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INFO 330

INFO 330. What’s IA?. User Experience (UX) vs. IA. http://uxmag.com/articles/content-strategy-and-ux-a-modern-love-story. http://andrearicheson.org/wordpress/?p=160. The Information Architecture Process. http://www.sitepoint.com/the-web-design-process-part-2-information-architecture/.

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INFO 330

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INFO 330 What’s IA?

  2. User Experience (UX) vs. IA http://uxmag.com/articles/content-strategy-and-ux-a-modern-love-story http://andrearicheson.org/wordpress/?p=160

  3. The Information Architecture Process http://www.sitepoint.com/the-web-design-process-part-2-information-architecture/ http://www.egov.vic.gov.au/victorian-government-resources/website-management-framework-wmf-/government-website-guidelines-victoria/support-resources-information-architecture-process-diagram.html

  4. Just how confused are we? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D0EMpuEEGhg

  5. Information Architecture Explained Groups of 3 Watch this prezi, What’s the three most important points? http://prezi.com/aafmvya6bk7t/understanding-information-architecture/

  6. How do we (info people) get our hands around anything? What is it? What is in it? How is it different?

  7. let’s make it simple A la English • Information: The common forms of knowledge artifacts we find around us • Architecture: The art and science of designing structures. • Information Architecture: The art and science of designing information structures.

  8. What’s in it? • Defining • Users, content, systems • Organizing • Indexes, taxonomies, associations, sequences, thesauri. • Naming (Labeling ) • Controls, areas, navigation

  9. How’s it different than • Software development: Implements the structures that an IA creates • X management systems • Content, asset, record, document, data, knowledge, etc. • Web sites • The Web is what made IA so hot, but it is only the first stop. • Libraries and information science • IA came from library science but has moved on to embrace a world of other stuff.

  10. How to sum it all up? IA is about info: • Representation • What “types” of info do we have? • What are the “attributes” of each type? • Organization • How do we amass items of each type? • How do items relate to each other? • Presentation • How should we show an item of info? • How should people get to the item they want?

  11. Some important IA-ish stuff we will not cover • Content Strategy • Analytics • SEO

  12. Content Strategy http://www.richardingram.co.uk/downloads/content_strategy_app_2038.png

  13. Analytics http://www.virtuosonline.com/services/strategy/conversion/conversion-optimization-consulting.php http://www.pepperbytes.net/services/online_marketing_seo.html http://www.webivore.com/google_web_analytics_analysis.htm

  14. SEO Very popular Not popular popular http://contactdubai.com/seo/what-is-offpage-seo-and-how-can-it-help-you-to-rank-higher

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