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Focus on Beryslav

The project of the students of group 143 of Beryslav Teachers’ Training School Gaidai J. and Rohova Z. Focus on Beryslav. Our goal is to investigate the history and modern life of our town. Could be Beryslav called the tourists’ centre of Ukraine?.

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Focus on Beryslav

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The project of the students of group 143 of Beryslav Teachers’ Training School Gaidai J. and Rohova Z. Focus on Beryslav

  2. Our goalis to investigate the history and modern life of our town. Could be Beryslav called the tourists’ centre of Ukraine?

  3. We found out that the territory of our district in ancient years was inhabited by different tribes. The most interesting among them were the Scythians (the VII - IV th century B.C.)

  4. They left a lot of evidences of their presence (masterpieces made of gold) in the kurgans on the territory of the Southern part of Ukraine which show the main activities of these people.

  5. The first Christian people to settle in our district were Germanic tribes of Goths. According to some historical sources their capital (Danpar or Danapr) was in the place where now Beryslav is. Goths were the ones who named the longest river of Ukraine Dniepro.

  6. In the last quarter of the XV century AD the lowlands of the Dnieper was conquered by the Turks who built the fortress Kyzy Kermen here/Girls’ fortress/. The fortress became one of the biggest slave markets. It had to close the way to Zaporizhian cossacks to the Black sea. The bell monument on the bank of the Dniepro river symbolizes the glory of the Ukrainian cossacks.

  7. By this route Catherine II brought the new name to our town Beryslav in honor of taken glory

  8. You won’t be indifferent to the history of nowadays which can be learnt from the monuments of our town. In the centre of the town you can see the monument to a famous Ukrainian poet T.H.Shevchenko on the bank of the river in a small park.

  9. Early in the 20th century the revolutionary mood which permeated the whole of the country found a broad response among the proletariat of Beryslav. Here you can see the monument to the revolutionaries.

  10. The monument to the great event which took place on the bank of the Dnipro River in 1941. Zolin Mykola repeated the heroic deed of Hastello.

  11. In our town there are some other monuments to the inhabitants of Beryslav who died in the Great Patriotic war as well as to the people who defended our motherland later.

  12. Though our town has no big industry it can boast of the machine-building plant which production is used not only in Ukraine and abroad as well.

  13. Among the educational establishments one can’t but mention four secondary schools, three kindergartens, musical school and sports school

  14. There are two special secondary colleges in Beryslav, Teachers’ Training and Medical, which prepare good specialists for the schools and hospitals of our region.

  15. Our Teachers’ Training school has celebrated its 75th anniversary.

  16. It prepares excellent specialist with additional qualifications: • The teacher of primary forms with the right of teaching foreign languages • The teacher of primary forms and the chief of a choreographic circle • The teacher of primary forms and the organizer of work with pupil's organizations • The teacher of primary forms and the chief of chorus • The teacher of primary forms and the chief of sport sections and clubs • The teacher of primary forms and the physical rehabilitator • The teacher of the kindergarten with the right of teaching foreign languages • The teacher of the kindergarten and the speech therapist

  17. Among those who studied in our school were the famous Ukrainian poet M.Bratan and the delegate of the Verkhovna Rada K.Samoilyk

  18. So, we are deeply sure that our town must be included to one of the tourists’ routes of our country.

  19. The sources used for the project: • Бериславське педагогічне училище: Брошура. – Херсон: Наддніпряночка. – 2006. – 16с. • Воронін Л.М. Бериславська хроніка // Ленінський прапор. - 25 березня 1989. – С.6 • Mike Edwards. Searching for the Scythians //National Geographic. – Washington D.C. - #3.- September1996. • Оленковський М. Видатні історичні особи давнього світу на Херсонщині. – Херсон. – 1994. – 24с. • Херсонщина: Фотоальбом. – К.: Мистецтво, 1989. – 143с.

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