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African Civil Wars in 1990s

African Civil Wars in 1990s. Sierra Leone as an example. Timeline of key events: Before British colonization. 1462 -Sierra Leone got its name when a Portuguese explorer sailed down the coast of West Africa.

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African Civil Wars in 1990s

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  1. African Civil Wars in 1990s Sierra Leone as an example

  2. Timeline of key events: Before British colonization • 1462-Sierra Leone got its name when a Portuguese explorer sailed down the coast of West Africa. • 1787 - British abolitionists and philanthropists establish a settlement in Freetown for repatriated and rescued slaves. • 1792-1808 - Freetown settlement becomes crown colony.

  3. Timeline of key events: British Colonization (1808-1961) • 1896 - Britain sets up a protectorate over the Freetown hinterland. • 1898- Hut Tax War • 1951-The first election, SLPP won . • 1954 - Sir Milton Margai, leader of the Sierra Leone People's Party, appointed chief minister. • 1960- Sir Milton Margai led the Sierra Leone delegation at the constitutional conferences that were held with British Colonial Secretary Iain Macleod in London.

  4. Ethnic problems during British colonization

  5. Timeline of key events: Post- Independence (1961-1991)-1 • 1961 - Sierra Leone becomes independent. • 1967 - Military coup –Sergeant’s revolt--deposes Premier Siaka Stevens' government. • 1968 - Siaka Stevens returns to power at the head of a civilian government following another military coup. • 1971 - Sierra Leone declared a republic, Stevens becomes executive president.

  6. Timeline of key events: Post- Independence (1961-1991)-2 • 1978 - New constitution proclaims Sierra Leone a one-party state with the A P C as the sole legal party. 1978-1985 patron-client politics • 1985 - Major-General Joseph Saidu Momoh becomes president following Stevens's retirement. • 1987 - Momoh declares state of economic emergency.

  7. Timeline of key events: Coups and Civil War (1991-2001) -1 • 1991 - Start of civil war. Former army corporal Foday Sankoh and his Revolutionary United Front (RUF) begin campaign against President Momoh, capturing towns on border with Liberia. • 1992 - President Joseph Momoh ousted in military coup led by Captain Valentine Strasser. Under international pressure, Strasser announces plans for the first multi-party elections since 1967.

  8. Timeline of key events: Coups and Civil War (1991-2001)-2 • 1996 - Ahmad Tejan Kabbah elected president in February, signs peace accord with Sankoh's rebels in November. • 1997 - Peace deal unravels. President Kabbah deposed by army in May. Kabbah flees to Guinea to mobilize international support. • 2001 May - Disarmament of rebels begins, and British-trained Sierra Leone army starts deploying in rebel-held areas.

  9. International Intervention • UN projects • UNOMSIL (1998-1999)- monitor the military and security situation in Sierra Leone, as well as the disarmament and demobilization of former combatants. • UNHCHR-Humanitarian help • FAO and UNWFP-Food aid that meet emergency needs and support economic & social development • ECOMOG & Nigeria • Liberia—Charles Taylor • Mercenary • Sandline (UK)—supplies "logistical support", including rifles and intelligence, to Kabbah allies. • Executive Outcomes—(SA) hired by Strasser to repel the RUF and reconquer rutile mines

  10. References • http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/1065898.stm • http://www.sierra-leone.org/ • http://www.un.org/Depts/DPKO/Missions/unomsil/Unomsil.htm • 嚴震生,「九○年代獅子山的衝突及內戰:國內因素及國際介入」,問題與研究(台北),第三十八卷第十二期(1999-12),頁29-53。

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