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Spring 2013 FCAT 2.0 Writing Training Materials Test Administrators and Proctors. Overview.
Spring 2013 FCAT 2.0 WritingTraining MaterialsTest Administrators and Proctors
Overview These training materials are designed to highlight important information regarding test administration policies and procedures. Not all information from the test administration manual is included in this presentation, so it is imperative that district and school staff read and familiarize themselves with all information in the manual in addition to using these training materials.
Overview • These training materials are based on the 2012-2013 Writing Test Administration Manual. • Training materials are available at www.FLAassessments.com/Writing.
What’s New SESSION LENGTH AND MAKE-UP TESTS • The Spring FCAT 2.0 Writing Test is now 60 minutes long. Test administrators are required to use ALL of the allotted time for the Writing test and should not end the test early or collect test materials prior to the end of the allotted time. • There is now only ONE day for make-up tests. District and school personnel should plan accordingly and make students and parents/guardians aware that there is only one make-up day.
What’s New ELECTRONIC DEVICES • School personnel must ensure that students do not have access to their cell phones or other electronic devices during testing, including breaks (restroom breaks, etc.). • If a student is found to be in possession of ANY electronic devices during testing or during a break, his or her test must be invalidated. • Students and parents/guardians must be made aware of this policy prior to testing.
What’s New TEST MATERIALS CHAIN OF CUSTODY FORM • Schools are required to maintain a Test Materials Chain of Custody Form, posted at www.FLAssessments.com/Writing and located in Appendix C. • The second page of this form that contained fields for activities and signatures has been removed. Schools must still record accurate information on the revised form, including the dates activities are completed and information about the locked storage room. • Schools must retain electronic or hard copies of completed forms and email or return the originals to the district assessment coordinator.
What’s New TESTING RULES ACKNOWLEDGMENT • Prior to testing, students must listen to the testing rules read by the test administrator and then sign below a Testing Rules Acknowledgment. • The Testing Rules Acknowledgment is located on the back page of the student planning sheet.
Reminders • Inappropriate actions before, during, or after test administration may result in consequences such as test invalidations and/or loss of teaching certification. • All personnel involved in test administration must read and sign an FCAT 2.0 Administration and Security Agreement, provided in Appendix C.
Reminders • If a student begins the test and leaves campus without finishing (due to an appointment, illness, etc.), he or she will NOT be allowed to complete the test. • No exceptions will be made once the student leaves the school’s campus, so parents/guardians and students must be made aware of this policy.
Reminders TEST ADMINISTRATORS • ALL test administrators must be certified educators. • In addition to signing a security agreement, test administrators are required to sign a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement.
Reminders Writing Folders • Writing folders include security numbers to assist in the tracking of these secure documents. • School assessment coordinators and test administrators must maintain records of required administration information that include the security numbers of Writing folders assigned to them. • A security number consists of a nine-digit number followed by a check digit (located in upper right corner of Writing folders).
Reminders Test Group Codes • Writing folders do not contain a field for a test group code; however, test group codes must still be used to identify groups of students tested together. • Test group codes must be recorded with required administration information and on seating charts.
Reminders • Test administrators must NOT administer the FCAT 2.0 to their family members. Students related to their assigned test administrator should be reassigned to an alternate test administrator. • Under no circumstances may a student’s parent/guardian be present in that student’s testing room. • Administration manuals must be provided to itinerant teachers in time for them to prepare adequately for the test. These teachers must also be included in test administrator training.
Reminders SEATING CHARTS • Test administrators are required to maintain an accurate seating chart for each group of students in their rooms during testing. • All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction the students are facing. • If the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created.
Students to be Tested • All Grades 4, 8, and 10 students, including retained students, are required to participate in FCAT 2.0 Writing. Special documents (large print and braille) are available for the Spring FCAT 2.0 Writing Test, and administration accommodations may be provided to eligible students with IEPs, Section 504 plans, or ELL plans. Special Program Students • Make arrangements to test special program students (Home Education, Virtual School, McKay Scholarship, FTC Scholarship, etc.). • Ensure that grid sheets and Document Count Forms for these students are completed properly, according to the chart on page 6 of the manual.
Students to be Tested English Language Learners (ELLs) • Per the Department’s Office of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition, all ELLs are expected to participate in FCAT 2.0 Writing. Students With Disabilities • All students with disabilities participate in the statewide assessment program by taking one of the following: • FCAT 2.0 without accommodations, • FCAT 2.0 with accommodations, or • Florida Alternate Assessment. • All determinations regarding participation in the statewide assessment program must be documented in the student’s IEP or Section 504 plan. See Appendix A of the manual for information regarding accommodations.
Test Materials • School personnel must adhere to the following policies as they prepare student materials: • Test materials may be delivered to schools no earlier than 1 week prior to testing. • Only the school assessment coordinator and school personnel designated by the building/site administrator may open the shrink-wrapped packages and affix labels. • Do not use student labels from previous administrations. • Students are not permitted to assist in preparing secure materials before testing or in organizing and returning materials after testing. • The Chain of Custody Form must be maintained at all times. • All secure materials must be returned to locked storage and remain there until testing.
Security Numbers • As directed by the school coordinator, test administrators may use the pre-populated administration record/security checklist, a blank copy of the checklist, or may make his/her own comprehensive record of security numbers. • Security number(s) of the folder(s) assigned to and returned by each student should be recorded and verified at the completion of testing. • Security numbers of writing folders not already listed on the checklist (e.g., materials distributed from district overage) MUST be added to the record with the names of the students to whom the test materials are assigned.
Administration Record/Security Checklist • School assessment coordinators may use the checklist to • record the security numbers of the documents assigned to and • returned by each test administrator. • A blank version of the form can be found in Appendix C. • Pre-populated lists with security numbers for all secure folders • assigned to each school are available for district and school • personnel at www.FLAssessments.com/Writing. • To access the pre-populated checklist in PearsonAccess, go to • Test Setup > Order Additional Materials and Tracking > Reports, • and select Security Checklist Detail from the drop-down list
Proctors • When testing a large group of students, proctors must be assigned to the room. Refer to the table below for the required number of proctors. • It is strongly recommended that a proctor be assigned to rooms with 30 or fewer students whenever possible.
Test Administrator before testing TESTING LOCATION • The test should be administered in a room that has comfortable seating, good lighting, and sufficient workspace. • There must be at least three feet between students. • Make sure that students are not facing each other when seated at tables and are not in seating (stadium or staggered) that allows them to easily view other students’ test materials. • Students must not have access to any unauthorized aids, including visual aids on classroom walls or desktops (e.g., word lists, punctuation charts).
Test Administrator before testing REQUIRED ADMINISTRATION INFORMATION • Test Administrators must record and maintain the following Required Administration Information: • Students assigned to the room • Attendance information • Test group code • Unique security number of secure documents assigned to each student • Grade level • Signatures of test administrator and school assessment coordinator • Dates for when documents are received and returned • Accommodations provided
Test Administrator before testing SEATING CHARTS • An accurate seating chart must be maintained for each testing room for each test session. Seating charts must record the following information: • the room name/number • student names and their location in the room during testing • date • test start time • test administrator name • names of proctors (if applicable) • test group code • All seating charts must indicate the front and back of the room, as well as the direction the students are facing. • If the seating configuration changes during testing, a new seating chart must be created.
Test Administrator before testing • A Security Log must be maintained for each testing room. • Anyone who enters a room for the purpose of monitoring a test MUST sign the log for that testing room.
Test Administrator before testing • Assemble Materials • Test Administration Manual is needed on the day of testing to read scripts to students, to ensure accurate timing for test sessions, and as a reference to avoid testing irregularities. • Test Group Codes will be provided by your school assessment coordinator; a unique code must be recorded on your required administration information and seating chart. • Test Administrator Checklist (located in Appendix C)
Test Administrator before testing • Assemble Materials (cont’d) • Signs (located in Appendix C) • Do Not Disturb (posted on entrances to the testing room) • Electronic Devices (displayed for students) • Security Log (located in Appendix C) • Seating Chart • Record of Required Administration Information • Pencils for students, if needed • Watch or Clock to keep accurate time during testing
Test Administrator before testing • Sign and return an FCAT 2.0 Test Administration and Security Agreement, which indicates that the test administrator: • Has received training • Has read the test security statute and state board rule (located in Appendix B) • Understands and agrees to adhere to all test security and administration policies and procedures • Sign and return a Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement
Test Administratorbefore testing Special Documents Ensure that the correct procedures are followed for administering tests to students using special documents. Student responses must be recorded properly in all special documents before they are submitted for scoring. Refer to the Special Document sections of the manual to ensure the proper handling of these materials. 29
Test Administratorbefore testing Special Documents Test Administrators must familiarize themselves with the information in the Special Documents section, including: Test configurations and materials needed for testing Scripts/instructions for students who test using special documents Student responses Providing accommodations 30
Test Administrator before testing • Communicate Testing Policies to Parents/Guardians and Students • Electronic Devices Policy—If students are found with ANY electronic devices during testing OR during breaks, their tests will be invalidated. The best practice would be for students to leave devices at home or in their lockers on the day of testing. • Leaving Campus—If students leave campus before completing the test (for an appointment, illness, etc.), they WILL NOT be allowed to complete the test. • Testing Rules Acknowledgment—Students will sign below a Testing Rules Acknowledgment on the back of the planning sheet that reads: “I understand the testing rules that were just read to me. If I do not follow these rules, my test score may be invalidated.”
Test Administrator during testing • Maintain your Security Log, seating chart, and a record of required administration information for your room during testing. • Read the administration script VERBATIM to students. Please read the important information and adhere to the instructions between the SAY boxes. • FCAT 2.0 Writing is administered in one 60-minute session – failure to provide the correct amount of time will likely result in test invalidation. Keep accurate time and display times for students as instructed in the script.
Test Administrator during testing • Supervise test administration and ensure the following: • Students are using No. 2 pencils • Students do not have books, notes, scratch paper, or electronic devices of any kind during testing, even if they do not use them • Students have signed the Testing Rules Acknowledgment • Students do not talk or make any disturbance • Students are working independently • Students who use their planning sheets allow themselves enough time to write complete responses in their writing folders • Students are recording their responses in the appropriate area
Test Administrator during testing • It is not appropriate to use cell or classroom phones, grade papers, or work on the computer during testing. • While you may encourage students to continue working, you may not talk with them about the prompt or help them with their responses. • If students finish the test before the allotted time for the session has elapsed, you may encourage them to go back and check their work. You may not collect test materials prior to the end of the 60-minute session.
Test Administrator after testing • Make sure that each student returns his or her Writing folder and planning sheet, and indicate on your record of required administration information that each folder is returned. You may not look through writing folders or read student responses. • Report any missing test materials and/or test security irregularities to your school assessment coordinator immediately. • Ensure that the box in the top left corner of the student grid sheet has been completed by each student and that the gridded or preidentified information is accurate and complete. • Return all materials to your school assessment coordinator, as described on pages 43-44 of the manual.
Appendix A:Accommodations • Appendix A of the manual contains detailed information regarding administration accommodations for students with disabilities and English language learners. • All personnel involved in administering tests to students with allowable accommodations must familiarize themselves with the information in Appendix A.
Appendix B:Test Security Statuteand Rule • Appendix B of the manual contains the following: • Florida Test Security Statute (1008.24) • Florida State Board of Education Test Security Rule (6A-10.042) • All personnel involved in testing activities, including handling and maintenance of test materials, must read and understand the information in Appendix B prior to signing a security agreement. (Read, Sign and Return NOW.)
Appendix C: Forms and Signs • Appendix C contains the following documents to be copied and used prior to, during, or after testing: • FCAT 2.0 Administration and Security Agreement • Test Administrator Prohibited Activities Agreement • Test Materials Chain of Custody Form • Security Log • Administration Record/Security Checklist (blank) • Checklists • Test Administrator • School Assessment Coordinator • District Assessment Coordinator • Signs • Electronic Devices • Do Not Disturb • Cover Sheets
Comment Forms • After testing, test administrators, school assessment coordinators, and district assessment coordinators are encouraged to complete a Writing comment form located at www.FLAssessments.com/Writing • FDOE and Pearson appreciate valuable feedback from district and school personnel.
Thank you for ensuring a secure and successful FCAT 2.0 Writing administration. Questions?