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Believe in Your Dreams: Bridging the Old and New - Virginia District Governor's Bulletin

Join us in exploring the theme "Share the Music in Your Heart" as we transition into a new Pilot year. Embrace the power of belief and unity in friendship and service. Discover the inspiring message of harmony and service as we navigate challenges and strive for a better community together. Let's celebrate the strength of diversity in our voices and actions.

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Believe in Your Dreams: Bridging the Old and New - Virginia District Governor's Bulletin

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  1. Share the Music in Your Heart Volume 68 Issue 1 Friendship and Service July 2010 2009-10 DISTRICT ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL Carol Hart Governor 331 Myers Avenue Harrisonburg, VA 22801 celtichart@ymail.com Lynn Moon Governor-elect 1776 Pitchkettle Road Suffolk, VA 23434 dlminc01@hotmail.com Tammy Watson Treasurer 21383 Terrace Drive Bristol, VA 24202 tammyjwatson@bvunet.net Evelyn Combs Secretary 410 Stribling Springs Rd. Mt. Solon, VA 22843 vadistrictsec1011@yahoo.com 2010-11 DISTRICT COORDINATORS Anchor/Youth Karen Gawne Pilot Club of Chesapeake Projects Janet Cowell Nansemond River Pilot Club Membership Cathryn Gore Luncheon Pilot Club of Danville Fundraising Sheila Golden Member-at-large Leadership Bobbi Hudson Pilot Club of Danville WEBSITE www.pilotvadistrict.org ♪♫ Believe in What Your Heart is Saying, Hear the Melody that’s Playing ♪♫ As we start a new Pilot year, I would like to recognize Governor Faith and her Dragonflies for all their hard work last year. We flew high on the wings of Friendship and Service, and we celebrated Pilot all over the Virginia District. When I searched for a song to tie my “Share the Music in Your Heart” theme to incoming PI President Susan Hoffman’s “Believe” theme, I found these inspiring lyrics from a song recorded by Josh Groban. I also thought they tied together last year’s Pilot International and Virginia District themes with this year’s themes, thus making them a perfect transition from the old year to the new: Believe in what your heart is sayingHear the melody that's playingThere's no time to wasteThere's so much to celebrateBelieve in what you feel inside And give your dreams the wings to flyYou have everything you needIf you just believe. By now, you have installed the 2010-11 Stars of your club. These officers and directors indicated during their installation service that they believe in Pilot, and you elected them because you believed in both their leadership skills and their abilities to serve your club. Nonetheless, the change from one Pilot year to the next can be a difficult time. Inevitably clubs lose members who decide, for one reason or another, not to renew their Pilot memberships. Despite these losses, we need to move forward, to support our purpose, our mission, and our foundation. Every service organization is having the same membership shrinkage problems, but I believe potential Pilots are out there in our communities; we just need to find them and ask them to join us. I look forward to attending the Council of Leaders in Louisville as well as the workshops and training offered at PI Convention. I believe the members of your DAC and club delegates will learn much in Louisville and bring back the skills needed to assist the clubs in the Virginia District. I believe in Pilot. I am proud to serve the Virginia District this year. And I am humbled by your belief in me. Carol _____________________________________________________________________________ Update: The results of my MRI showed further abnormalities. I will be having a mastectomy this summer. My surgery is scheduled for August 2. However, nothing is final until after my appointment with the plastic surgeon at the end of June. I should be recovered in plenty of time for Fall Council. The mission of Pilot International is to serve by furthering Pilot International’s humanitarian efforts through charitable, educational and research programs in communities throughout the world.

  2. Virginia District Governor’s Bulletin July 2010 From our DAC.... HARMONY For a chorus to produce beautiful music, the voices must work in harmony. This same principle applies to our social and personal lives as well. Throughout our lives, we set personal and social goals and work toward these goals both individually and within social organizations. We bring our viewpoints and opinions to bear as we make decisions and interact with people to meet common objectives. I once saw a quote that said “You don’t get harmony when everybody sings the same note.” And even though our viewpoints and opinions may differ from others, these different experiences and talents are what make us strong as a country and as a civic organization. While I was looking at all the definitions of harmony, one stood out for me. The dictionary stated that harmony was an interweaving of different accounts into a single narrative. We as Pilots strive each day to merge our desire for a better community into the single narrative of “friendship and service.” This narrative succeeds best when our voices work in harmony; with no one voice overpowering others and where all viewpoints are respected. Working in harmony you, as members of the Virginia District, have touched the lives of countless citizens and provided a positive impact in your communities. My Prius is on full charge and I look forward to traveling around the District to learn more about your clubs and the projects that you have planned for the coming year. Just a reminder that your club rosters are due to me by July 31st. In addition to your list of members, please send the names of officers, directors, plus meeting time and location. Lynn Moon Governor-elect "I'm so excited...."  It's finally here our new year.  Wow!  Lucy and Ethel's big adventure begins. Thanks for supporting me last year as Projects Coordinator. Yes, that's to you Faith. Also, thanks to outgoing district secretary, Dianne, who has sent me information about this new job so it wouldn't be a total mystery before Louisville and PI training.  Please send the monthly membership form to my new address-vadistrictsec1011@yahoo.com.    Take time for fun. Evelyn Combs Secretary Fall Council Task Force – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! At our District Convention in Bristol, the delegates voted to have the DAC appoint a committee to investigate the feasibility of eliminating Fall Council. Volunteers are needed to serve on this committee. I would ask that those serving on this committee have an open mind and that they are planning to attend Fall Council hosted by the Dan River Region Pilot Club in September. Please contact Governor Carol if you are willing to serve the District in this capacity. 2

  3. Virginia District Governor’s Bulletin July 2010 • Chaplain's Corner • "Summer time and the living is easy" goes the familiar refrain. Summer is a time for many celebrations--graduations, family reunions, vacations at the beach or mountains, Pilot International Convention---all are opportunities for renewing friendships and making new ones. Building strong relationships with others should be a priority but sadly we dismiss them in the hustle and bustle of daily life. Have a safe and peaceful summer and work on spending more time with those you love. • Blessings! Pam Bell Thoughts and prayers are with incoming PI President Susan Hoffman and her family. Her husband is in hospice care. PIF • GREETINGS FROM YOUR DISTRICT PIF REPRESENTATIVE • Courtney Elliott - Albemarle - Charlottesville Pilot Club - (434) 295 - 1783 (Home) Courtney_elliott@boarsheadinn.com (Work E-Mail) • Come on - Let’s get excited!!! Pilot International and Pilot International Foundation Convention is just around the corner. There are many fun ways that your club can support your Foundation during the convention. They are: • Louisville Loot!! - Anyone in your club can participate in Louisville Loot. It’s a bounty, booty, a bevy of gift cards and cash donated by Pilot Clubs and individuals to benefit Pilot International. To get your name in the hat you send in a tax-deductible donation of $20 in form of cash or a gift card. If you send in $100….you get 6 chances in the hat. It is all for a good cause and you could win from $250 to $1500 from the magic hat!! • Foundation Training Seminar - Wednesday, July 7th from 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. All attendees to the convention are encouraged to come and learn about your Foundation. Topics to be discussed during the training will include, but is subject to change, are PIF 101, The Brochure, PIF Representative Job and Convention Duties, and Grading and Evaluating Grants and Scholarships. • Derby Hat Decorating Workshop - Wednesday, July 7th from 11:00 a.m. - 12 Noon - Bring your favorite naked hat and learn how to make it into a Derby dazzler. Your instructress, Pat Kessler, will supply decorating materials. (Fee) • A Pretty Perfect Purse Party! - Thursday, July 8th from 9:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. - New and gently used purses will be the center of attention this year in place of the silent auction. Purses will be in color coded categories for matching coded tickets priced $5, $10, $20 for purses valued from $ 30 to $$$! Each Pilot Club is asked to donate one purse. Last chance to purchase a ticket for one of the purses will be Thursday night. Proceeds will benefit Pilot International Foundation. • PIF Walk - Friday, July 9th at 12 NOON - Come celebrate 35 years of Foundation Success and walk the Pilot Talk at high noon in Downtown Louisville! Talking, walking, and window shopping at the same time, it hardly gets better than that! A food court awaits you at the end for lunch on your own. (Donation) • An Evening at Churchill Downs - Friday, July 9th from 5:00 p.m. until???- This is a once in the lifetime opportunity to see the home of the Kentucky Derby. An evening you’ll remember begins with a coach ride from the Galt House to Churchill Downs. Millionaires Row will be your final destination for a seated supper and an evening of mock racing fun. From the price of your ticket $25 of the total ticket price is a deductible contribution to Pilot International Foundation. Don’t forget to come decked out in your dazzling Derby hat. • Presidents, be on the look out in August for the PIF Club Mailing which should be given to your PIF club representative. Also it is never too early to start planning your program for Foundation Month in September. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the Foundation. I am proud to be serving the Virginia District in this position.

  4. COORDINATOR CORNER Virginia District Governor’s Bulletin July 2010 Bobbi Hudson Leadership Coordinator As I shared with you at District Convention and it is District NOT Spring Convention I will be sharing leadership tips from Brian Biro’s book BEYOND SUCCESS which is based on Coach John Wooden’s principles of great leadership and success. How sad and ironic that Coach Wooden died recently and was mourned not only in the sports world but all over the world. Coach Wooden and Brian believe as do I that making decisions is the essence of leadership. Secret # 1 we briefly talked about at convention and it is INDUSTRIOUSNESS Hard work, no shortcuts, firm daily demands of yourself as well as others, being consistent, no procrastination or last minute cramming You need to learn: Responsibility and gain self-respect, accept “If it is to be, it’s up to ME”, live proactively rather than reactively; become strong physically and emotionally because you are doing rather than stewing or brewing. Your team must develop a genuine belief that you listen, that you care and that they are important. Your Pilot Club Board is your first team but do not forget your club members are your team as well. You need to make your meetings more productive: brainstorm for 20 minutes, prioritize for 20 minutes and commit to action 20 minutes. Think about how to do this with your Board, your club, your divisions and special projects meetings. The four keys to an effective meeting are: Every participant needs to be actively involved a high percentage of the time. If someone is sitting silent and rolling their eyes at every suggestion, get them involved they obviously have an issue that needs to be addressed. Meetings must start and end on time. The meeting must produce progress, be well organized and follow Parliamentary Procedure. Every participant must walk away with clarity about their office duties or the next step. The meeting must end on an upbeat note, with sincere recognition and appreciation being expressed for the team’s industriousness and effort. Cathy Gore Membership Coordinator Membership Sustainability Train members: Don’t assume that new people working with your club will just figure things out. Being new can be overwhelming and without proper training members may quit. As each new member starts, give her an orientation and answer any questions she may have. Let members know that their help is needed: People work best when they know that others are depending on them. If members feel easily replaceable, they are more likely to quit. Tell them you appreciate their work and that their contributions are important to the team. Recognize good work and reward it: You can always commend good workers at meetings, express your appreciation in person, and write letters of thanks. It feels good when someone recognizes your work. Even a heartfelt “thank you” helps to motivate and sustain hard-working members. Cathy Gore luncheonpilotdanville@gmail.com 4

  5. Virginia District Governor’s Bulletin July 2010 ANCHOR GRADUATES – Provisional Membership Just a reminder to the President of each of the clubs who sponsor one or more Anchor Clubs, this is the time of year to invite each of the graduating seniors to take advantage of Provisional Pilot International Membership. Every Anchor is entitled to six years as a Provisional Member of ANY Pilot Club at no charge. All they need to do is fill out the Membership form which can be found in your club manual or on the Pilot International Website under Anchor. You can either mail each graduating senior a form or email it to them. Once they complete the form and mail it to PI, their name will be sent to the closest Pilot Club to the college they will be attending. Pam Bell presented the annual Anchor Scholarship from the Pilot Club of Harrisonburg to Hannah Ayers Skedsvold of the Hanley High School Anchor Club in Winchester, VA. • ECR Tips for July for Virginia District • Sure, we understand, summer is here … I promise we won’t clutter your mind with too many tips. • Congratulations on your new 2010-2011 Pilot Year! Wehope you will bring home some great ideas from the International Convention to benefit your club and community. • For those of you, who could and did attend PI Convention in Louisville, thank you for your support! • You’ll want be a part of that good turnout at your Fall Council. Many of those new tricks, techniques, and tips from your fellow Pilots will be there for you to learn and use! • The Safety Calendar Contest will be a success if every Pilot Club will submit at least one child’s winning Safety tip. Deadline is the end of September and your tip can be from any child between the ages of 3 – 18. Visit www.pilotinternational.com under Foundation/BrainMinders for more details, and a fill-in poster- this could be a great summer camp project. • Efforts are underway by Kristie White, e-member from Isle of Wight; Nancy Lowe, former Governor of the NEPOT District who recently moved to Richmond, Virginia and myself to establish a new Pilot Club of Richmond. Several of you have already given me names and addresses; therefore, if you have any more names/addresses/e-mail addresses/phone numbers, please get them to me at hwinstead@annemoorelaw.com. • Our mission in life is to offer gifts to benefit one another; to create mutual gain in the world. This is called teamwork – a win/win mindset stemming from a genuine commitment to the rules that allow it to happen. Helen Winstead Director, Pilot International

  6. Virginia District Governor’s Bulletin July 2010 The Bulletin Board Look forward to seeing you at the 2010 Pilot International Convention Louisville, KY July 7-10, 2010 Our Thoughts and Prayers…….. Pilot Club of Danville: Dianne Guill is having knee surgery this week. We wish her a speedy recovery. Pilot Club of Suffolk: Condolences to Angie Twiford on the passing of her father. Her address is 212 Katherine St. Suffolk, VA 23434. Pilot Club of Harrisonburg: Condolences to Bernice Sites on the passing of her brother Eugene. Her address is 415 N. Willow St. Harrisonburg, VA 22802. Club President Barbara Roadcap sustained tornado damage to her home. Thankfully, no one was injured. Please keep these Pilots and their families in your thoughts and prayers. International Convention Delegates All delegates are reminded that they must be present during all business sessions Reminder to all Club Presidents that their up-to-date rosters are due to Lynn Moon by July 31st. They are welcome to email them…or mail. Pam Bell is appearing as the narrator in the murder mystery comedy "Death of a Doornail" that Handley Regional Library is presenting as a fundraiser on August 7 at 7:00 p.m. in the library auditorium. Tickets are $75 per person which includes hors d'ouerves, desserts, and wine and beer. Send check to Handley Library, PO Box 58, Winchester, VA. The Pilot Club of Harrisonburg recently celebrated Ruth Clayman's 90th birthday at our last meeting! Attached is a picture! She joined the club in 1977. Pilot Sister Clubs Bristol - Danville Harrisonburg - Alb./Charlottesville Dan River Region - Luncheon Danville Chesapeake - Norfolk/VA Beach Luncheon Chesapeake - Portsmouth Suffolk – Nansemond River – Isle of Wight "Yesterday, the greatest question was decided which ever was debated in America; and a greater perhaps never was, nor will be, decided among men. A resolution was passed without one dissenting colony, that those United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent States.” ~ John Adams Happy 4th! • Pilot Sister Club activities may include: • Trade newsletters • Trade function announcements • Trade ideas • Invite each other to Share Pilot • Arrange a social (lunch, picnic, etc.) • Select “Pen pals” (exchange cards) • Attend 1 project/fundraiser per year "(W)e here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." ~ Abe Lincoln in the Gettysburg Address Where liberty is, there is my country” ~ Benjamin Franklin

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