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Name I am Mr FOOD. Mission Travelling through your digestive system . Welcome to the human body !!. 1-Choosing the right food. 2-Healthy lifestyle. 3 -Digestion journey. I can differentiate the « sometimes » and « always » food .
Name I am Mr FOOD. Mission Travelling throughyourdigestivesystem. Welcometothe human body!! 1-Choosing therightfood 2-Healthy lifestyle 3-Digestion journey I can differentiatethe «sometimes» and «always» food. I can design a complete menubasedonitsnutrients. I understandthefoodpyramid. I knowtheprocess of digestingfood. I understandtheimportance of a gooddiet and a healthylifestyle. I knowhowthecirculatory, respiratory and excretorysystemsaffectonthenutritionsystem.
1-. Complete Tomatoes Olives BeansCroquettes Bacon EggsPeachCreamCandiesJam Peas Pasta Chick Peas KetchupSyrupBlueberries Identifyingfood 2-. Write S (sometimesfood) or a (alwaysfood) in thecircles WHY «SOMETIMES FOOD»? ARTIFICIAL PROCESS FAT SUGARS
GOOD FATS MISSION:I Itsslowenergy, italsohelpsthebodyheating up. WHERE: oils, butter, diaryproducts, olives, nuts… PROTEINS MISSION:I Ithelpsbuilding up muscles, tissues… WHERE: meat, fish, eggs, diaryproducts… CARBS MISSION:It´sfantasticquickenergy. WHERE: Grains, pasta, flour, bread, potatoes, rice, beans, vegetables… EXTRAS VITAMINS AND MINERALS Veryimportantforalltheorgans in thebody. Natural products. Thebasics CALCIUM Goodforbones. Diaryproducts, greenleaves, salmon, sardines… FIBER Goodfordigestion. Vegetables, fruits, wholegrains… REFINED SUGARS, ARTIFICIAL ELEMENTS, STARCH, BAD FATS… A balanced PERFECT menu GOOD FATS PROTEINS.
ASPARRAGUS PEAS CHEESE OLIVES SPAGUETTI Are thereenoughproteins in thisplate?? Thesolutionwould be ADDING MORE PROTEINS (meat, fish…) SUPERVISING MENUS OLIVES Regular spaguetticontainsrefinedgrains Thesolutionwould be WHOLE GRAIN SPAGUETTI. CHEESE SPAGUETTI ASPARRAGUS PEAS 1-. Cross outtheunhealthymenus 2-. Supervise one of them. (In a blankpaper) 3-. Let´s supervise theschool´s canteen menu.
1-. Nowthewholeclassdesigns a balanced and healthymorningsnackforthird and fourth grade. And remember… QUALITY-ECONOMY!! Organizeyourmoney and makeit simple. BALANCED QUALITY MEAL IT´S A SNACK!! DON´T OVERLOAD it!! Preparingourmenu 1st STEP: Checkthemarket catalogue. 2nd STEP:: Design a balanced and healthysnack. 3rd STEP: Makethe shopping list: shops, ingredients (products and quantity) and euros estimation. 4th STEP: SHOPPING DAY!! 5th STEP: COOKING DAY!! LAST STEP: We share itwith 4th grade.
1-. Circlewhat´sthehealthyhabit. Thenwritethehealthy and «friendly- planet» advice. 1-. / 2-. / 3-. / 4-. / 5-. / 6-. / 7-. / 8— / 9-. / 10-. / Healthy and consciouslifestyles
Mr. Food has arrivedto NUTRITION land. HerfirststepisTheDigestivesystem… Ready? MOUTH ESOPHAGUS Mr. FoodisattackedbyTeeth and Tongue. CHEWING ATTACK!!! But he finds a wayout… Mr. Foodfallsdownintodeeptube. AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Nextstationisanimportantorgan! INTESTINES, RECTUM AND ANUS STOMACH Mr. BlobbyFoodisnowmovinginto a laberynth of intestines. They are transforminghiminto WASTE. There comes theanus, I can seethe light WOWWW, THEY GOT RID OF ME!! Mr. Foodisattackedagain. Acids and movingwalls try togetthenutrientsfrom Mr. Food, Hey, careful, mate!! But Mr. Food, now «Mr. BlobbyFood», ispushedaway… 1-. Complete: MouthEsophagusRectumAnusLarge-intestine Small-intestineStomachLiver
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM 1-. NASAL CAVITY 4-. LUNGS 3-.BRONCHIAL TUBES 2.,TRACHEA 4-. LUNGS THE REST OF THE NUTRITION SYSTEMS Getsrid of the 3-. BODY CIRCULATORY SYSTEM 1-HEART Distributesalongthebody. Picksthewastefromthebody. 2-ARTERIES 3-. LUNGS 4-. VEINS EXCRETORY SYSTEM • Thekydneys and thebladderhelpusgettingrid of waste.