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Public Speaking

Public Speaking. The even more lost art. Overall Learning Target. I can use strong public speaking skills to present a coherent claim supported with relevant evidence. Organizational Skills . Organizational skills are an important part of composing a speech.

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Public Speaking

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  1. Public Speaking The even more lost art.

  2. Overall Learning Target • I can use strong public speaking skills to present a coherent claim supported with relevant evidence.

  3. Organizational Skills • Organizational skills are an important part of composing a speech. • You’ll discover the organizational skills you need for public speaking are needed in other areas too. • Planning • Outlining • Writing • Organizing Notes

  4. Writing Skills • You will learn how to: • Get the audiences attention • Organize effectively • Support your ideas • These skills will help you: • Write compositions and essays • Write essay questions on tests • Write reports for other classes or future jobs

  5. Critical Thinking Skills • By studying the use of supportive materials and persuasive strategies: • You will be able to find an arguments weak points • You will learn to ask questions about the claims speakers make • As you learn to listen critically you will also begin to think critically and be able to: • Better able to solve job and school related problems • Meet your own personal goals • Contribute to your community

  6. Research Skills • Most of the time when students have to write a research essay they summarize Wikipedia. • This makes your work limited, dull, and questionable, because Wikipedia is limited and not a credible source of information. • You will gain practice using a variety of research materials • This will help you in many classes and job related activities.

  7. Listening Skills • Listening and speaking go hand in hand. • By learning good speaking techniques you will: • Prepare speeches that are easy for an audience to follow and understand. • Learn how to listen to other speakers in order to hear all of their key points. • By listening to each others speeches you will: • Improve your listening skills in every other listening situation.

  8. Self-Confidence • Giving a speech in front of a group of people can be a difficult and emotional risk. • You will learn how to take risks and succeed, and this will increase your self-confidence. • Self-confidence will help you: • Give better speeches • Participate in group discussions • Be confident in interviews

  9. Public Speaking is More Than Speaking

  10. Today’s Learning Target I can define and develop a claim.

  11. When Public Speaking • We use claims to center our talking. • Keeps us from rambling on. • Give the listener a clear idea of our message. • Ensures the listener hears what we want them to. • This is how we begin a speech.

  12. Definition: Claim • Statement that we believe to be a fact or true. • Bold statement that controls the speech or paragraph. • Statements that can be debated. • They are statements that require supporting evidence to be true. • We have to prove them. • They can’t just be simple facts like “humans need oxygen.” In your words define “claim” in your notes.

  13. Not a claim. It rained yesterday. • We do not need a lot of supporting evidence to prove this statement is true. • This can’t really be debated.

  14. Claim Everyone is in a bad mood today because it rained yesterday. • Someone is going to need to provide supporting evidence to prove this is true. • This statement can be debated.

  15. Developing a claim • Select a topic or subject. • Decide what we want to say about it or what our opinion is. • Test it: • Does it require supporting evidence to be true. • Is this an idea others might disagree or debate.

  16. Practice Topics: • Pizza in Seattle • One Direction • Sharks • This year’s musical • MileyCyrus • The perfect Friday

  17. Learning Target I can support a claim with relevantevidence.

  18. Key Vocabulary • Support: To hold up • Relevant: Connected • Evidence: that which tends to prove or disprove something, something that makes clear.

  19. When Public Speaking • After we make a claim we have to support it with evidence. • This is where we convince the listener our claim is true. • We have to use strong evidence that supports our claim. • We can’t use random evidence.

  20. Supporting Relevant Evidence • Details that prove your claim. • Observations that prove your claim. • Arguments that prove your claim. • Facts that prove your claim.

  21. Evaluating Evidence • Not all evidence supports or holds up the claim. • Not all evidence is relevant or connected to the claim.

  22. Soccer is the ultimate sport. (1) Soccer requires players to be in constant motion throughout the whole game. (2) Staying active is important for your health. (3) Also, soccer requires players to wear cleats while they play. (4) Finally, soccer players must work together as a team in order to play well.

  23. Soccer is the ultimate sport. (1) Soccer requires players to be in constant motion throughout the whole game. (2) Staying active is important for your health. (3) Also, soccer requires players to wear cleats while they play. (4) Finally, soccer players must work together as a team in order to play well.

  24. Soccer is the ultimate sport. (1) Soccer requires players to be in constant motion throughout the whole game. (2) Staying active is important for your health. (3) Also, soccer requires players to wear cleats while they play. (4) Finally, soccer players must work together as a team in order to play well.

  25. Soccer is the ultimate sport. (1) Soccer requires player to be in constant motion throughout the whole game. (2) People all around the world enjoy and play soccer. (3) Finally, soccer players must work together as a team in order to play well.

  26. Using your claim from yesterday… • Write 3-5 sentences of supporting relevant evidence. • The stronger the evidence the better! • It is better to have 4 strong pieces of evidence than 5 weak ones.

  27. Learning Target I can craft a claim with supporting evidence in a coherent manner.

  28. Vocabulary • Craft: create or make • Coherent: logical, connected, makes sense to the listener. • Manner: way of doing something

  29. When Public Speaking • Often there is a difference between what we think we are saying and what our audience is actually hearing. • Sometimes we think we are making perfect sense (it makes sense to us), but the audience doesn’t understand (they are confused). • We need to present information using transition or cue words. • Hints for the listener.

  30. The Zoo The Zoo is the saddest place I have been to. Let’s begin with the fact that all of the animals are locked up in cages or tanks much smaller than their natural habitat. In addition, the animals seem depressed, they always have their head down and hardly ever move. Finally, as I leave the zoo I am most sad by the fact that I can go home but those animals will by stuck in their cages forever.

  31. The Zoo The Zoo is the saddest place I have been to. Let’s begin with the fact that all of the animals are locked up in cages or tanks much smaller than their natural habitat. In addition, the animals seem depressed, they always have their head down and hardly ever move. Finally, as I leave the zoo I am most sad by the fact that I can go home but those animals will by stuck in their cages forever.

  32. Learning Targets • I can identify the components that make up strong public speaking skills. • I can deliver information using strong public speaking skills.

  33. Body Language DO’s • Stand straight up • Face your audience • Feet planted shoulder with apart • Hands out and ready for action • Eyes are at audience level

  34. Body Language Don’ts • Don’t slouch • Don’t turn away from the audience or look at the projector screen • Don’t put your hands in y0ur pockets or cross your arms • Don’t look down!

  35. Practice

  36. Voice and Emotion • Heard from the back of the class. • Slow enough every word is clearly heard. • The tone, volume, and facial expressions match the emotion you are trying to convey.

  37. Don’t… • Force people to ask, “What?” • Don’t mumble or speak too fast. • Oh, and no “umm’s” or “like” • Don’t speak in a monotone voice…like a robot

  38. Practice • With your table group you are going to practice using strong public speaking skills. • The more seriously your use this time the better you will perform tomorrow. • Listeners, be ready to give your speaker constructive feedback. Refer to your Do’s and Don’ts Checklist.

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