert Heath to settle (colonize) land south of Virginia. • Heath did not settle land, King gave land to 8 men know as the Lords Proprietors. • Proprietor: Someone who owns something or has legal title to something • Planned a colony and gain wealth off of the settlers.
Why colonists came to American Colonies • Earn a living (Europe crowded, heirs to land) • Indentured Servant: Sign a contract to work for several years in exchange for transport to colonies. After serving time they were free. • Religious Freedom • Many religions oppressed in Europe (Protestant Reformation) • Build better society
Why they went to America • They were forced SLAVES
Where they settled? • Climate, natural resources, easy access to coast • Southern Colonies: Virginia, NC, SC, Georgia • Jamestown- 1st permanent English colony. Struggled at first, made money growing tobacco • Plantation Economy-rich soil, long growing season…Rice, indigo, sugar
Northern Colonies • Pilgrims land in on Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts Bay. • Not for wealth but religious freedom. English (Anglican) church too strong and wealthy • Puritans (large group of religious dissenters) head to New England. Formed Massachusetts Bay Company • Settled towns in N.E. (Salem, Boston) • Farming, fishing, lumber
The Middle Colonies • New York, Pennsylvania, Delaware • Mix of people and economy • Dutch= NY Swedish = Delaware • Pennsylvania = William Penn and Quakers • Trade and farming (wheat, corn, tobacco)
North Carolina • Most settlers of “Carolina” came from Virginia (more farm land) • Settled near Cape Fear River (Failed) • Formed Charles Town (after Charles II), main shipping port • Rice main crop with thousands of slaves • Economy: Lumber, tobacco, corn, wheat • Settlements on coast
Life in Colonies • Many challenges: Malaria, dangerous jobs, dense forests • Women many jobs (help hunt, household chores, cut firewood) • Few rights: When married, husband gained control over her property (coverture) • Religion: Quakers, Anglican Church (official church)
Government: Lords Proprietors crafted laws. • Voters: Men, who owned 50 acres of land • Aristocrats: • Lords Proprietors wanted to make English merchants rich • Colonists there for wealth, opportunity • Governor’s weak
Culpepper’s Rebellion • Tension led to rebellion • 1677 Colonists vs. Proprietors due to Navigation Acts • Colonist products had to be sent to England and only use English ships (monopoly). Taxed products • Governor Thomas Miller enfored law, John Culpepper captured Miller with armed men. • Colonists formed new assembly (government) • Did not get in trouble
John Lawson’s Journey • Settler turned explorer of NC interior • 2 month journey of detailed notes of Indians, places, plants he saw • Bath (1706) 1st recognized town in NC and New Bern formed due to Lawson • New Bern settled by a group of German Lutherans
Cary’s Rebellion • Politcal fighting over religion just like in Europe • Attempt to make Anglican Church main church in NC • Vestry Act: Tax to build Anglican churches and ban Quakers from office
Indian Conflicts • Indians not happy with Colonists • Natives devastated by colonization • In New England native populations went from 120,000 to 16,000 between 1570 to 1670 • Carolina’s coastal Algonquin tribe near disappearing • Inland tribes less affected by Europeans (4 major tribes: Tuscarora in north, Catawba in center, Yamassee in south, Cherokee in west) • Traded with Europeans (English, French, Spanish) • 1708- 1/3 of slaves in NC were Indians
Indians Change • Become dependent on European trade (ex. Guns) • Colonist began to settle on their lands • Cheat or abuse Indians on trades
Tuscarora Act (1711) • Tuscarora tribe had enough, captured Lawson and Graffenreid (leader of New Bern). Lawson killed. • Killed 100 settlers and settlers fled • 2 year war where Catwba and Yamassee allied with English • Tuscarora defeated an moved to New York • Battle of Fort Neoheroka
More Indian Wars • Yamassee and Catawba fight English but are defeated. • Yamassee head to Florida, Catawba farther inland
Carolinas Divide • Colony booms with population • Southern coastline more profitable than North • Classes form (merchants and planters wealthy) • New class= artisans (blacksmiths, hat makers, seamstresses) • Apprentice: Teaching of a trade in return for their labor • Bottom class: Slaves, indentured servants, wage earners
Setting the Piedmont • Piedmont is colonized from settlers from Pennsylvania • Great Wagon Road from Pennsylvania to Georgia (opened up backcountry) • George II bought colony from Lords Proprietors making it a Royal Colony • One did not and was given land called Granville district..famous person from here named Daniel Boone
Daniel Boone • Piedmont colonists were YEOMAN farmers: small-scale independent farmers • Renowned hunter learned from Indians • Used guns but dressed much like Indians and used tracking and trapping • Helped explore portions of North Carolina and other colonies (Kentucky)
German Lutherans, Scots-Irish settle in Piedmont • Family farming, get away from conflict • Self-sufficient • Diverse colony
The Moravians • Pacifists (anti-war, want peace) from Eastern Europe • Settled Bethabara and Bethania, then Salem in 1766 • Successful farmers and traders • Church controlled every portion of life. • Had to get elder approval for marriage • Oversight weakened following American Revolution
Africans in the Americas • 1755- 80,000 slaves in NC • Climate and new living areas similar to how they lived in Africa • Skilled in farming, fishing, boat making • Mixed culture with Natives and Slave Owners (spoke English but still used African rhythyms) • First name African Last English • Some tried to escape (lived with Indians)
The Stono Rebellion • 1739 South Carolina had 2X as many slaves as free whites • Group of slaves stole weapons and killed a few plantation owners • Rebellion put down quickly • New laws, cannot beat slaves to death, curbed slave freedoms (travel, gather, read)
The French and Indian War • English colonies start to expand farther west and settled on land both the English and French claimed • Last straw for Indians who had moved farther from homes • French did not want British to cross Appalachian Mountains and into Canada (fishing, fur trade). • Ohio River Valley main area of dispute (French built forts their to protect lands)
1753- small parites of warriors (Shawnee) crossed into NC and destroyed homes near Daniel Boone’s house
Albany Plan of Union • War began when British troops (led by George Washington) attacked French fort • Colonial leaders gathered in Albany, NY • Effort to join British colonies • Elect representatives to negotiate, plan for new settlements, military • Proposal failed, colonies worked on their own
Battle of Fort Duquesne (Pittsburgh) • British attempted to attack the fort (General Braddock, George Washington, Daniel Boone) • Ended in disaster when ambushed (surprise attack) by French soldiers and Indians • ½ English soldiers killed or wounded. • Boone escaped in a mad retreat, Braddock killed, Washington captured
Cherokee’s Dilemma • War spread across the globe into Europe (Seven Years War = French and Indian War) • Cherokee not sure who to side with • Traded with British but did not settlers on land • Cherokee joined British but alliance was weak • Switched sides and attacked NC settlements
Pitt’s Plan • William Pitt = British secretary of state • French won early battles • 20,000 British soldiers and 30,000 Colonists, Chickasaw and Catawba Indians drove back French • Cherokee pushed farther west
Proclamation of 1763 • 1763- Treaty of Paris signed by British, French, Spanish • English gain Florida and lands east of Mississippi River • Proclamation of 1763 said colonists could not live west of the Appalachian Mountains • Settlers angry and often ignored law • Treaty of Augusta- Indians gave up land and moved west • Daniel Boone explores and settles Kentucky • 1755- NC 350,000 colonists (4th largest in colony)