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Physics with Radioactive Beams: Present & Future Key Note Address. Robert V. F. Janssens. Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science 2014 ARIS 2014 Tokyo, June 1 – 6, 2014. OUR SCIENCE CASE: The Nuclear Landscape and the Big Questions (NAS report).
Physics with Radioactive Beams: Present & FutureKey Note Address Robert V. F. Janssens Advances in Radioactive Isotope Science 2014 ARIS 2014 Tokyo, June 1 – 6, 2014
OUR SCIENCE CASE: The Nuclear Landscape and the Big Questions (NAS report) • How did visible matter come into being and how does it evolve? • How does subatomic matter organize itself and what phenomena emerge? • Are the fundamental interactions that are basic to the structure of matter fully understood? • How can the knowledge and technological progress provided by nuclear physics best be used to benefit society? • Fundamental aspects (reduction) • Nature of building blocks • Nature of fundamental interactions • Self-organization of building blocks (emergence) • Nature of composite structures and phases • Origin of simple patterns in complex systems The Nuclear Landscape Courtesy of W. Nazarewicz
Worldwide Efforts in Rare Isotope Science This is the nuclear physics equivalent of a gold rush – rare isotope rush R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy of B. Sherrill
ESR Experimental Equipment (Incomplete list) S800 DANCE EURICA AGATA JUROGAM SHIP GRETINA LAND Köln plunger TITAN GFRS ACCULIINA HIRFL-CSR Dubna accelerator VANDLE RITU Gammasphere COLLAPS BGS ISOLDE MONA/LISA VAMOS R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note BigRIPS Samurai Courtesy of B. Sherrill
Ab-initio: Use ab initio theory and study of exotic nuclei to determine the interactions of nucleons in light nuclei and connect these to QCD by effective field theory Density Functional Theory:Use density functional theory to connect to heavy nuclei. Exotic nuclei help determine the form and parameters of the DFT. Ab initio Configuration interactions Density Functional Theory Dynamical symmetries A unified theory of the nucleus: The theory road map Effective Interactions: For mid-mass nuclei use configuration space models. The degrees of freedom and interactions must be determined from exotic nuclei Theoretical Approaches overlap and bridges need to be built between them R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Lightest nuclei: Determining the nucleon interactions from QCD & Structure and Reactions of light nuclei Courtesy of B. Jonson R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Lightest nuclei: Structure and Reactions of light nuclei J.P. Fernandez-Garcia et al., PRL 110, 142701 • 11Li breakup on 208Pb around Coulomb Barrier • Sizable 9Li yield even below barrier • Data & cont.-discretized CC calculations support presence of low energy dipole resonance in the 11Li continuum Z.-T. Lu, P. Mueller,et al, Rev. Mod. Phys. 85, 1383 M. Brodeur et al., PRL 108, 052504 M. Cubero et al., PRL 109, 262701 • Does Halo nucleus follow Rutherford Scattering below the barrier? • Strong reduction (vs 9Li) even well below barrier • 4-body cont.-discretized CC calculations indicate reduction due to strong Coulomb coupling to dipole states in continuum low-lying dipole resonance close to break up threshold Ec.m=23.1 MeV Ec.m=28.3 MeV Importance of 3N forces R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy J. Dilling
Lightest nuclei: Structure and Reactions of light nuclei 11Be(βp), a quasi-free neutron decay? “With a branching ratio of (8.3±0.9)·10−6 the strength of this decay mode, as measured by the BGT value, is unexpectedly high. The result could be interpreted as a quasi-free decay of the 11Be halo neutron into a single-proton state” K.Riisager et al., PLB 732, 305 13Be: the challenge of an unbound system Relative Energy Spectrum G. Randisi et al. PRC 89, 034320 C(14Be,12Be+n) Nuclear Charge Radius of 12Be “The charge radius is related to the breakdown of the N=8 shell closure with and (sd)2 admixture of 70%.” A. Krieger et al., PRL 108, 142501 12C(14Be, 12Be+n) 1H(14Be, 12Be+n) 12C(14,15B, 12Be+n & 12Be+n+n) 1H(14Be, 12Be+n) s resonance d resonances Non-resonant continuum 12Be + n threshold G. Randisi et al. PRC 89, 034320 NPA 791, 267 PLB 690, 245 PRC 87, 064316 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Lightest nuclei: Structure and Reactions of light nuclei First observation of 15Be 14Be(d,p) 15Be14Be +n J. Snyder et al., PRC 88, 031303(R) First observation of dineutron decay (?) Coupling bound continuum states: 14Be continuum & 2+2 state Be(17B,p+ 16Be14Be +n +n) 1.54(13) MeV, 2+1 (0d5/2)2 3.54(16) MeV, 2+2 (1s1/2,0d5/2)2 Yu. Aksyutina et al., PRL 111, 142501 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note A. Spyrouet al., PRL 108, 102501
Two-nucleon emission :Unbound p-rich vs unbound n-rich A. Spyrouet al., PRL 108, 102501 2-p emission: Sequential … 3-body decay -- F. Wamers et al., PRL 112, 132502 15Ne: decay proceeds to 13O with simultaneous 2p emission, no sequential decay though 14F. 2 protons around 13O: 63(5)% (1s1/2)2 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Shell Evolution, Binding and the Oxygen Isotopes N.A. Smirnova et al., PLB 686 , 109 T. Otsuka et al., PRL 104, 032501 T. Otsuka et al., PRL 105, 032501 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy of B. Jonson
Shell Evolution, Binding and the Oxygen Isotopes G. Hagen et al., PRL 108 , 242501 A.Ekstrom et al., PRL 110 , 192502 Streamlining the nuclear force: how important are 3N forces after all? “NN interaction optimized from chiral effective field theory at the next-to-next-to leading order; the contributions from NNN forces are smaller than for previous parametrizations of chiral interactions. Many aspects of nuclear structure can be understood in terms of the NN interaction, without explicitly invoking NNN forces” less pain & more gain? R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
New Shell Closures N = 32 & 34: the Ca – Ni Region 52Ca 54Ti 56Cr Courtesy of A. Gade R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Ca Shell Closure at N = 32 Multi-reflection time-of-flightandPenning-trap massspectrometry 53,54Ca 51,52Ca TITAN & ISOLTRAP: A.T. Gallant et al., PRL 109 032506 F. Wienholtz et al., Nature 498, 346 B • Mass measurements via S2nestablish new shell closureat N = 32 • Correctpredictionfrom3N-forces N = 32 N = 28 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy J. Dilling & K. Blaum
Ca Shell Closure at N = 34 2+ at 2043(19) keV Shell ordering (N ~ Z) (N >>Z) D. Steppenbeck et al., Nature 502, 207 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
From Ca to Ni testing the effective interactions N=40 Cr & Fe: evidence for collectivity from (1) Lowest E(2+) in the region (2) Large B(E2) values 68Ni A. Gade et al., PRC 81, 051304(R) J. Ljungvall et al., PRC 81, 061301(R) N=34-40 Cr & Fe: Shape Coexistence from Higher spin studies (deep inelastic reactions) Importance of both g9/2 & d5/2 neutrons in driving collectivity M.P. Carpenter et al., PRC 87, 041305(R) Courtesy of A. Gade • N=36,38 Ti: • Steep decrease in collectivity when compared to Cr & Fe • Closure at N=40? SM calc. with modified LNPS interaction suggests small gap, and configuration dominated by 2p-2h + 4p-4h • N=40 Ca: 6 more neutrons to add to 54Ca • 60Ca N=40 sub-shell closure?? A. Gade et al., PRL 112, 112503 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
From Ca to Ni testing the effective interactions Y. Tsunoda et al., PRC 89, 031310(R) Monte Carlo SM pf-g9/2-d5/2 S. Suchyta et al., PRC 89, 021301(R) 0+2 0+1 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note F. Recchia et al., PRC 88, 041302(R)
Shell Structure near Z=50, N=82 Z=46 (Pd) Z=50 (Sn) H. Watanabe et al., PRL111, 152501 132Sn(9Be,10Be) 132Sn(9Be,8Be) H. Wang et al., PRC 88, 054318 R.L. Kozub et al., PRL 109, 172501 & J.M. Almond et al., PRL 112, 172701 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Neutron skin: 208Pb Neutron skin: Antiprotonic atoms: Proton elastic scattering: Friedman and Gal, Phys. Rep. 452, 89 J. Zenihiro et al., PRC82, 044611 S. Abrahamyan et al. (PREx Collaboration), PRL 108, 112502 Strong correlation between the dipole polarizability aD and neutron skin predicted by DFT: P.-G. Reinhard and W. Nazarewicz, PRC 81, 051303(R) PREx: FW(q) RCNP: aD , via (p,p’) scattering A. Tamii et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 062502 (RCNP) • Next: • PREx(II) • New PREx measurement for 48Ca… • RCNP data on aD in 48Ca… Courtesy of W. Nazarewicz R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
proton drip line News from the proton drip line Y.H. Zhang et al., PRL 109, 102501 P.J. Davies et al., PRL 111, 072501 First spectroscopy of 52Ni and 51Co combined with available data on 52Cr and 51Cr “Comparisons between SM calculations and data provide evidence compelling evidence that both electromagnetic and additional isospin nonconserving interactions for J=2 couplings are required” “IMME inconsistent with the accepted quadratic form for the A=53, T=3/2 quartet” “If confirmed, possible evidence for enhanced effects of isospin mixing and/or charge-dependent nuclear forces in the fp shell 82 known up to Z=91 126 protons 50 82 neutron drip line 28 20 50 likely known up to oxygen 8 28 2 20 8 2 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note neutrons
News from the proton drip line R.J. Carroll et al., PRL 112, 092501 82 126 protons 50 82 Example of high-spin multiparticle isomers beyond the proton drip line, possibly with longer lifetimes than their lower-lying, low-spin states states. Such isomers could blur the boundaries of the nuclear landscape by providing the last observables states beyond the proton drip line. 28 20 50 8 28 2 20 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
At the extremes in Z and A: SHE superheavy nuclei 82 126 protons 50 82 28 20 50 8 28 2 20 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note neutrons
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy of SHE: 256Rf P.T.Greenlees et al., PRL 109, 012501 • Moments of inertia are related to (deformed) shell gaps & pairing correlations ~ 17nb (250Fm)> (254No)> (250No) (256Rf)> • At a shell gap, pairing correlations are weakened, resulting in larger moments of inertia • Gaps at Z=100 (Fm) and N=102 (254No) • No gap at Z=104 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Superheavy Elements 117/293 117/294 115/289 115/290 2009-2012 113/285 113/286 48Ca +249Bk T1/2= 320d ORNL High Flux Reactor 111/282 111/281 109/277 109/278 Collaboration: FLNR (Dubna) ORNL (Oak-Ridge) LLNL (Livermore) IAR (Dmitrovgrad) Vanderbilt University 226Ra Hs/270 10 s a 237Np 9.06 107/274 107/273 Sg/266 243Am 0.2 s 242Pu, 245Cm 105/270 105/269 244Pu, 248Cm 104/269 104/270 249Cf 103/266 102/266 164 RiKEN (Japan) 209Bi +70Zn 48Ca + R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy of B. Sherrill Summary Figure adapted from Y. Ogannessian
Characterizing the newest SHE & their production Yu.Ts. Oganessian et al., PRC 87, 014302 Yu.Ts. Oganessian et al., PRC 87, 054621 J. Jhuyafbaatar et al., PRL 112, 172501 • New TASCA data: • Confirmation of Z=117, N=177 • Chains of 7 a decays • Previously unknown Dba –decay branch with • long T1/2 “important step towards the • observation of even more long-lived nuclei of • SHE located on an “island of stability” R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Characterizing the newest SHE & their production D. Rudolph et al., PRL 111, 112502 30 a-decay chains + X- & g-ray detection + comprehensive Monte Carlo simulations First “spectroscopy” for Z > 112 Z identification through X rays R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Towards long-lived SHE nuclei S. Cwiok, P.H. Heenen, W. Nazarewicz Nature, 433, 705 (2005) long-lived SHE Courtesy of W. Nazarewicz R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Nuclear landscape and nucleosynthesis Courtesy of W. Nazarewicz r-process s-process NSTAR rp-process Reaction networks (captures, decays) n-star crustprocesses R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Quantified Nuclear Landscape Erler et al. Nature 486, 509 Massive calculations, with six models (Skyrme interactions). How many protons and neutrons can be bound in a nucleus? Literature: 5,000-12,000 Skyrme-DFT: 6,900±500syst
Quantified Nuclear Landscape Erler et al. Nature 486, 509 A.V. Afanasjev et al., , Phys. Lett. B 726, 680 Covariant density functional theory & comparisons with Skyrme density functionals, Gogny density functional & microscopic-macroscopic model
Mass spectrometry on radionuclides Courtesy of K. Blaum Nuclear astrophysics studies: Masses, Half-lifes, Reaction Rates R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Mass spectrometry: r-process Original Area II 2012 CARIBU 2013 > 100 masses measured with CARIBU J. Van Schelt et al., PRC 85, 045805 & PRL 111, 061102. More data to come, also from SLOWRI-MR TOF (RIBF) • Trends indicate nuclei are less bound with neutron excess (affects the location of the r-process path • Good agreement between all trap results and reaction Q value measurements • Large disagreement with results obtained with β-decay measurements Also data from: JYFLTRAPSHIPTRAP CPT NSCL trap ISOLTRAP TITAN 108 new isotopes observed in recent FRS experiments J. Kurcewicz et al., PLB 717, 371 R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Understanding the rp-process Decay studies of 100Sn, 96Cd(GSI, MSU RFFS) RIB Indirect (p,d) MSU RIB indirect(d,n) FSU RIB Indirect Coul. Dis. (RIKEN, GSI) Breakup (GANIL) Direct (p,): (TRIUMF, ORNL) Stable:(3He,t) Yale, TUM RIB direct (,p) or inverse(ANL, ORNL, LLN, CRIB, TRIUMF) Stable:(p,t), (4He,6He) (Yale, RCNP) RIB Indirect:(p,p), ANC(ORNL) Stable: (ANL)fusion-evaporation- Stable: (3He,n) ND ORNL -decay Nuclear Data: - Decay data JYFLTRAPSHIPTRAP CPT ISOLTRAP TITAN - Masses RIB indirect (d,ng) MSU RIB indirect (d,p) mirror ANL - Reaction rates CPT, ISOLTRAP, LEBITLanzhou CSRburst light cuves Lanzhou CSRburst light cuves (45Cr no CaSc cycle) Nuc. Theory- predict rates (HF,DC,SM) - Interpret experiments Mass known <10 keV Mass known <100 keV R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note Courtesy of W. B. Sherrill
Supernova dynamics: Iron & Titanium in Cassiopeia A Cass A has viewed by the Nuclear spectroscopy Telescope Array (NuSTAR) Iron as seen by Chandra Titanium as seen by NuSTAR Iron and Titanium do not match: Can iron not be seen because it is too faint? Or Is the dynamics of the explosion wrong? Is the input to the dynamics wrong? Courtesy of A. Burrows, B.W. Grefenstette & the NuSTAR satellite team R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Supernova dynamics: Iron & Titanium V. Margerin et al. , PRB 731, 358 M. Sasano et al. , PRL 107, 202501 Viewpoint: K. Langanke Physics 4, 91 56Ni(p,n) • Gamow-Teller strengths extracted • Tests modern shell-model interactions for N=Z=28 • Key for improving weak rates for supernovae modeling Specifically, Electron Capture on 56Ni is an important contributor to the change in electron-to-baryon ratios in the core-collapse supernovae of stars of 25-40 solar masses. 44Ti(a,p)47V • Upper limit to cross section measured in the Gamow window for the 1st time slower than expected! • Reaction proceeds more slowly in core-collapse supernovae than previously thought • At least a reduction of Ti destruction by ~30% increase in Ti yield in ejecta would bring SN1987A and Cass A in closer agreement with models. R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Testing the fundamental symmetries of nature Parity violation studies in francium 126 82 Weak interaction studies in N=Z nuclei EDM search in radon& radium 50 protons 82 • Specific nuclei offer new opportunities for precision tests of: • CP and P violation • Unitarity of the CKM matrix • Physics beyond the Standard model 28 20 50 8 28 neutrons 2 20 Will we turn experimental signals into precise information on physics beyond the standard model? 8 2
EDM in Ra and Rn: sensitivity enhancement through octupole def. • Closely spaced parity doublet gives rise to enhanced electric dipole moment • Large intrinsic Schiff moment • Dobaczewski & Engel, • Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 232502 (2005) • 225Ra at ANL and KVI • 223Rn at TRIUMF Gaffney et al., Nature 497, 199, R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
0.4 mm 225Ra EDM experiment All steps demonstrated Expect first measurements in 2013. Then focus on systematics MOT Head-on view Sideview ODT 0.04 mm MOT 0.4 mm MOT & ODT MOT 0.4 mm Nuclear precession of aligned Ra-225 ODT 0.04 mm R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Francium PNC experiment • First collinear laser spectroscopy on Fr • 208Fr used as a frequency reference • 206Fr new measurement discovered isomer • Moments, spin, charge radii for 206Fr g.s. /isomer • First laser spectroscopy of 205Fr • A. Voss et al., PRL 111, 122501 Successful Francium trapping of 207,209,221Fr in Magneto Optical Trap (MOT) R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
Summary • Our field of physics with exotic beams continues to explore exciting science and is well positioned to pursue new opportunities further. • Progress has been made in all areas: structure, astrophysics and fundamental interactions and much remains to be done. • Let’s not forget the societal relevance of our science applications. Thank you K. Blaum, A. Burrows, M. Carpenter, J. Dilling, A. Gade, P. Greenlees, K. Grzywacz-Jones, B. Jonson, R. Kanungo, K.-H. Langanke, P. Mueller, T. Motobayashi, T. Otsuka, M. Pfutzner, W. Nazarewicz, G. Savard, H. Schatz, B. Sherrill, O. Sorlin, I. Tanihata, P. VanDuppen, W. Walters, S. Zhu R.V.F. Janssens ARIS 2014 Key Note
In 2003, Prof. Yano told … SRC was a “phantom” cyclotron. We make it real using the idea that the entire machine will be surrounded with iron. GSI, for instance, succeeded in the production of 78Ni in the 90’s, but created only three in 500,000 sec (5.5 days) of operation. The projection for this accelerator is that ten 78Ni’s will be produced every second .... The most recent rate achieved at RIBF: ~7 nuclei of 79Cu s-1
On Nov.7, 2005, full excitation of sector magnets was achieved. A 140-ton cold mass cooled down to 4.5 K in 3 weeks.