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Religion & Drugs. Syllabus:. Religious beliefs and teachings concerning Mind & Body and rights & responsibilities Religious Attitudes to the use of drugs (Medical, Legal & Illegal) Legal drugs and their effects (Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine) Reasons for taking Illegal Drugs
Syllabus: • Religious beliefs and teachings concerning Mind & Body and rights & responsibilities • Religious Attitudes to the use of drugs (Medical, Legal & Illegal) • Legal drugs and their effects (Caffeine, Alcohol, Nicotine) • Reasons for taking Illegal Drugs • Issues concerning obtaining drugs (Crime, Driving, Family Issues) • How Addicts can be helped • The Law regarding Drugs
Types Of Drugs: A drug is any substance that, if consumed, will affect the way our bodies and mind work. Stimulants (Uppers): Work by acting on the central nervous system to increase the activity of the brain. E.g. Amphetamine Cocaine, Ecstasy, Nicotine, Caffeine Depressants (Downers): Also work on the central nervous system but he slow brain activity down. E.g. Barbiturates, Solvents, Alcohol Hallucinogens: Act on the mind distorting vision and hearing. E.g. LSD, Magic Mushrooms, Cannabis Opiates: Have a pain killing effect. E.g Opium (Morphine, Heroin)
Legal Drugs: • Caffeine: Stimulant that makes a person feel more energetic. Addictive. No laws relating to its purchase or use. Found in Coffee, Tea, Energy Drinks e.g. Red Bull Too much caffeine can result in restlessness , Insomnia, Upset Stomach & Excitability • Nicotine: Addictive drug (Physical & Habitual) found in tobacco. Causes 30% of all cancer deaths. 330 People die per day due to smoking related illnesses. 29% of males and 25% of females smoke. Smoking related illness costs the NHS approx £400m per year. In 2001/2 tax raised £9.5 billion. Illegal to purchase tobacco under the Age of 18.
Legal Drugs: • Alcohol: Although often considered to be a stimulant it is in fact a depressant. Addictive (Physical & Habitual). Can cause damage to the brain and liver amongst other side effects. Many social problems associated with alcohol Alcohol misuse costs the NHS £1.7 billion per year. 7 in 10 road deaths 100,000 drivers test positive for alcohol per year. Nearly 50% of household fires are linked with someone drinking Drunkenness is a factor in many violent crimes • Long Term Effects: Decrease in brain function & Tissue Impotence & Infertility Liver & Heart disease + failure Anxiety & Depression
Legal Drugs: • Alcohol being a depressant drug is gradually shutting down your brain and stopping it from working properly: • Thinking – Judgments /decision making • Moving – Physical co-ordination • Speaking – Slurred speech/aggressive language • Seeing – Blurred vision • Hearing – Impaired • Breathing – acute alcohol poisoning • Sobering up takes time as the Liver needs to break down the alcohol. Food, Coffee, Cold showers may make you feel better but have no effect on the sobering process
Legal Drugs: • Alcohol & The Law: • It is illegal to buy for or to sell alcohol to anyone below 18. • Alcohol can be consumed by 16 & 17 year old sin a licensed premises with a meal. • Large fines can be given to retailers who sell to people underage • Recommended Limits • Men 3 – 4 Units per day (At least one 24 hour clear period per week) • Women 2 – 3 Units per day (At least one 24 hour clear period per week) • 1 Unit = Strength of Alcohol x Quantity in ml / 1000 • 1 Pint = 568 ml.
What are the Units? • 1 Litre bottle of Vodka at 37.5 % • Ans: 37.5 Units • 1 bottle of wine 75cl at 14% • Ans: 10.5 Units • 1 440 ml Can of Lager (Carlsberg 3.8%) • Ans: 1.7 Units • It takes the body 1 hour to break down 1 Unit of alcohol. • This means in practice many people can still be over the drink drive limit the morning after. • Sobering up takes time as the Liver needs to break down the alcohol. Food, Coffee, Cold showers may make you feel better but have no effect on the sobering process
Illegal Drugs • Illegal drugs are classified into three main categories: • Class A: Include Heroin, Cocaine, LSD. Can be highly addictive and fatal. Possession carries a maximum of 7 years in prison and or heavy fine. Supply can mean life. • Class B: Include amphetamines & Cannabis. Possession maximum 5 years in prison and or heavy fine. Supply can mean 14 years. • Class C: Tranquillisers and Anabolic Steriods. Possession can result in two years in prison and or heavy fine. For supply 5 years in prison and or heavy fine Possession of steroids tranquillisers for medicinal purposes is not illegal supply is.
Drugs and the Law • Misuse of Drugs Act 1971: The act classified illegal drugs according to how dangerous they are. Class A most dangerous to Class C less dangerous. • Drug Trafficking Act 1976: This allowed traffickers to be imprisoned and their property / assets confiscated. • Intoxicating Substances (Supply) Act 1985: Illegal to sell to anyone under the age of 18 a substance that he /she believes is t be used for the purpose of intoxication. Since 1999 it is illegal to sell to under 18s gas lighter refills. Maximum penalty is £5000 or up to 6 months prison.
Key Biblical Quotes • “Surely you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit lives in you.” 1 Corinthians 3:16 • “Drinking too much makes you loud and foolish. It’s stupid to get drunk.” Proverbs • “Do not get drunk with wine, which will only ruin you.” Ephesians 5:18 • “Do not drink water only, but take a little wine to help your digestion.” 1 Timothy 5:23 • “The right thing to do is to keep from eating meat, drinking wine, or doing anything else that will make your brother or sister fall.” Romans 14:21
Key Biblical Quotes • “The acts of a sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies and the like. I warn you , as ik did before; that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.” Galations 5 19-21. • Other related stories could be: • The wedding at Cana • The Parable of the Sheep and Goats • The Good Samaritan.
Christian Responses: • Smoking: No direct teaching on the subject. Some Christians believe it to be wrong. It breaks the idea of the sanctity of life, is unfair on others (second hand smoke) and is a waste of money that could be otherwise better used. • Alcohol: Differing views on this. Some are tee total. The Salvation Army believe that alcohol has a very detrimental effect on society and therefore ought to be avoided. Ought not to tempt those with problems. On a practical level they run soup kitchens and support recovering alcoholics. Other Christians believe drinking in moderation is fine as long as one avoids drunkenness. Jesus and St Paul drank. • Illegal Drugs: All mainstream Christian groups disagree with illegal drugs. Sanctity of Life, Crime associations, Illegality etc. The only exceptions are the Ethiopian Coptic Church and the Rastafarians who believe in the use of ganga. Genesis 1:12 & 29.is permitted especially as it can be used to induce mystical states.