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Whole Again

"The deeply wounded can no longer find their answers in method. If they need a theology preached to them, it must be a compassionate one that makes sense of redemptive suffering, not a performance-oriented system of religious thought laced with condemnation for failure."<br>R Loren Sandford

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Whole Again

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Presentation Transcript

  1. "The deeply wounded can no longer find their answers in method. If they need a theology preached to them, it must be a compassionate one that makes sense of redemptive suffering, not a performance-oriented system of religious thought laced with condemnation for failure." R Loren Sandford

  2. WHOLE AGAIN Restoration for God's people by Janet Tatum

  3. 1 - ON SPIRITUAL EXHAUSTION Many years ago, through inner healing, I got to see my value to God outside of my achievements and failures. I learned that being me was not only enough for God to love me, but to actually like me (and not the fake like we've all had too much of). I'm often asked what I mean when I say that I just like hanging around with God and I reply 'who doesn't like hanging out with people who like them, I know I do!' Since I’ve come to know how much He cares about me, I’ve really gotten on board with that. I even learned to apologize to myself for not always giving myself the love and care I deserve. Jesus taught me that. He said to watch what the Father does and then do that!

  4. 2 - ON HOPE 
 The most significant thing inner healing accomplishes is restoring trust in God as Father, that broke due to human trespass. Yet until we are desperate for wholeness, we will not really learn how distant we've made Him . Listen, no one is getting out of here unscathed by sin. Living breaks everyone’s heart.

  5. 3-ON LOVE The moment it became possible for me to be truly human before God was the moment my spirit wanted to live again. I no longer make any spiritual attempts to escape my humanity but instead accept God’s hand of salvation in the midst of it. Jesus came to restore us, and today the hallmarks of my Christian faith are authenticity and freedom, no longer image and rules. For years I've watched God heal and turn hearts back to Him but never has a day gone by that I didn't think ... what kind of love is this?

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