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Chapter 21

Chapter 21. A Dividing Nation. Issue of slavery & the Missouri compromise. Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. Northerners opposed this because it would upset the balance of free and slave states in the Senate.

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Chapter 21

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  1. Chapter 21 A Dividing Nation

  2. Issue of slavery & the Missouri compromise • Missouri applied for statehood as a slave state. • Northerners opposed this because it would upset the balance of free and slave states in the Senate. • Southerners favored Missouri being admitted as a slave state because there would be more slave states than free states in Senate. • The Tallmadge Amendment proposed that Missouri be admitted as a free state. • Northerners favored this because it would stop the spread of slavery into the Louisiana Territory. • Southerners opposed this because if Missouri were admitted as a free state, the North would have the votes in Congress to end slavery. What actually happened? • Missouri entered the Union as a slave state. • Maine entered the Union as a free state. • Congress drew a line at 36°30' across the Louisiana Territory. Slavery was permitted south of that line and prohibited north of it.

  3. Missouri Compromise

  4. Missouri Compromise

  5. Compromise Unravels • Abolitionists wanted to stop slavery in Washington, D.C., but Congress refused to consider anti-slavery petitions. • Northern abolitionists were angered because they wanted Congress to outlaw slavery in the capital. • Southerners were pleased because the South wanted no limitations placed on slavery. • Some northerners assisted fugitive slaves. • Northerners tolerated this practice because they felt slavery was wrong. • Southerners condemned this practice because they felt a runaway slave was lost property. What actually happened? • The slave trade was ended in Washington, D.C. • A strong fugitive slave law was passed.

  6. The Compromise of 1850 • The Wilmot Proviso stated slavery would not be allowed in the Mexican Cession. • Northerners favored this amendment because they wanted to prevent the expansion of slavery into territories. • Southerners opposed this amendment because they felt Congress had no right to tell slaveholders where they could take their property. • California applied for admission as a free state. • Northerners favored admitting California as a free state because it would create more free states than slave states in Congress. • Southerners opposed admitting California as a free state because it would make the slaves states a minority in Congress. What Actually Happened? • California was admitted as a free state. New Mexico and Utah were organized as territories open to slavery.

  7. The Compromise of 1850

  8. Compromise Satisfies No One • The Fugitive Slave Law caused bitterness between the North and the South. • Northerners were dissatisfied because they were asked to help slave catchers. • Southerners were dissatisfied because northerners refused to obey it. • Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Harriet Beecher Stowe) told the story of a slave and his master. The book was popular in the North because it aroused powerful emotions against slavery. • The Kansas-Nebraska Act stated that the issue of slavery in the territories would be decided by popular sovereignty. Both pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces rushed to the territories to vote. • Northerners were unhappy about the act because it overturned the Missouri Compromise and allowed slavery north of 36°30’ in the Louisiana Territory. What actually happened? • Pro-slavery settlers burn buildings, loot homes, and destroy newspaper presses in Kansas. John Brown and 7 men responded by killing 5 pro-slavery men. • SC representative attacks Senator Sumner after bloodshed in Kansas is blamed on the South

  9. The Dred Scott Decision • Dred Scott was a slave who believed his trip to Wisconsin (where slavery was banned) made him a free man. Took it to court when returned to Missouri. What actually happened? • Scott could not sue for his freedom in a federal court because he was not a citizen, nor could any African American ever become an American citizen. • Scott’s stay in Wisconsin did not make him a free man because the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional. • Congress cannot ban slavery in the territories.

  10. Compromise to Crisis • During the Lincoln-Douglas debates, positions regarding slavery were made clear. • Lincoln, representing the opinion of the North, felt slavery was a moral issue. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” • Douglas, representing the opinion of the South, felt slavery was a legal issue and was settled through the Dred Scott decision. • John Brown attacked the arsenal at Harpers Ferry to get weapons for a slave rebellion. • Northerners considered Brown a hero. • Southerners feared slave rebellions might spread throughout the South. • In 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president. • Northerners were happy because Lincoln was opposed to the spread of slavery. • Southerners were unhappy because they had lost most of their political power. What actually happened? • SC and six other states seceded from the Union. (Lincoln states is unconstitutional) • SC fired on Fort Sumter (April 12, 1861) starting the Civil War.

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